from 1652 to 1652

Such a short time had
passed since the preceding General Congregation, but with Piccolomini's
death another had to be called to elect his successor. So, it was called
for January 7, 1652 and would last eventually until March 20. Gottifredi
was a Roman by birth, born in 1595 and entered the Society in 1610. He
was a well-known preacher in Rome and a teacher
of Philosophy and Theology at the Roman College. For a while he was Secretary
to Father Vitelleschi and later Roman Provincial. His credentials and
lineage were in order for him to be elected by the 10th General Congregation.
Two weeks after the Congregation had begun on January 21 Gottifredi was
elected General at the age of 57. The Congregation was to have its last
session on March 20, but before it could be terminated Gottifredi died
on March 12 having been General only two months after a week's illness.
The Senior
Assistant immediately took charge. This was Father Banfo the Vicar General,
who was to call for another election within a few days.
remains were placed with those of the previous Generals in the Ossuary
in the crypt of the Gesú.