killed Martin Alonso Pinzón—-the Captain of the
Pinta!! |
![Columbus' ship the Santa Marie was wrecked near Santo Domingo on the night of Dec. 25, 1492. He had to sail home on the Niña with Vicente Yañez Pinzón.](small-santa-marie.jpg)
ship the Santa Marie was wrecked near Santo Domingo on the night
of Dec. 25, 1492. He had to sail home on the Niña with
Vicente Yañez Pinzón. |
The Great Admiral
of the Ocean Sea wrecked his own ship the Santa Marie!!
had to sail home with Vicente, the
brother of Martin Alonso.
If Vicente
Yañez Pinzón could have read the mind of Columbus
about his murderous intentions toward his brother Martin, he
would have thrown him overboard on the return voyage, and that
would have been the end of Columbus!! |
This great admiral of the ocean sea allowed his own
ship to be wrecked:
pleased Our Lord that at midnight, while I lay in bed, with the
ship in a dead calm and the sea as peaceful as the water in a cup,
all went to sleep, leaving the tiller in charge of a boy.
So it happened that the swells drove the ship very slowly onto one
of those reefs, on which the waves broke with such a noise that
they could be heard a long league away. Then the boy, feeling the
rudder ground and hearing the noise, cried out; hearing him, I immediately
arose, for I recognized before anyone else that we had run aground.
Very soon the ship's master, whose watch it was, ran up; I told
him and the other sailors to take the boat that the ship was towing
and cast an anchor astern. He and many others got into the boat,
I meanwhile thinking they were going to do what I had told them.
But instead they rowed away, fleeing in the boat to the caravel,
which was half a league distant. Seeing them flee in the boat, with
the water ebbing and the ship was in danger, I quickly had the mast
cut away to lighten her as much as possible, to see if we could
get her off that reef. But the waters ebbing still farther, the
ship would not budge, but began to list; her new seams opened up,
and she filled up with water. Meanwhile the caravel's boat had come
over to help me, and the Niña's people, seeing that the men
in the boat were escaping to save their own skins, would not let
them aboard, and they had to return to the ship.
"Seeing no
possible way of saving my ship, to save the lives of my crew I left
her and went with them to the Niña. Since the wind was from
the land, and much of the night was already gone, and we knew not
our way out of those shoals, I stood by with the caravel until daybreak,
when I promptly made for the ship through the reef, having first sent
a boat ashore with Diego de Arana of Córdoba, chief constable
of the fleet, and Pedro Gutiérrez, butler of Your Highnesses'
dais, to let the king know what had happened, informing him that on
my way to visit him (as he had invited me to do the previous Saturday)
I had lost my ship on a reef a league and a half from his town. Informed
of our misfortune, the king shed tears and immediately sent all his
people and many large canoes to the ship. So they and we began to
unload, and in a short time we had cleared the whole deck, so helpful
was the king in this affair. Afterwards, he in person, together with
his brothers and relations, kept careful watch both aboard and ashore
to see that all was done properly. And from time to time he sent one
of his relatives to tell me not to grieve, that he would give me whatever
he had. I assure Your Highnesses that nowhere in Castile would better
care have been taken of the goods, so that not a shoestring was missing.
He caused all our goods to be placed together near the palace, where
they remained until the houses that he gave as storehouses had been
emptied. He stationed armed men to watch over those goods day and
night; and he and all the other natives wept as if our misfortune
were their own." (Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus,
by his son, Ferdinand, pp. 81-82).
The 3 captains of the Columbus voyage
of "discovery" followed a map!!
It is very easy
to find new islands when you are following a MAP. Columbus had the map
of Alonso Sanchez and that took the guesswork out of the voyage of "Discovery."
![Martin Alonso Pinzón (1441- to March, 1493), captain of the Pinta.](captain-pinzon.jpg)
Alonso Pinzón (1441- to March, 1493), captain of the Pinta. |
![Vicente Yañez Pinzón (1450 -1523), captain of the Niña.](captain-pinzon2.jpg)
Yañez Pinzón (1450 -1523), captain of the Niña. |
![Christopher Columbus (1436-1506),](portuguese-columbus5.jpg)
Columbus (1436-1506),
captain of the Santa Marie. |
day there was much calm and later it blew and they went on their way
west until night. The Admiral began talking to Martín Alonso
Pinzón, captain of the other caravel, Pinta, about a chart
that he had sent to him on the caravel three days before, on which
the Admiral had apparently drawn certain islands in that sea; and
Martín Alonso said that they were in that region and the Admiral
answered that so it seemed to him, but since they had not encountered
them it must have been caused by the currents which always had driven
the vessels northeast and that they had not traveled as far as the
pilots said. And at this point the Admiral said to
send the said chart (of Alonso Sanchez) to him. And it having been
sent over by means of some cord, the Admiral began to plot their position
on it with his pilot and sailors."(The Diario of Christopher
Columbus, Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1492).
arrived in Palos with the blessing of the Catholic sovereigns,
the maps and charts of the dead pilot Alonso Sanchez de Huelva . .
. but he had no money....Pinzón was rich and had the money
so Columbus was forced to share the maps and charts with him. His
attitude toward Columbus, after Columbus shared the maps with him,
seems to have been: "now I have the maps and the money
and don't really need Columbus" . . . That attitude cost him
his life!!
Columbus must have visited the Vatican and taken a course in COOKING
WITH CANTARELLA. In 1486, 5 shipwrecked mariners died in his house.
His Portuguese wife died around the same time . . . and in 1493 —just
after returning from the Indies —Martin Alonso Pinzón
died when Columbus was a guest in his house.
was safer to be in a raging storm in the middle of the Atlantic than
to be a guest in the Columbus house ... or to invite Columbus to your
1487, Columbus arrived in Spain and when straight to the Court of
the Catholic sovereigns who were then fighting the Arabs or Moors
at Santa Fé, Granada. He presented his plans for his great
"discovery" but they refused to meet his demands.
1491, when the news of the voyages of John Cabot reached the Court,
everything changed. Immediately they summoned Columbus and acquiesced
to all his demands. They sent him with all haste to the Monastery
of Santa Maria de la Rábida near the shipping port of Palos.
The head of the monastery Friar Juan Perez de Marchena (Friar Juan
Perez) was also the Queen's confessor. Friar Juan Perez was the liaison
between the Catholic monarchs, and Columbus and he agreed to arrange
everything and get Columbus on his way as quickly as possible.
1491, Columbus was dispatched with all haste to the district
of Huelva in the Southwest of Spain near Portugal.
Port of Palos was a busy shipping port and home to Martin
Alonso Pinzón and the wealthy Pinzón shipping
family. Martin had 2 brothers: Vicente and Francisco. Vicente
was captain of the Niña and his brother Francisco was
Master of the Pinta.
first Columbus was prepared to go it alone. The Crown ordered the
confiscation of 2 ships and Columbus was allowed to man them from
the local jail. The jailbirds were terrified of the trip to the unknown
however and the ships were sabotaged. Columbus was desperate. What
was he to do?
that time Columbus turned to a wealthy shipbuilder named Martin Alonso
Pinzón. Pinzón had 2 brothers and was an expert mariner.
Columbus agreed to share one half of everything if Pinzón would
finance the voyage. He agreed to do so and that was his FATAL MISTAKE....Pinzón
should have given the maps of Columbus back to the family of Alonso
Sanchez (whom he probably knew) and had Columbus arrested for murder
and theft.
Franciscan Friars were behind the plot to substitute Columbus for
![The Franciscan Monastery Santa María de la Rábida near Palos was the headquarters of Columbus during the preparation for his voyage of "Discovery." Martin Alonso was taken here after his death at the hands of Columbus.](la-rabeda-monastery.jpg)
The Franciscan
Monastery Santa María de la Rábida near Palos
was the headquarters of Columbus during the preparation for
his voyage of "Discovery." Martin Alonso was taken
here after his death at the hands of Columbus. |
![Martin Alonso Pinzón statue in Madrid, Spain.](martin-pinzon-statue.jpg)
Alonso Pinzón statue in Madrid, Spain.
Alonso Pinzón was a wealthy shipbuilder and an expert
mariner. Columbus turned to him when he failed to get the
prisoners from the local jail to man his ships. Columbus had
no money, so Pinzón lent him half the money to finance
his ship the Santa Marie.
official records of what really happened are kept in the
Archives of the Indies in Seville, Spain.
of the Indies in Seville, Spain, hold the truth about Columbus
and the so-called "Discovery." Only the Secret
Archives of the Vatican hold more secrets!! |
the year 1508 a lawsuit was brought by the son of Columbus named
Admiral Don Diego Colón against the Crown. This son was
born when Columbus lived on the island of Madeira.
Folio 1.-Compromise
of the lawsuit which was dealt with by those who were appointed
for the purpose by the " Consejo de Castilla, Indias, y
Inquisición." The suit was brought by the Admiral,
Don Diego Colón, whilst he lived, and afterwards by Doña
Maria de Toledo, his widow, as " tutora " of their
son, Don Luis Colón, as to a Declaration of the Capitulations
and Privileges conceded by the Catholic Kings to Don Cristobal
Colón. The compromise was made with the Cardinal de Santa
Susana, Don Fr. Garcia de Loaisa, Bishop of Sigiienza, President
of the Indies and Commissary General of the Tribunal of the
" Cruzada."
The children of Don Diego Colón were Don Luis, Don Cristobal
; Doña Felipa, Doña Maria, Doña Juana,
and Doña Ysabel. He also left a widow, Doña Maria
de Toledo, pregnant, as is borne out by the " tutela,"
or guardianship . |
Testimony of a
few of the witnesses in this lawsuit
ARIAS.-Affirmed that he knew of the matters referred to in and by
the question as is therein contained and expressed; and that the Admiral
was in very poor circumstances and maintained by the Friars of the
RODRIGO PRIETO.-Stated that Cristobal Colón came to this town
(of Palos) provided with a "Provisión," or authority,
of the Monarchs to go to search for the Indies; and lived in the Monastery
of La Rábida many days, and endeavoured to make up an Armada,
but found no one willing to assist him ; and that he then treated
with Martin Alonso Pinzón and made an agreement with him, and
that if he had not joined hands with him his endeavours to create
an Armada would have been hopeless and futile, because he could not
find any other people able and willing to assist him; and, as the
said Martin Alonso Pinzón was well connected and a very intelligent
person and had many relations who were mariners, and who, when they
saw that
Martin Alonso Pinzón was actually going with the Armada, they,
for liking and sympathy, went with him also.
PEDRO DE MEDEL. Declared that he had heard stated the various matters
referred to in the Interrogatory ; and that they were public and notorious.
MEDEL.-Declared that at the time the armada was being fitted out Martin
Alonso Pinzón told him (the witness) that Cristobal Colón
had agreed with him (Pinzón) to give him all that he wished
or asked for.
ALONSO GALLEGO.--Stated that what he knew about the various matters
referred to by this question was that at the time the said Cristobal
Colón came to the town of Palos to agree upon and arrange to
make this Voyage of Discovery, the witness saw and heard the said
Colón say to the said Martin Alonso Pinzón,
Martín Alonso, let us make this voyage, and if we carry it
out, and, through God, discover this land, I promise to you, by the
Royal Crown, to divide (equally) with you as though with my own brother"
; and that this which he (the witness) now stated he had himself heard
said by the said Cristobal Colón on many occasions."
Columbus wanted to turn back during
the voyage!!
MEDEL.-Declared that when the armada returned after having made the
discovery, Martin Alonso Pinzón came back very ill, and went
or was taken from his own house to the Monastery of "La Rabida,"
and that this witness went there to visit him; and whilst talking
with him and asking how he had got on in his expedition, the said
Martin Alonso Pinzón told him (the witness) that after having
sailed some 800 or 900 leagues Colón lost confidence, became
dismayed, and told him "Martin Alonso, we
are lost ! What SHALL we do ? Those who saw us start will never see
us return to Palos! Let us return!" And that he,
the said Martin Alonso Pinzón, replied: "Señor,
God forbid that I should return, for I have yet to find, in front
of me, the land I am searching for, and not to see Palos!"
and that then the said Cristobal Colón had determined upon
returning to Spain; and that the said Martin Alonso Pinzón
went on and continued his voyage; and that when the said Colón
saw that he had no option, followed in the track of the said Martin
Alonso Pinzón; and that, before the said Cristobal Colón
could overtake him, he (the said Martin Alonso Pinzón) had
reached land, and had landed and taken possession of it in the name
of the King; and that the land which he had so discovered and demarked
was the Island of Santo Domingo; and that when the said Cristobal
Colón overtook the said Pinzón and found the land already
marked out and taken possession of, it annoyed and weighed upon him
greatly; and he told the said Martin Alonso Pinzón that he
should have obeyed him (Cristobal Colón) in conformity with
the power and authority vested in him (Colón) by the King;
and that he, the said Martin Alonso Pinzón had thereto responded:
"By (following) your wishes and authority
we should have returned to Spain without having discovered the land;
I have discovered an taken possession of it, and marked it in the
name of the King! To Spain we will now return, and there be heard
in justice!"; and that the said Cristobal
Colón had become very jealous and unfriendly with him, and
told him, (Pinzón) that he ought "to
hang him from a doorpost!" and that he, the said
Martin Alonso Pinzón, then replied "Is THAT what I
deserve for having placed you in the position of honour I have given
you, for You to speak to me in THAT manner !!"; and that
besides this conversation the witness had publicly heard stated—because
nothing else of importance was discussed—that the said Cristobal
Colón had wished and attempted to give up this Voyage of Discovery
and return ; and that the said Martin Alonso Pinzón had declared
in answer that he for his part would not return and was determined
to continue the voyage, and had discovered the land; and that if it
had not been for him (the said Martin Alonso Pinzón), then
the land would never have been discovered; and that those who made
these statements were those who had gone with this armada; and that,
as such a long period of time had elapsed, he could not now remember
their names; and that this was all public matter and
knowledge all through his district (Palos, Moguer, Huelva.
was a quest in the house of Pinzón just before he
died just a few
weeks after his return. He trusted the pirate Columbus and his sponsors
and it cost him his life.
Interrogatories which are to be put to the witnesses who, on behalf
of the Fiscal of Their Majesties, are, or will be, presented in the
lawsuit existing between Don Luis Colón and his consorts as
to the offices of Admiral, Viceroy, and Governor, and other matters,
are the following:
#1. If they knew the parties to the suit, and if they had known Cristobal
Colón and Martin Alonso Pinzón, both deceased.
# 22. If they knew that, the first Discovery having been made, the
said Cristobal Colón and Martin Alonso Pinzón returned
to Spain to give account to the Catholic Kings of the said Discovery
; and that even then the said Cristobal Colón quarrelled with
the said Martin Alonso Pinzón because of his wishing to declare
to their Majesties all the actual facts and truth; and they returned
to Palos, to the house of the said Martin Alonso Pinzón, where
they remained together until, being about to go to the Court to make
their report, the said Martin Alonso Pinzón died of the illness
he had brought with him; and that this is true, public and common
knowledge and opinion.
the feverish preparation to get Columbus to the New World before John
Cabot, events were also moving swiftly at the Vatican.
Rodrigo Borgia—a Spanish Cardinal —got rid of his
predecessor Pope Innocent VIII, and by spending enormous
sums of money managed by just one vote to have himself "elected"
Pope. It was this Pope that gave the New World to Spain after the
so-called "Discovery" of Columbus.
eulogists of Columbus never dared to look closely at the records of
the Archives of the Indies concerning Columbus. If they did,
the Columbus myth would have been shattered a long time ago.
Ferdinand. Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus. (translated
by Benjamin Keen), Ruthers University Press, 1992.
Las Casas, Bartolomé. The Diario of Christopher Columbus.
(Translated by Oliver Dunn & James Kelly), University of Oklahoma
Press, 1989.
Cesáreo Fernández. Boletin de la Real Academia de
la Historia. Tomo XXI, Madrid, 1892.
Juan Manzano. Colón y su secreto, El predescubrimiento.
Ediciones de Cultura Hispánica, Madrid, 1989.
William Giles. America The True History of Its Discovery.
Grant Richards, London, 1924. (Mr. Giles lived for 35 years in the
Palos area of Spain and carefully researched all the archives. He
is also the author of The Rio Tinto Mine: Its History and Romance.
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