The genocide of 10 million Congolese is one more reason why the sun never set on the British Empire . . . because the Alpha and Omega couldn't trust them in the dark!
The birth of the ultra-Catholic Pharaonic state of Belgium was covertly accomplished by incredible intrigue and double-dealing....The poison cup was also overflowing at the birth of the monster.
![]() Pharaoh Leopold I (1790–1865). Misruled from 1831 to 1865. |
![]() Princess Charlotte (1796–1817). |
The Prince of Wales had several children with Maria. One of them, Sir John Conroy, was the real father of Queen Victoria. After a year and a half of marriage, Princess Charlotte died in childbirth after delivering a stillborn son.
![]() The enthronement of Leopold I
on July 21, 1830. |
![]() Queen Louise-Marie (1812–1850). |
The blessed Reformation started in England when King Henry VIII read Leviticus 16:18 and realized that he had committed incest when he married his dead brother's wife.
The founders of the Belgian dynasty completed ignored the prohibitions against such consanguineous marriages, and they trampled the Word of the Alpha and Omega under their feet!
![]() Prince Consort Albert (1819–1861). |
![]() Victoria and Albert on their incestuous wedding day. |
The Prince Consort was just a stud to father children for the consanguineous dynasty....When his job was done, and he tried to play the role of a real husband, the ogress had him poisoned!
Princess Charlotte—better known by her Spanish name Carlota—was the only daughter of Leopold I and Louise-Marie.
Before becoming Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian was an archduke of Austria, and a scion of the House of Habsburg. His brother was the dictatorial Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria.
![]() Empress Carlota of Mexico (1840–1927). |
![]() Emperor Maximilian of Mexico (1832–1867). |
Emperor Maximilian was not air conditioned as he was sterile from syphilis. Carlota believed that she was infertile, so when she became pregnant by a Belgian captain she discovered the truth. She persuaded her husband to allow her to return to Europe to recruit more French soldiers for their Mexican misadventure. She returned to Europe alone, and her husband never saw her again....In 1939, the tragic saga of Maximilian and Carlota was made into a Hollywood movie entitled Juarez, starring Paul Muni and Bette Davis.
Leopold Jr., was crowned in December 1865. The former Empress Carlota did not attend the coronation because she was locked away in the convent.
The marriage of Leopold and Marie Henriette created an historical link between the British Belgian Pharaonic kingdom and the ultra-Catholic Habsburg monarchy.
![]() Pharaoh Leopold II (1835–1909). Misruled from 1865 to 1909. |
![]() Queen Marie Henriette (1836–1902). |
Princess Stéphanie was the second daughter of Pharaoh Leopold II and Marie Henriette.
![]() Princess Stéphanie
(1864–1945). |
![]() Crown Prince Rudolf (1858–1889). |
After the assassination of Archduke Rudolf, the next in line to the throne was Franz Ferdinand—the Emperor's nephew. In 1900, Franz Ferdinand married a Czech duchess named Sophie. The British-Belgian-Prussians were planning WWI since 1871, but all historians claim that it was started in 1914 by the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and Sophie.
Henry Morton Stanley was a British Secret Service agent . . . not a Welsh bastard!!
Henry Morton Stanley was a British spy who adopted the persona of a Welsh bastard named John Rowlands. The first Henry Morton Stanley perished in the Congo in 1882, and was replaced with a double!
![]() From aged 6 to 15, John Rowlands was an inmate in the grim St. Asaph workhouse. |
![]() John Rowlands (b. 1841) aged 15, shortly after leaving the workhouse. |
When Henry Morton Stanley set out to find "lost missionary" David Livingstone, he claimed to be an "American" who served in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War.
![]() "Lost missionary" David Livingstone (1813–1873). |
![]() "Dr. Livingstone, another spy, I presume?" November 10, 1871. |
In March 1871, Stanley set out from Zanzibar with an expedition of about 150 men. He carried an American flag, and as a muscular "Christian" he didn't hesitate to fire on any African tribesmen who challenged his unpilgrim's progress....When he finally met Livingstone he was tongue-tied, and the only thing he could thing of saying was "Dr. Livingstone, I presume."
![]() A bearded Stanley on Zanzibar Island after "discovering" Livingstone. |
![]() Photo of first Henry Morton Stanley (d. 1882) after his "discovery" of Livingstone. |
When Stanley arrived back in Britain he was a national hero like Lord Nelson and the Duke of Wellington. However, many Britons were very upset that an "American" had upstaged them by finding their "lost missionary."
Stanley was asked to give lectures on his African odyssey, and people soon heard his Welsh accent. That was when the legend of John Rowlands the bastard from Wales was born.
![]() Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881). In office from 1858 to 1881. |
![]() Prime Minister William Gladstone (1809–1898). In office from 1868 to 1894. |
By that time Stanley had adopted the persona of a bastard from Wales named John Rowlands.
It was a fiendishly clever mask for Stanley the spy, as BASTARD would officially divorce him from any connection with the British Secret Service . . . and the ruling aristocracy, who were obsessed with pedigree!
![]() Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza (1852–1905). |
![]() A photo of the second Stanley taken in 1885. |
Here is a quote from a British biography of Henry Morton Stanley:
On 2 June 1882, he was enduring the agonies of his third attack of haermaturic fever. Realizing he would be lucky to survive without a period of recuperation in Europe, he ordered and immediate return to Vivi, where he arrived five weeks later, still dangerously ill. His passage downstream was incredibly rapid. On 19 June he was on the west coast at Loanda, from where, accompanied by Dualla, he sailed for Lisbon in mid-August, and by the end of the month he was in Brussels (Jeal, The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer, p. 255).
Near death several times, Pharaoh Leopold II was able to convince him to return to Africa. Of course, the real Stanley, like so many others who accompanied him on the expedition, left his bones under the hot African sun.
The last expedition of the Stanley double to Africa was to "rescue" Emin Pasha, aka Isaak Eduard Schnitzer. Schnitzer, under the cover of "Turkish Pasha," was the spearhead of the rising Prussian empire in Africa.
In 1887, the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition, led by the Stanley double, undertook to "rescue" Emin by going up the Congo River, and then through an impenetrable forest.
![]() Emin Pasha the Prussian spy (1840–1892). |
![]() Whiskey heir James Jameson (1856–1888). |
If Jameson had a camera he would have filmed the scene for the British Museum....Here is a quote about that horrifying incident from an uncensored biography of Henry Morton Stanley:
By his own account, Jameson had become aware about two weeks before his death that “the most foul reports” about his buying a girl to be eaten by cannibals at Riba-Riba had reached the outside world. They had been carried by the interpreter Assad Farran, who had been present at the time, and sworn to by him in an affidavit before Belgian officers at a downstream Congo River station while Farran was on his way home. The Syrian was later to recant his affidavit for reasons which, though obscure, are not hard to guess: the pressures for a cover-up from the influential relief committee would have been enormous.
Farran’s story was that Jameson had bought the slave girl from the Arabs for twelve lengths of cloth, fully aware that she was to be slaughtered to satisfy his “scientific” curiosity about cannibalism. Farran alleged that while the girl was killed, dismembered and eaten, “we were watching them all the time, and Mr. Jameson was drawing every act that was going on.”(Bierman, Dark Safari: The Life Behind the Legend of Henry Morton Stanley, pp. 389-399).
It was providential that Jameson never made it back to Britain because it would have been as shocking to the sensibilities of the Victorians as the Union Jack the Ripper murders....Perhaps the expose of the shocking cannibalism would have done some good by closing the Lucifer's urine whiskey distillery in Ireland.
When the Stanley double died on May 17, 1904, he expected to be buried in Westminster Abbey alongside Livingstone. Instead, he was cremated and his ashes buried in a churchyard in Pilbright, Surrey. Cremation made it impossible to conduct a DNA test to confirm that he really was a bastard from Wales.
The Confederacy was alive and well in 1884
The uncivil Civil War did not end in 1865. It was just an armistice or truce. Henry Shelton Sanford and John Tyler Morgan were unrepentant rebels.....Wars only end if the opposing side disappears from the earth!
![]() Henry Shelton Sanford (1823–1891). |
![]() Confederate John Tyler Morgan (1824–1907). |
Here is a quote from an eye-opening history of the British Belgian Congo:
Favorable accounts of the king’s philanthropic work began appearing in major American newspapers, stimulated, in the fashion of the day, by quiet payments from Sanford. Sanford’s multilayered campaign was probably the most sophisticated piece of Washington lobbying on behalf of a foreign ruler in the nineteenth century, and on April 22, 1884, it bore fruit. The secretary of state declared that the United States of America recognized King Leopold II’s claim to the Congo. It was the first country to do so. (Hochschild, King Leopold's Ghost, p. 80).
Morgan was a virtual racist, and he was very anxious to send all the blacks in the South back to the Congo "Free" State . . . and a return to slavery!
Apache braves on the warpath collected SCALPS . . . the Force Publique collected HANDS!!
Apache and Comanche braves collected scalps as proof of their prowess in battle....The soldiers in the brutal Force Publique cut off the hands of their victims, and the more hands the bigger their bonuses!
British Belgian Congo was sealed off from the outside world, and very few people were aware of the Holocaust happening in the Pharaonic state.
![]() George Washington Williams (1849–1891). |
![]() William Sheppard (1865–1927). |
Vast quantities of ivory and rubber came from the Congo through the port of Antwerp. The ships returned with soldiers, meat cleavers, Maxim machine guns, and rifles for the Force Publique.
![]() The port of Antwerp circa 1890. |
![]() Brabo statue in Antwerp. |
Missionary Williams and others provided hundreds of photos of the brutal soldiers of the Force Publique cutting off the hands of the Congolese!
![]() 2 Congolese youths missing hands. |
![]() with a meat cleaver! |
"In the most unkindest cut of all" Leopold's brutal slave colony was called the Congo "Free" State!
The fiendish Pharaoh Leopold II finally went to "Purgatory" in 1909, and he was succeeded by Pharaoh Albert I. Albert was a cousin of "Kaiser Bill," and like Pope Benedict XV, he was "praying" for a Prussian victory!
NATO is the successor of the Pharaoh Leopold II terrorist state!!
The North Atlantic Terrorist Organization was founded in London in 1949, and General Lionel Ismay began serving as Secretary-General in 1952.
![]() General Lionel Ismay (1887–1965). NATO head from 1952 to 1957. |
![]() |
History does repeat itself in marvelous ways. The British Belgian Pharaonic state was founded during the reign of Queen Victoria. The reign of twins Elizabeth and Lilibet began in 1953, and they represented a "kinder, gentler" British Empire . . . until the Suez Canal Crisis in October 1956.
![]() NATO symbol. |
![]() The Arch of the Severed Hands in Brussels. |
While the British monarchs presented a peaceful facade, British Belgium almost triggered Armageddon 4 times: during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of President Kennedy, the 1967 666-Day War, and the Second Pearl Harbor in March 1968.
It's time for a true BREXIT, when Britannia withdraws from Europe completely, and returns the breakaway kingdom of Belgium to heroic Holland.