Dick the Double ran for Congress in 1946 and the Senate in 1950. He served for 8 years as Vice President under President Eisenhower. In 1960, Pennsylvania Dick ran for President against JFK, but he threw the election to Union Jack. He was finally elected President in 1968, but in August 1974 he resigned over Watergate in order for Nelson Rockefeller to become President by appointment only!
That incredible, brief scenario of very sophisticated Jacobite British Secret Service spying is all true! Since I am unmasking "Saint" George Washington, "I cannot tell a lie!" Truth is stranger than fiction, and the Richard Nixon double saga would make a blockbuster Hollywood movie!
The British national anthem asks GOD to frustrate their enemies KNAVISH TRICKS....The substitution of California Richard Nixon for Richard Nixon, R.N., was a perfidious NAVAL TRICK!
The real Richard Milhous Nixon was born in the small,Quaker community of Whittier, California, on January 9, 1913. He missed the anniversary of Battle of New Orleans by just one day! Richard was the second of 5 boys born to Quakers Frank and Hannah Nixon. All 5 boys were named after English kings. Incredibly, Richard was named after the "warrior" King Richard the Babylonian Lyingheart!
His ancestors were Germans who emigrated to Ireland, and then to Pennsylvania in the 18th century. The Nixons finally settled in California in the 19th century.
Whittier was a tight knit Quaker community where drinkin', cursin', card playing, dancing, theatre, and other "worldly" activities were frowned upon! The Sabbath was strictly observed, and Quakers still addressed each other with "thees" and "thous."
![]() Francis Anthony "Frank" Nixon (1878–1955). |
![]() Hannah Milhous Nixon (1885–1967). |
In 1946, that elderly couple moved from sea to shining sea in order to be close to their beloved son Richard:
Shortly after my parents moved into their new home, Hannah and Frank Nixon bought a dairy farm near Menges Mills, in York County, Pennsylvania. For Hannah, it was the fulfillment of a dream she had had since she was twelve when her family left their acres of land in Butlerville, Indiana, where she was born. Though Frank Nixon had been reluctant at first to try farming, he soon entered into the venture with zest, naming his cows after his favorite movie stars. He delighted in telling visitors that they must excuse him; it was time to water and feed Loretta Young, Gary Cooper, and Dorothy Lamour. Now “Nana” and “Grandpa” were only a three-hour drive from Washington. (Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Pat Nixon: The Untold Story, p. 149).
In reality, Menges Mills in Pennsylvania was the home of the parents of Richard Nixon, R.N.
![]() Photo of the real Richard Nixon (1913–1944) holding a violin. |
![]() Real Richard Nixon's 1930 high
school yearbook photo. |
Even though Whittier was very close to Los Angeles and Hollywood, very few photos exist of his years in high school or college. None of his fellow students ever envisioned him as a future U.S. President.
![]() The real Richard was #12 on the Whittier College football team. |
![]() The real tall Richard and "plain-Jane" Ola Welch. |
In 1937, the real Richard graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in "history." Unfortunately, the college "history" textbook was the Encyclopedia Britannica!
At the height of the Great Depression, unemployment was at 25%, but the FBI, under director J. Edgar Hoover, was still hiring! During that calamitous economic time, the FBI swelled the ranks of the "Church Militant" by adding legions of Catholics as undercover or "Special Agents."
![]() The real Richard Nixon's 1937 FBI photo. |
![]() FBI director J. Edgar Hoover receiving an
honorary law degree from Georgetown University on June 5, 1937. |
J. Edgar told the real Richard that he would be much more effective "fighting crime" as an undercover agent....He was told to return home to California and await further instructions. "Plain-Jane" Ola Welch had already married another man, so the FBI set him up with glamour girl Pat Ryan. Pat was no "plain-Jane," as a matter of fact she was the West Coast "Jane Bond." Because she was born so close to Saint Patrick's Day, Thelma was called "Pat."
Patricia "Pat" Ryan was a Catholic on steroids who truly believed that serving the "Church Militant" would shorten her time in "Purgatory!"
![]() Thelma Ryan's 1929 high school yearbook photo. |
![]() Thelma Ryan aka Pat Nixon (March 16, 1912– June 22, 1993). |
After graduating from Duke, the real Nixon returned to Whittier and joined the law firm of Winger and Bewley. He met Pat at a play in the local high school where she worked as a teacher. The real Richard was enthralled and bewitched by the beautiful teacher.
![]() Peek-a-boo. The only photo of the happy couple extant. |
![]() Richard and Pat Ryan tied the knot. |
The simple ceremony was held in the Presidential Suite where Demagogue Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Herbert Hoover had stayed.
Incredibly, no photos were taken of the couple tying the knot. Imagine forgetting to take wedding photos in such luxurious surroundings....As a matter of fact a number of photos were taken but they were all later destroyed by Pat Ryan.
![]() U.S. Navy Lieutenant Richard Nixon (1913–1944) from California. |
![]() The real tall Richard in Green Island in the Solomons, circa 1943. |
According to his Memoirs, Lieutenant Richard Nixon, R.N., was discharged from the Navy in July 1944:
In July 1944 my overseas tour of duty was completed and I was ordered back to the States. I caught a cargo plane from Guadalcanal to Hawaii, and when we made a fueling stop at Wake Island in the middle of the night I got out to stretch my legs. For the first time I saw one of our war cemeteries. I shall never forget those white crosses, row after row of them, beginning at the end of the runway and stretching out into the darkness on that tiny island so far away from home. (Nixon, RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, p. 29).
That is pure fiction because nobody was released from active duty until the war ended in August 1945. Even the wounded were still on active duty!
After he arrived back in the States, the first order of busines for Richard Nixon, R.N. was to marry Pat Ryan. Pat knew that according to Canon Law her marriage to Quaker Richard Nixon was invalid:
Canon I. If anyone says that matrimony is not truly and properly one of the seven sacraments of the evangelical law, instituted by Christ the Lord, but has been devised by men in the Church and does not confer grace, let him be anathema (accursed) (Twenty-Fourth Session, Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent).
Babylonian Archbishop John Joseph Cantwell of Los Angeles could very easily have united them in a Latin Church "canonical" marriage to prepare them for the White House.
![]() John Joseph Cantwell (1874–1947). Archbishop from 1917 to 1947. |
![]() John Joseph Cantwell. |
Babylonian Archbishop John Joseph Cantwell went to "Purgatory" on October 30, 1947, and he was succeeded by Cardinal Francis McIntyre. That purple prelate gave his unconditional support to the "canonical" couple.
![]() Navy Lieutenant Richard Nixon, R.N. (d. 1994) from Pennsylvania. |
![]() friends in Philadelphia, August 1945. |
According to his Memoirs, while living in Baltimore, Dick the Double received a letter from the manager of the Bank of America's Whittier branch asking him if he was interested in running for Congress from the 12th Congressional District. The manager also inquired if he was a registered voter in California:
Dear Dick: I am writing this short note to ask if you would like to be a candidate for Congress on the Republican ticked in 1946. Jerry Voorhis expects to run—registration is about 50-50. The republicans are gaining. Please airmail me your reply if you are interested. Yours very truly H.L. Perry. P.S. Are you a registered voter in California? (Nixon, RN:The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, p. 35).
Dick the Double must have been drinking heavily like Pat when he wrote his Memoirs. The real Richard Nixon would have been a registered voter since 1937.
Up to that time the only contact that Lieutenant Richard Nixon, R.N. had with California was shipping out through San Francisco and returning through San Diego!
![]() A 1950 reunion of the "Committee of One Hundred" formed in 1945 to find a candidate to oppose Congressman Jerry Voorhis. |
![]() A shrunken "Richard Nixon" with Whittier Republicans in 1946. |
Dick the Double ran for Congress from the 12th Congressional District in Los Angeles. That district included Los Angeles Country. Incredibly, WWII hero General George S. Patton planned on running for Congress from that district.
Imagine General Patton as a congressman or senator. He would have arrived on Capitol Hill wearing his ivory pistol in order to shoot the Anglophile politicians who advocated uniting and rearming Germany!
![]() |
![]() Congressman Jerry Voorhis (1901– 1984). |
With the "blessing" of Cardinal Francis McIntyre, flyers were distributed claiming Pat was born on Saint Patrick's Day.
![]() "Tricky Dick" and "Plastic Pat" with baby Patricia on the sofa. |
![]() "Tricky Dick" and "Plastic Pat" with baby Tricia on the patio. |
Money was no object as his "election" was bankrolled by Bank of America and Nelson Rockefeller.
Dick the Double won the election by a landslide and was sworn-in as a Congressman on January 3, 1947.
![]() Alger Hiss (1904– 1996) in the Federal Penitentiary. |
![]() John Francis Cronin, S.J. (1908– 1994). |
Here is a quote from an exhaustive biography of "Nixon" by Irish author Anthony Summers:
The facts suggest otherwise. Within a month of taking office, Nixon had accompanied a fellow congressman to a meeting with Father John Cronin, a Catholic priest who had informed on Communists while working with labor unions during the war. The bureau now used him as a conduit for deliberate leaks. In a report prepared for the Catholic hierarchy, drawing on what the FBI had told him, Cronin had named Hiss as the most influential Communist in the State Department. He later recalled having shown Nixon that report and having discussed Hiss with him. "Nixon" Cronin claimed, "was playing with a stacked deck in the Hiss case." (Summers, The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon, pp.65-66).
Alger Hiss served 5 years in a Federal penitentiary, while Dick the Double became a household name throughout the country!
![]() Actress Helen Gahagan Douglas (1900–1980). |
![]() "Tricky Dick" campaigning for the Senate in 1950. |
While a Congresswoman, Douglas carried on an adulterous affair with Congressman Lyndon Johnson, and a high-ranking British "diplomat" named Philip Noel-Baker at the U.N. She was the precursor of Hillary, Digby, Churchill, Hayward, Harriman Clinton, and was even considered a Vice Presidential prospect for Harry Fakeman in 1948.
Even though Helen and "Tricky Dick" were rivals for the Senate, Pat and Helen were on the same page spiritually as "Purgatory" Catholics!
With the Korean War raging, Helen was portrayed by the William Rasputin Hearst owned press as soft on Communism!
Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon, R.N., making his trademark double sign, Washington City, June 1954.
Dick the Double almost became the 8th "Accidental" President in 1955
President Eisenhower did not want "Richard Nixon" as his Vice President but he had no real choice in the matter. On September 18, 1952, just before the Presidential election, Dick the Double was accused of receiving thousands of dollars in illicit contributions following his election to the Senate in 1950.
The conclusion of his broadcast was high drama. Dick the Double appealed to his audience to "wire or write the Republican National Committee whether you think I should stay on or whether I should get off. And whatever their decision is, I will abide by it….And remember, folks, Eisenhower's a great man… and a vote for Eisenhower is a vote for what is good for America."
![]() TV, September 23, 1952. |
![]() Official Dick the Double Vice Presidential photo. |
That strategy worked and Eisenhower was forced to retain Dick the Double as his running mate! In a last hurrah, the elderly Prime Minister Churchill visited Washington City on June 25, 1954.
The dinosaur's burning ambition was to see the Soviet Union turned into a parking lot before he departed this world for "Purgatory." He referred to the U.S. as "our Romans" who would do the heavy lifting while Britannia provided the "brains" and spying skills!
![]() seated next to President Eisenhower, Washington City, June 1954. |
![]() sign seated next to his favorite double in Washington City, June 1954. |
Even though seizing the Suez Canal was at the top of Churchill's agenda, he never mentioned that to the President. After the carnage of WWII, the prime minister knew that President Eisenhower would never consent to the restoration of the British Empire.
On September 24, 1955, President Eisenhower was at his Summer White House in Denver when he almost suffered a fatal "heart attack:"
At five-thirty Saturday afternoon, shortly after their return from the wedding reception, Mother was upstairs changing her dress when my father heard the phone ring. It was Jim Hagerty, the White House press secretary. Without preamble, he said, "I have some bad news. The President has had a coronary." My father was stunned. He wrote later in Six Crises that he sat alone in the living room for "fully ten minutes." Finally, he called Bill Rogers, who was acting attorney general while Herbert Brownell was in Spain, and asked him to come over. (Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Pat Nixon: The Untold Story, p. 154).
Dick the Double was at the center of power in Washington City, and he acted completely shocked by the "devastating news" that almost made him the 8th "Accidental." President.
![]() President Eisenhower recuperating from a "heart attack" in Florida, October 1955. |
![]() "Everybody liked Ike" as he received a tumultuous welcome home! |
"Everybody liked Ike" except his physician Dr. Howard McCrum Snyder (1881–1970) who was trying to kill him....Had the President died in office, Richard Nixon, R.N. would have been President when Britannia tried to seize the Suez Canal for a second time!
In 1944, Churchill renamed Grosvenor Square EISENHOWER PLATZ in honor of General Eisenhower. In 1989, a statue of General Eisenhower was erected in front of the U.S. embassy....That statue no longer stands in front of the New Jerusalem embassy since it was banished to the boondocks in 2017.
![]() A somber President Eisenhower addressed the nation on Oct. 31. |
![]() George M. Humphrey (1890–1970). Treasury Sec. from '53 to '57. |
Prior to that earthshaking event the sun never set on the British Empire . . . because the Almighty couldn't trust them in the dark!
Dick the Double was strangely quiet during the Crisis, and in his Memoirs he said that the President's handing of the Crisis was a serious mistake:
Eisenhower and Dulles put heavy pressure on Britain, France, and Israel to withdraw their forces from Suez. In retrospect I believe our actions were a serious mistake. Nasser became ever more rash and aggressive than before, and the seeds of another Mideast war were planted. The most tragic result was that Britain and Franc were so humiliated and discouraged by the Suez crisis that they lost the will to play a major role on the world scene. From that time forward the Unites States would by necessity be forced to go it alone in the foreign policy leadership of the free world. (Nixon, RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon, p.196).
Without a doubt, Dick the Double was a mouthpiece for Winston Churchill and the British Empire! The Suez Canal Crisis caused a seismic geopolitical earthquake. Imperious, austere Pope Pius XII was sent to "Purgatory," and replaced by friendly, smiling Pope John XXIII. In the New Jerusalem, Catholic JOHN F. Kennedy was the Democratic candidate for President.
![]() The farcical televised "debate" between Dick the Double and JFK. |
![]() Best friends until November 22, 1963. |
Widespread voter fraud occurred in Texas and Illinois.... Even though Dick tried hard to lose the debates, the election was still decided by only 100,000 votes. The Republican Party urged Dick the Double to order a recount in Texas and Illinois . . . but he adamantly refused.
Operation Moonshine was the HIGHLIGHT of the Dick the Double Presidency!!
The date for Operation Moonshine was chosen by Heinz Kissinger as that was the anniversary of the date that the Adolf Hitler doppelgänger survived an assassination attempt.
![]() Dick the Double at the White House calling Neil Armstrong at his secure location in Florida. |
![]() Dick the Double welcoming the 3 astronots
on the aircraft carrier USS Hornet. |
After 3 days Dick the Double greeted them on the aircraft carrier USS Hornet. Dick the Double was very familiar with the Pacific Ocean became he served there as a Navy lieutenant until the real Richard Nixon was sent to Quaker heaven:
A few days after Neil Armstrong's moon walk, my parents undertook a goodwill trip to Asia and Europe code named Moonglow. Many of the hundreds of thousands who came out to see them in Asia could not believe that the Americans had put a man on the moon. The acting president of India explained that the majority of his countrymen thought the moon walk was a Hollywood production. (Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Pat Nixon: The Untold Story, p. 268).
In reality, that world tour to tout the fake moon landing should have been called Operation Moonshine! It was soon followed by Operation Giantstep with the 3 astronots beginning their tour in Europe.
President Richard "Dick the Double" Nixon was Goldfinger!!
In 1959, British Secret Service agent Ian Fleming published a book entitled Goldfinger. Ian Fleming was a profane man of the world like his alter ego James Bond. Bond hid his Walther PPK pistol in a thick book entitled The Bible Designed to be Read as Literature.
The plot centers on the investigation by MI666 operative James Bond into the gold smuggling activities of Auric Goldfinger, who is also suspected by MI666 of being connected to SMERSH, the Soviet counter-intelligence organization. As well as establishing the background to the smuggling operation, Bond uncovers a much larger plot, with Goldfinger planning to steal the gold reserves of the United States in Fort Knox.
![]() from gold, August 15, 1971. |
![]() Treasury Sec. John Connally (1917–1993). |
Goldfinger was also in Dallas on November 22, but he left the city just before the assassination. Marylander Spiro Agnew was Dick the Double Vice President, but he was forced to resign for fear of his life over alleged illegal campaign contributions!
"Red-Baiter" President Dick the Double visited Red China in 1972
1972 was an all-important Presidential election year, and Dick the Double desperately needed an end to the Vietnam War if he was to occupy the White House for a second term.
![]() Dick shaking hands with Emperor Mao Zedong on his arrival in China, February 21, 1972. |
![]() Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. |
If Heinz Kissinger had remained in Germany he would have been a high ranking Nazi in the Third Reich!
The upshot of the negotiations was that Emperor Mao did restrain the North Vietnamese until after the 1972 election. Ominously, Dick the Double appointed Heinz Kissinger as Secretary of State in September 1973.
In October 1973, Edomite Heinz Kissinger saved the Edomite state from extinction when Egypt and Syria were on the brink of victory. He ordered Dick to place the U.S. nuclear forces on high alert, and it was June 6, 1967 all over again, as the world stood on the brink of Armageddon!
Dick the Double resigned the Presidency to make way for President Nelson Rockefeller!!
Dick the Double was the first President to resign under the threat of impeachment. He set a precedent that unelected men could force an elected President from the White House!
Before he ran for President, Dick spent 5 years in New York living in a condominium owned by Nelson Rockefeller's ex-wife Mary Rockefeller:
After submitting a bid on the apartment, they flew back to Los Angeles that night. By the time they arrived home, a telegram reading simply "It's yours" was waiting for them. The broker had telephoned all eleven families in the cooperative that evening, even reaching two who were out of the city. Only later would my parents learn that among the tenants of 810 Fifth Avenue was Governor Nelson Rockefeller. (Julie Nixon Eisenhower, Pat Nixon: The Untold Story, p. 149).
810 Fifth Ave was about 10 blocks from the HQ of Cardinal Spellman—the "American Pope"—who expected to succeed Pope Pius XII in 1958.
![]() A smiling Dick and family pose for a final family photograph in the White House, August 8, 1974. |
![]() A triumphant Dick giving the double sign as he departs the White House, August, 9, 1974. |
An American President is supposed to be like Caesar's wife—above reproach! That way, airports, buildings, highways, parks etc., etc., can be named in their honor!
Watergate was just an excuse for him to resign so that Vice President Gerald Ford could succeed him. Taking advantage of the newly-adopted 25th Amendment, Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President. Dick the Double fully expected that Ford would have a timely demise, and Dick's financier Nelson would seize the Presidency without and election!
![]() 1978 official White House portrait of Pat Ryan by Henriette Wyeth. |
![]() Dick and Double and Pat's grave in Yorba Linda, Orange County, California. |
Pat Ryan was a voracious reader who devoured at least 5 books per week. Taylor Caldwell was one of her favorite authors. Pat had a stroke in June 1976 after she read The Finals Days by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein:
The White House physicians were worried about the First Lady. She had returned from a South American trip in April 1973 distraught and more underweight than ever. She was becoming more and more reclusive, and drinking heavily. On several occasions members of the household staff came upon her in the pantry of the second-floor kitchen, where the liquor was kept, in the early afternoon. Awkwardly, she had tried to hide her tumbler of bourbon on the rocks. (Woodward & Bernstein, The Final Days, p. 166).
Pat had a good reason to have a stroke because Nelson Rockefeller was not President . . . and the First Amendment to the Constitution was still in force!
The literature on the Dick the Double administration is homeric. Dick's Memoirs alone are massive and run to over 1,000 pages. Most biographies are at least 800+pages, and would challenge even Rhodes "scholars!"
Vital links
Aitken, Jonathan. Nixon: A Life. Regnery Publishing, Washington City, 1993.
Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon: The Education of a Politician 1913–1962. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1987.
Bass, Gary J. The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide in Bangladesh. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2013.
Black, Conrad. Richard M. Nixon: A Life in Full. PublicAffairs, New York, 2007.
Don, Sally. The Pink Lady: The Many Lives of Helen Gahagan Douglas. Bloomsbury Press, New York, 2009.
Donovan, John T. Crusader in the Cold War. A Biography of Fr. John F. Cronin. Peter Lang Publishing, New York, 2005.
Eisenhower, Julie Nixon. Pat Nixon: The Untold Story. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1986.
Farrell, John A. Richard Nixon: The Life. Doubleday & Company, New York, 2017.
Gentry, Curt. J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and His Times. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1991.
Isaacson, Walter. Kissinger: A Biography. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1992.
Lasby, Clarence G. Eisenhower's Heart: How he Beat Heart Disease and Held on to the Presidency. University Press of Kansas, 1997.
Li, Victor. Nixon in New York. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Teaneck, New Jersey, 2018.
Mitchell, Greg. Tricky Dick and the Pink Lady: Richard Nixon vs Helen Gahagan Douglas—Sexual Politics and the Red Scare, 1950. Random House, NY 1998.
Malsberger, John W. The General and the Politician: Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and American Politics. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland, 2014.
Macmilllan, Margaret. Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World. Random House, New York, 2007.
Nixon, Richard. RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1978.
Nixon, Richard. Six Crises. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, 1962. (Suez was not one of them).
Reston, James, Jr. The Lone Star: The Life of John Connally. Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1989.
Rossworm, Steve. The FBI and the Catholic Church, 1935–1962. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MASS, 2009.
Summers, Anthony. The Arrogance of Power: The Secret World of Richard Nixon. Viking Press, New York, 2000.
Summers, Anthony. Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1993.
Swift, Will. Pat and Dick: The Nixons, An Intimate Portrait of a Marriage. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2014.
Voorhis, Jerry. The Strange Case of Richard Milhouse Nixon. Paul S. Eriksson, Inc., New York, 1972.
Woodward, Bob & Bernstein, Carl. The Final Days. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1987.
Copyright © 2023 by Patrick Scrivener