North Africa was a great stronghold of true Christianity when Gregory was crowned in 590. Previous to that time, the "Plague of Justinian" had wiped out from 25 to 50 million Christians in North Africa and Eastern Europe. It was devastating blow to the true Faith from which it never recovered.

Pope Gregory I (540604).
Pope from 590 to 604.

Pope Gregory I was the inventor of pick-pocket Purgatory, and after his death he was immediately canonized as "Saint" Gregory!

Prior to the reign of Gregory, a Pope named Vigilius (537555) used the keys of Romulus and Remus to open the Bottomless Pit (Apocalypse 9:11).

The resultant plague was called "Justinian's Plague," and it killed from 25 to 50 million souls.



Muhammed (570

To the delight of Pope Gregory, a greatly depopulated North Africa and Eastern Europe made the subsequent Arab conquests possible.

Pope Gregory's monks in Arabia worked closely with Muhammed, and they provided financing for his massive armies. The main target of the Muslims was the vast Christian Congregation in North Africa . . . and Eastern Europe. Additionally Gregory is called the "Apostle to the English" because Papal Roma replaced pagan Roma with the mission of Augustine of Canterbury in 597.

Pope Gregory II (669
Pope from 715 to 731.

Incredibly, Pope Gregory II took tentative stops to canonize Muhammed, "Saint" Muhammed!

The missionary activity of the Hibernian Congregations founded by Saint Patrick was also causing alarm bells to ring at the Vatican.

An Anglo-Saxon monk named Winfrid changed his name to Boniface "Good Luck" and offered his services to Pope Gregory II.

It was during the pontificate of Pope Gregory II that the cash cow called Peter's Pence began!!


Boniface (675754) tried to undo
the work of the Irish missionaries.

While in Roma, Boniface was given the round tonsure, and he also adopted the Latin Church date for Passover-Resurrection. Then Pope Gregory sent him to sow tares in the field planted with the good seed of the Gospel by the spiritual sons of Saint Patrick. Boniface is now called the "Apostle of the Germans."

Pope Gregory III.
Pope from 731 to 741.

Incredibly, the Muslims were knocking on the door of the land of the Franks (free) when Gregory assumed the Papacy.

Only the brilliant generalship of Charles Martel, and his brave Frankish soldiers, prevented them from conquering all of Europe.

During the battle, Pope Gregory was "praying fervently" for a Muslim victory!

The history changing Battle of Tours was
fought on October 10, 732.

The Battle of Tours was a milestone event in the history of the world. An Arab victory would have made all of Western Europe . . . including Hibernia, Muslim.

The Muslim hosts were led by Abdul Rahman al-Ghafiqi, governor-general of al-Andalus. They were supremely confident of victory when they knew that they had the support and "prayers" of Pope Gregory III.

Pope Gregory IV.
Pope from 827 to 844.

After the defeat of the Muslims at the Battle of Tours, the Vatican's strategy changed completely.

For allies, she started looking beyond the Alps, to a region that had never been part of the Roman Empire.

On Christmas Day in 800, Charlemagne was crowned Holy "Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III. After his crowning, Charlemagne was reminded that his jurisdiction did not include the city of Roma.

Fake "Roman" Emperor Lothar I. Ruled from 817 to 855.

Charlemagne was a fake "Roman" Emperor, as were all of his dynasty, because they were not allowed to reign at Roma. One of his grandsons named Lothar fought against his own brothers for control of the so-called "Roman Empire." Pope Gregory encouraged that deadly civil war because it was a great opportunity for the Muslims to try again to conquer the Frankish empire.

As the year 1000 AD approached, Catholics were told that the world was about to end, and the best way to prepare for the Judgment Day was to be poor....Millions did sign over their property to the Church, and it was duly notarized by the Papal canon lawyers.

Pope Gregory V (972999).
Pope from 996 to 999.

In 996, Pope Gregory forced "Antipope" John XVI to resign, and that pontiff was sent to St. Peter in 1001.

In the same year, he crowned Otto III as Holy "Roman" Emperor, with the stipulation that his jurisdiction did not include Roma.

Pope Gregory encouraged "millennium madness," but he did not live long enough to enjoy the windfall.


Fake "Roman" Emperor Otto III.
(9801002). Ruled from 996 to 1002.

When Christ did not return at the dawn of the new millennium, Catholics realized that they had made a colossal mistake . . . and many tried to retrieve their property . . . but it was too late!

The 10th century was indeed the darkest of the Dark Ages, but incredibly, things actually got worse as the new century unfolded.

Pope Gregory VI.
Pope from 1045 to 1046.

Henry III was crowned Holy "Roman" Emperor by Pope Clement II in 1046.

His jurisdiction did not include the city of Roma.

During the pontificate of Gregory VI, there were 2 other contenders for the throne of St. Peter: Benedict IX and Sylvester III.

Henry's intervention finally ended the impasse when he crossed the Alps and took Gregory back to Germany.


Fake "Roman" Emperor Henry III.
Reigned from 1046 to 1056.

Gregory VI was succeeded by Pope Clement II, who crowned Henry III as fake Holy "Roman" Emperor.

The next Gregory, the infamous Hildebrand, was a veritable Hildabeast.

Pope Gregory VII
Pope from 1073 to 1085.

Pope Gregory VII was the infamous Hildebrand of Sovana.

He is mostly known for the Investiture Controversy, which was a bitter dispute over the appointment of clergy.

Not only were Holy "Roman" Emperors forbidden to reign at Roma, but they were denied the right to approve the appointment of clergy in Germany itself.

Emperor Henry IV with his wife and
child waiting for 3 days at Canossa.

Fake "Roman Emperor" Henry IV had to wait for 3 days outside Canossa Castle, in humble penitence, before Pope Gregory would receive him. By debasing himself, Henry was able to keep his throne, but the humiliating and shameful incident reverberated down through the centuries.

Pope Gregory VIII.
Pope from Oct. to Dec. 1187.

Pope Gregory's reign lasted only 2 months before he was given the poisoned chalice and sent to St. Peter.

Before he became Pope he was involved in launching the Third Crusade and the Thomas Becket assassination in England.

As "penance" for the assassination of Thomas Becket, King Henry II was ordered to invade Hibernia.

King Henry II (1133–1189).
Reigned from 1154 to 1189.

After the assassination of the archbishop, Henry hastened to forestall the dreaded excommunication by annexing Ireland:

In the summer of 1171 the Pope sent two cardinal legates into Normandy to hear Henry's case and discuss with him the terms under which he might receive absolution for the murder of Becket, but the King, fearing excommunication, did not wait to meet with him. On 6 August he returned to England, having decided that this would be a good time to embark upon the conquest of Ireland, which had been granted to him by Pope Adrian IV in 1155. On 16 October he set sail with an imposing army from Milford, Haven, landing the next day at Waterford and riding north to Dublin where he established his winter quarters. (Weir, Eleanor of Aquitaine, p. 186).

One of the 2 cardinal legates who was sent by Pope Alexander III was the short-lived Pope Gregory VIII.


Weir, Alison. Eleannor of Aquitaine. Ballantine Books, New York, 1999.

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