Over 3000 years ago the Philistines knew that women make the best spies. Mighty man Samson was an army of one who could slay thousands of Philistines with just the jawbone of an ass but the Philistines found that Delilah was the best weapon in their armory.
Jackie Kennedy lured her husband to Dallas on that fateful day in November, 1963. At the time of the assassination "Uncle George" was in Haiti "praying" that Jackie would have a successful assassination and coup d'etat.
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier was born on July 28, 1929, in Southampton, New York, to Wall Street stockbroker John Vernou "Black Jack" Bouvier III and Janet Norton Lee at Southampton Hospital. Jacqueline was baptized at the Church of Ignatius Loyola in Manhattan. She was named after her father.
The founder of the Bouvier dynasty in the United States was named Michel and he emigrated to the U.S. in 1815. He fought in the Battle of Waterloo, and was fleeing from the British and Prussians, who were executing everybody who fought for Bonaparte.
Arriving in Philadelphia on August 6, 1815, he was joined by Joseph Bonaparte, whose son, Charles Joseph, founded the Bureau of INCEST which later became the FBI or Federal Bureau of INCEST.
Because of his drinking, womanizing, and his failure to keep his hands off his daughters, Janet divorced Jack in 1940. Jack was irresistible to females who often mistook him for Clark Gable.
After his divorce from Janet, Jack bought an apartment in Manhattan and Jackie spent the weekends with him while she attended Vassar College.
All the other students said that she was so "lucky" to have such a handsome, debonair dad/beau:
In the fall of 1947 Jacqueline entered Vassar at Jack's expense. Jack was delighted she was there because Poughkeepsie was much nearer New York than McLean, Virginia. She would easily be able to make it to his apartment on weekends, whereas Merrywood would be beyond her reach. And, of course, he could get to Vassar much more easily than Janet and Hughdie.
For a month or two, things worked out more or less in Jack's favor. He would visit Jackie at Vassar and she would have the glory of showing him off in the Main Dining Room, enjoying the way the girls would gawk at him as if he were a movie star. And she would use his apartment when she went to New York for a date or a dance. But after a while the situation deteriorated. During the winter of 1948 Jack would repeatedly charge his eldest daughter with coming to his apartment only when it suited her convenience, pointing out that she would arrive breathlessly a half hour before her date or her dance, then depart as soon as she got up the next morning. And he would often complain to his sisters that she took advantage of him, that she would write or phone only when she needed her allowance, which at that time was fifty dollars a month. (Davis, The Bouviers: From Waterloo to the Kennedy and Beyond, pp. 307-308).
The Bible was not part of the curriculum at Vassar so nobody warned the students about the deadly sin of incest:
No one is to approach any close relative to have sexual relations. I am JEHOVAH (Leviticus 18:6).
As fanatical Jesuits, the last Book that the Bouviers would read or study was the Holy Bible.
![]() The Bouvier estate in East Hampton, Long Island. |
At a very early age, she became an enthusiastic equestrienne, and horse-riding remained a lifelong passion. By age 2, Jacqueline was able to control her pony with confidence; whenever she fell off, she would instantly climb back on. From the age of 6, Jacqueline was educated in the equestrian art of dressage. Despite the upheavals in her family life, Jacqueline continued her riding and training throughout her youth.
In 1938, a very interesting person arrived at Lasata. His name was George de Mohrenschildt:
Yes, life was wonderful at Lasata during that radiant summer of 1938. Among other excitements, Jack introduced an exotic new friend to his girls, Baron George de Mohrenschildt, a White Russian émigré who worked on Wall Street and came out to the Island on weekends. He took a shine to Jack's younger sister, Michelle, and was soon hanging around Lasata all the time.
The Baron expressed a special interest in Jacqueline and her talents as an equestrienne. An able horseman himself, the tall, physically robust de Mohrenshildt had learned to ride on the family estate in Russia. He used to say that Lasata reminded him of that estate, which had been confiscated by the Bolsheviks. For about five weeks that summer, Jack, George, Jacqueline, Lee, and Michelle were always doing things together; Jacqueline conceived such a liking for the dashing nobleman that she called him Uncle George. After the collapse of Jack and Janet's marriage, and the dissolution of his romance with Michelle, de Mohrenschildt ended up in Texas, where, by a curious set of circumstances, he became the principal mentor and friend of a young man named Lee Harvey Oswald, the husband of another Russian émigré, Marina Prusakova. (Davis, Jacqueline Bouvier: An Intimate Memoir, p. 63).
Unfortunately, there are no images available of Jackie and "Uncle George" at Lasata.
![]() A fearless Jackie displaying her superb horsemanship. |
Jackie attended Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, for two years. She also studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. In 1951, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in French literature from George Washington University. She also studied at Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington City.
Following her graduation, Jacqueline was hired as "Inquiring Camera Girl" for The Washington Times-Herald. The position required her to pose witty questions to individuals chosen at random on the street and take their pictures to be published in the newspaper alongside selected quotations from their responses. In addition to the random "man on the street" vignettes, she sometimes sought interviews with people of interest such as six-year-old Tricia Nixon after her father Richard Nixon was elected to the vice presidency several days after the 1952 presidential election.
![]() Jack and Jackie on the tennis court, June 27, 1953. |
A more unlikely couple could not be found in any country. It was like the mismatch between Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Intellectually, Jackie was far superior to Jack, whose reading material was mostly James Bond spy novels.
![]() Jackie standing over her husband, after his spinal surgery, December 1954. |
Jack and Jackie were married during the golden days of the Eisenhower Presidency. Who could predict at that time that the glorious era would end with the nightmare of those two misfits in the White House.
Unless they marry for money, people who marry usually have something in common. Jackie was not rich but neither was she poor. She was definitely not attracted by the Kennedy millions.
Nothing could separate Jackie from her horses. Even during the Cuban Missile Crisis–when the fate of civilization hung in the balance–she went out riding as usaul.
Jackie fired the second shot into the President's head!!
Dr. Robert McClelland was one of the Parkland Hospital doctors who tried desperately to save the President's life. He stood at the left side of the President's body when he was in the operating theater.
He later told the Dallas Morning News that the President was hit on the LEFT side of his head:
Dr. Robert McClelland stated in his report on the day of the assassination that a shot hit President Kennedy in the temple and therefore from the front. This report is very interesting because it states, "The cause of death was due to massive head and brain injury from a gunshot wound of the left temple." (Kiel, J. Edgar Hoover, p. 231).
Only one person was sitting to the left of President Kennedy: his wife Jackie.
![]() William Greer (1909–1985). |
The President was greatly restricted in his movements by a back brace he wore. When the first shot entered his throat, he was instantly paralyzed and slumped over toward the left.
![]() Jackie had the small pistol hidden in the Lambchop puppet. |
Jackie's pistol was hidden inside the puppet. She placed the puppet under her husband's left ear and pulled the trigger. That shot would be mortal, but it could take HOURS for the President to die, and time was of the essence to the coup plotters.
![]() This frame of the Zapgruder film shows the President's head exploding. |
Immediately after the shot to her husband's temple, the "Pink Panther" leaped out of her seat. That was the signal for Secret Service agent Clint Hill to join her in the back.
Bystanders reported that the limousine actually stop momentarily. That was to allow Clint Hill to board and finish the job so ignobly begun by Killerman and the "Pink Panther."
![]() Jackie's leap was the signal for Clint Hill to join her in the back seat. |
![]() SS agent Clint Hill was joining Jackie to finish off the President in the tunnel. |
Even the "Pink Panther's hat stayed on her head during that daring leap. Was it glued on?
At that critical moment, the limousine entered the dark triple underpass without any cameras or curious observers.
![]() SS agent Clint Hill (b. 1923). |
![]() Clint Hill, Jackie's bodyguard and partner in crime. |
The President was pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital, and the next step was a mandatory autopsy by the doctors to determine the exact cause of his death. Jackie was as anxious as the Secret Service to get the body on the airplane operating table.
Doctors who challenged the official dogma that the bullet entered the right side of the President's head jeopardized their medical careers . . . and even their lives!!
Jack and Jackie are buried side by side in Arlington National Cemetery!!
Incredibly, the couple that had absolutely nothing in common in life now lie side by side in Arlington National Cemetery.
![]() President Kennedy's final resting place in Arlington National Cemetery. |
![]() Jackie Kennedy's final resting place in Arlington National Cemetery. |
Unfortunately, many, many more good people who witnessed the assassination, or tried to expose what really happened, also died prematurely.
The mighty Prophet Micah, who predicted that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), gave this antidote to spying at the end of time:
Trust ye not in a brother; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips (Micah 7:5).
Crenshaw, Charles A. M.D. Trauma Room One: The JFK Medical Cover-up Exposed. Paraview Press, New York, 2001.
Davis, John H. Jacqueline Bovier: An Intimate Portrait. John Wily & Sons, New York, 1996.
Davis, John H. The Boviers: From Waterloo to the Kennedys and Beyond. National Press Books, Washington City, 1993.
Kiel, Andrew R. J. Edgar Hoover: The Father of the Cold War. University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 2000.
Clifton, David S. Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of President Kennedy. Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1980.
Copyright © 2017 by Patrick Scrivener