and Hitler Unmasked at Last!! |
March 4 . . .
not Jan. 20 . . . is Presidential Inauguration
"The only
thing we have to fear is fear itself" (FDR).
Franklin versus the U.S. Supreme Court!!
is what a dictatorship looks like!!

Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945).
Dictator of the U.S. from March 1933 to April 1945. |
that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
means APPROVAL!! |

Hitler (1889-1945).
Dictator of Germany from March 1933 to April 1945.
Roosevelt was poisoned on April 12, 1945 at Warm Springs,
Georgia. The reason for his timely demise was this: He was
about to meet a delegation of atomic
scientists from Los Alamos and he had agreed with Joseph Stalin
that the Russians should conquer Berlin after their appalling losses
in defeating the Third Reich.
died on April 30, 1945 by taking poison and then shooting himself
with a pistol.
and Hitler used the Great Depression to usurp power!!
Great Depression beginning in October 1929, caused the collapse of
the world financial system. Millions of people throughout the world
were thrown out of work and faced the prospect of starvation.... This
"Federal" Reserve Bank engineered financial collapse gave
Roosevelt the opportunity to usurp power in the U.S....and Hitler
used the same crisis to become Führer in Germany.

zero—120 Broadway
in the Wall St. area of Manhattan. |
building —ground zero—was the headquarters of the
"Federal" Reserve Bank —the most powerful of
the 12 private "Federal" Reserve Banks that run the
had an office there and was director of at least 11 companies
with ties to Hitler.
Birds of
a feather do flock together!!
was the "good" dictator fighting his "evil"
twin dictator Adolf Hitler.

Inauguration on March 4,
1933. He was the last President to be inaugurated on
the Constitutional date of March 4. |

became Dictator of Germany in March, 1933. Hitler was actually
"elected" Chancellor in Jan. 1933, but it was the
Reichstag fire that sealed the fate of freedom in Germany.
March 4 was the
traditional Presidential Inauguration Day from 1793 until 1933!!
Day had been held on March 4 since the second Inauguration of George
Washington in 1793. With the ratification of the 12th Amendment on
July 27, 1804, the Presidential term expired on March 4:
"And if
the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever
the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth
day of March next following, then the Vice President shall
act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional
disability of the President" (Amendment
XII to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1804).
day is normally held on Nov. 4 and the Presidential electors meet
on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December to cast
their votes for President and Vice President of the U.S.
gives the incoming President at least 4 months to prepare for the
transition of power to a new patriotic administration.
20th Amendment changed the Inauguration Day to January 20. This Amendment
was introduced in the depths of the Great Depression when most people
were distracted by the struggle to survive and had little time to
think about Presidential Inaugurations. You can be sure that virtually
no newspaper or radio station mentioned the Amendment. Like the 25th
Amendment it was done in stealth and secrecy.
proposed amendment, sometimes called the “Lame Duck Amendment,”
was sent to the states March
3, 1932, by the Seventy-second Congress. It was ratified Jan. 23,
1933; but, in accordance with Section 5, Sections 1 and 2, did not
go into effect until Oct. 15, 1933.
of the people . . . by the people . . . and for
the people . . . ended on March 4, 1933.
and his banksters moved the date to January 20 to make sure that the
incoming President would have no time to form a patriotic administration
but would have to accept the candidates of the "Federal"
Reserve Bank and the Pentagon. This made the Office of President of
the U.S. nothing but a rubber stamp dictatorship.
From Harvard to Hitler!!

Hitler and
Ernst (Putzi) Hanfstaengl. Putzi was Hitler's press agent and
piano player. He was very close friends with FDR from their
Harvard days.
FDR had
him released from a Canadian POW camp and transferred to Wash,
D.C. to advise him on the conduct of the war!!
Friend of Hitler and Roosevelt |
"Putzi" Hanfstaengl first met Hitler at a speech he
was giving in a beer hall in Munich on Nov. 22, 1922. He was
sent as a quest of the American ambassador who could not attend.
they became very close friends. Putzi was an expert piano player
and his piano playing seemed to calm Hitler down.
took most of my meals at the Harvard Club, where I made friends
with the young Franklin D. Roosevelt, at that time a rising
New York State Senator, and received several invitations to
visit his cousin Teddy, the former President, who had retired
to his estate at Sagamore Hill.
He gave me a boisterous welcome and two pieces of advice which
were by no means without influence on my way of thinking. "Well,
Hanfstaengl," he said, "how did your military service
go? I bet it did you no harm. I saw something of your army at
Doeberitz as the Kaiser's guest, and discipline like that never
hurt anybody. No nation can degenerate which maintains those
standards." I must say I found them surprising words, as
Wilhelm II was not exactly making Germany popular at the time,
but it was an additional prop to the idealized picture of the
army inculcated by Sergeant-Major Streit. Later we got to talking
about art, literature,and politics, and the ex-President came
out with the phrase which has stuck with me ever since: "Hanfstaengl,
your business is to pick out the best pictures, but remember
that in politics the choice is that of the lesser evil."
Hitler: The Missing Years, pp. 27-28). |
Fight, Fight . . . Sieg Heil . . . Seig Heil!!

listens attentively as Ernst Hanfstaengl plays the Harvard
football marches.
with Hanfstaengl's style, Hitler would introduce him to all his
social circles as a showpiece. "Whereas he otherwise kept
the different groups in watertight compartments and told no one
where he was going or whom he had been talking to," recalled
Hanfstaengl in his unpublished memoirs, "he dragged me around
from house to house as his resident musician, and had me sit down
at the piano to perform." Once
at the home of the photographer Heinrich Hoffmann he began playing
Harvard football marches. When he explained how cheerleaders
and marching bands would stir up the crowd to almost hysterical
mass shouting Hitler's interest quickened. Whereupon Hanfstaengl
demonstrated on the piano how German marches could be adapted
to the buoyant American beat. "That is it," exclaimed
Hitler, and paraded up and down like a drum major, "that
is what we need for the movement, marvelous." Hanfstaengl
wrote several marches in this style for the SA band but his most
significant contribution was the transference of the Harvard "Fight,
Fight, Fight" to "Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil"(Toland,
Adolf Hitler, p.135). |
From the Brown
House to the White House

with Unity Mitford, the English Nazi, in 1934. |

presents an award to a Nazi youth in the Sportpalast in Berlin

and Hanfstaengl see eye to eye!! |

to escape from Nazi Germany in 1937....Nobody left
alive without Hitler's permission. His real mission
was to convince Roosevelt to stay out of the war until Russia
was defeated!!

with his son Egon—a sergeant in the U.S. army—advising
President Roosevelt on the running of the war!!

as advisor to President Roosevelt in Bush Hill on
July 15, 1944.
Roosevelt sent his old friend a Steinway grand piano!!

there is no English translation of this great eye-opening book
yet. |
Woche bekam der Präsident durch Carter, der mich laufend
besuchte, meine Radio-Kurzanalysen und Schlußfolgerungen
ausgehändigt, die er, mit beiläufig geäußerten
Kommentaren geistreich zugespitzt, durchflog. Gelegentlich -
speziell, wenn ihn eine Passage amüsierte - erkundigte
er sich auch nach meinem Wohlergehen und nach dem Gang der Dinge
in Bush Hill. Als er zufällig erfuhr, daß draußen
kein Instrument vorhanden war, gab er sofort Order, einen Konzertflügel
von Steinway hinauszuschaffen. »For old times sake«,
meinte er zu Carter, womit er auf die einstigen allmorgendlichen
Stunden im New Yorker Harvard Club anspielte. Als das Instrument
ein paar Tage später eintraf und mit Hilfe meiner Wachen
aufgestellt wurde, meinte einer von ihnen, als wir allein waren:
»I am afraid, I do not agree politically with our President,
for I am am Republican. But I must say he is a good man and
he has heart as big as a hotel.<<
Worauf ich ihm sogleich eines von Roosevelts ehemaligen Lieblingsstücken
von anno Harvard Club vorspielte. Es war, wenn ich mich recht
erinnere, »Annie Laurie«, ein berühmtes schottisches
Lied mit dem Text von Robert Burns. (Übrigens eines von
Winston Churchills favorite songs, zu dem ich ihn im April 1932
im Münchner Hotel Continental nach dem Souper im Musiksalon
begleitete."( Zwischen Weißen und Braunem Haus),
pp. 382-383).
There is
no English translation of this book as the material presented
is so damning to Führer Franklin!! |
Reichstag Fire of 1933

Fire in Feb. 1933. |
friend Ernst Sedgwick Hanfstaengl was actually in the Chancellery
Building when the fire started.
fake terror was the road to dictatorship for Hitler. He
began a reign of terror by rounding up the enemies of the Reich.
This fake
terror consolidated the dictatorship of Hitler and set
Germany on a course for World War II.
The Roosevelt
gang were/are experts on this type of fake terror to
start wars and revolutions throughout the world. The evil Twin
Towers were a typical example!! |
Sees the Fire!!
his own admission, Putzi was in the Reichstag Palace across from the
Parliament building—sound asleep—when the fire started.
After the publication of The Reichstag Fire Trial book in
London, he tried to sue the author for libel in order to suppress
his involvement in the Fire:
Not until the
thirty-fourth day of the proceedings was the name of Hanfstaengl,
the National-Socialist Press Chief, mentioned in the trial. Hanfstaengl,
who also happened to be in Berlin in the middle of the most vital
election campaign ever waged by his party in Germany, was the first
person to communicate the news of the fire to Goebbels, who, as
he said, took the message as a bad joke. Hanfstaengl was placed
conveniently near the fire, in no less a building than the Palace
of the Reichstag President, directly opposite. The Court did not
see fit to summon Hanfstaengl to give evidence although his observations,
made from so close a vantage point and at an early stage of the
fire, would assuredly have been of great interest. His absence from
the Court-room deprived the world, not only of the opportunity of
following his observations, but also of obtaining any explanation
of what he was doing in the Reichstag President's Palace at the
date and time in question.(Dimitrov, The Reichstag Fire Trial,
Horace Greeley Schacht —Hitler's Banker!!

Greeley Schacht (1877-1970) with Hitler in 1934, at the laying
of the foundation stone of the new Reichsbank building.
became President of the Reichsbank by murdering his predecessor!!
the 20th of November 1923, constituted a milestone in the history
of the stabilization of the mark by the fixing of the dollar rate
at four billion two hundred million paper marks, it also brought
yet another fateful occurrence. On that same day
Havenstein, President of the Reichsbank, died quite unexpectedly.
For the past few days he had been off colour but had not appeared
to be seriously ill. He was usually hale and hearty and no one had
dreamed that he would pass away so soon.
The question of his successor had for some time been smouldering
in people's minds; now, with his death, it became acute.
As so frequently happens in a parliamentary democracy, the selection
of an expert specialist was strongly influenced by political considerations.
Havenstein was well known as an old type of official with conservative
tendencies. He had always refused to take the initiative in putting
an end to inflation. He had not acceded to the Government's desire
that he should resign of his own accord. His own wish was that his
successor should be a man of the same conservative trend as himself.
The discussion as to Havenstein's successor concentrated essentially
on two individuals. One was Karl Helfferich, bank manager and representative
of the Deutschnationale Partei (German National Party) in the Reichstag.
The other was Hjalmar Schacht, Commissioner for National Currency
and joint founder of the Deutsche Demokratische Partei (German Democratic
Party). From the technical viewpoint Helfferich's former career
as a professor was in his favour, coupled with the fact that he
had written several scientific books and articles on the monetary
system. Schacht had to his credit his recent immediate monetary
success as Commissioner for National Currency. Both men could look
back on a professional banking career."(Schacht, My First
Seventy-Six Years, p.189). |

Hjalmar Horace
Greeley Schacht (left next to Roosevelt) was Hitler's Banker and
another good friend of Roosevelt.

Schacht awaiting trial at Nuremburg in 1946. His friends in very
high places saw that he was acquitted. |
Horace Greeley Schacht (1877-1970) shown here with President Roosevelt
in 1936.
He was indicted
for war crimes at Nuremburg but his friends in high places had
him acquitted while the other criminals were hanged.
with Hitler's banker |
Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor
attack on Dec. 7, 1941 was engineered by Roosevelt to get the
U.S. into World War II and make the U.S. a Fascist military
State!! |
was secretly "praying" for a Hitler victory over Russia.
He waited until June 1944 —when Hitler's doom was sealed—
before opening a second front and invading Europe.
Hitler had
a secret agreement with Pope Pius XII . . . that should Hitler
be victorious; Hitler would restore the Papal States to the
for Roosevelt and the Pope, Hitler lost the war so the Vatican
needed a new champion. Many of the top Nazis were allowed to
escape to the U.S. and resumed their old jobs at the Pentagon.
World War
II turned the U.S. into a fascist State ruled by the Pentagon
with the object of obtaining world military and economic hegemony
with the end view of re-establishing the Papal States in Italy.
evil Twin Towers!!

The evil
Twin Towers were demolished by explosives on Sept. 11, 2001. |
we go again......The Rockefeller, Rothschild, Roosevelt cabal
producing more fake terror to destroy what is left
of the U.S. Constitution.
The evil
Twin Towers were built by the 2 Rockefellers: David and Nelson.
This fake
terror has all the hallmarks of a Nazi operation.
after the demolition of the evil Towers, George
W. Bush, grandson
of Prescott Bush, the rubber stamp President, gave the Pentagon
the go-ahead to surround Russia with military bases.
They are
DREAMING if they think they are going to restore the Papal States
again. Like the stubborn Pharaoh of old they are fighting against
Roosevelt worked
very hard to repeal Prohibition!!
Franklin knew that a drunken nation would be a lot easier to deceive
so immediately after he became President, he worked very hard
to keep his campaign promise to repeal Prohibition. This was one of
the very few promises that he kept with the electorate.
21st Amendment which repealed Prohibition was introduced in Feb. 1933
and ratified in Dec. 1933. His friend (Baptist!!) Rockefeller had
bought up all the breweries before Prohibition was enacted in 1920
so the Rockefellers and Roosevelts obtained a nationwide monopoly
on the liquor industry after alcohol was legalized!!
Vital Link
the real Adolf Hitler
confiscated gold at $20.00 per ounce and revalued it to $35.00 per
3 GREAT tomes
by a GREAT Briton
Georgi. The Reichstag Fire Trial. John Lane the Bodley Head
Ltd., London, 1934.
John, T. The Roosevelt Myth, Devin-Adair, New York, 1948
Ernst. Hitler: The Missing Years, Arcade Publishing, New
York, 1994
Ernst. Zwischen Weißen und Braunem Haus. R. Piper &
Co., Verlag, Munchen.
Hjalmar Horace Greeley. My First Seventy-Six Years. Allan
Wingate, London, 1955.
John. Adolf Hitler, Doubleday & Co., New York, 1976.
Constitution Online
John, Hitler's Banker. Little, Brown & Co., New York,
Mark Emerson. Pearl Harbor: Mother of All Conspiracies. Xlibris
Corporation, 2000.
© 2007 by Niall Kilkenny
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