It is amazing why Hollywood didn't made a movie of the wedding of the short fat Greek and the tall Jackie O like My Big Fat Greek Wedding!
Bobby Kennedy asked Jackie to postpone her short fat Greek wedding to "Onassis" because he was planning on running for President in November 1968. She agreed, but very timely, Bobby was assassinated in June, thereby allowing the short fat Greek wedding to take place in October.
History does repeat itself in astonishing ways....In 1954, after he had fathered 2 children, the real tall Aristotle was sent to "Greek Orthodox heaven." In 1989, after he fathered an heir and a spare, the real Donald J. Trump was sent to the Latin Church "Purgatory."
The Trojan Horse was a wooden horse used by Greeks during the Trojan War to covertly enter the city of Troy and win the war. The Trojan Horse is not mentioned in Homer's Iliad, with the poem ending before the war was concluded, and it is only briefly mentioned in the Odyssey. But in the Aeneid by Virgil, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a wooden horse at the behest of Odysseus and hid a select force of men inside, including Odysseus himself.
![]() Artistic representation of the Trojan Horse and Greek crested helmet soldiers. |
![]() within the city of Troy. |
The Trojan Horse was a brilliant strategy by the Greeks. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night, the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under the cover of darkness. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city. That precursor of the ecumenical movement was a brilliant strategy by the clever Greeks.
Donkey DNA "archeologists" believed that the story of the Trojan Horse was a Greek myth until the city was discovered by real archaeologists Heinrich Schliemann and Frank Calvert in the 19th century.
![]() Pope from 1939 to 1958. |
![]() "Jovial" John XXIII. Pope from Oct. '58 to June '63. |
It was no coincidence that Cardinal Angelo Roncalli adopted the name John, which happened to be the first name of the man running for President of the New Jerusalem.
It is beyond belief but "jovial" John XXIII jumped the queue because he was released from "Purgatory" ahead of imperious Pope Pius XII.
Under "jovial" John, preparation for Vatican Council II actually began in August 1959, and the Council officially opened in October 1962.
![]() October 11, 1962. |
![]() Pope Paul VI closing Vatican Council II, Dec. 8. 1965. |
"Jews" were no longer considered "Christ killers," and even atheists were going to heaven . . . if they were sincere! However, "Purgatory" was still mandatory for Catholics! If it all sounds byzantine or confusing it is . . . because Babel means confusion!
A disappointed Pope Paul VI closed Vatican Council II on December 8, 1965. Even though the Trojan Horse ecumenical movement had placed a Catholic in the White House, Russia was still not defeated, and the Greek Orthodox Church still refused to establish diplomatic relations with the Vatican.
Smyrna is mentioned in the Apocalypse as the second of the seven congregations. Those 7 congregations were representative of 7 eras of Christian history that would elapse before the end of the world. That congregation was warned that they would have great tribulation for 10 years. That was the last great pagan persecution (303–313) just prior to the misrule of Emperor Jesus Constantine. Saint Patrick's ancestors were forced to flee to the north of Britannia during that persecution!
Eleven months after the Smyrna nuptials, Penelope gave birth to their first child, a daughter whom they baptised Artemis, after the Greek goddess of wild animals and the hunt: two year later, probably, although by no means certain (for he would change the day, the month and the year to suit his purpose), on the morning of January 20, 1900, Aristotle Socrates was born. (Evans, Ari: The Life and Times of Aristotle Onassis, p. 24).
Aristotle is a very common Greek name . . . and so is the name Onassis "Favoured One." Unlike most Greeks, Aristotle was not too bright, and he started school late. A keen swimmer, water polo player, and oarsman, he had more in common with Odysseus than with Archimedes or Pythagoras.
![]() Ruins of ancient Smyrna, now called İzmir by the "Terrible Turks." |
![]() The U.S. Consulate in Smyrna was burned to the ground by the Terrible Turks, Sept. 1922. |
The entire Biblical city of Smyrna was burned to the ground, and the Terrible Turks committed outrageous atrocities against Greek and Armenian Christians! British battleships were stationed in the harbor, but they refused to help, while the New Jerusalem was the only nation offering assistance to the holocaust victims!
The Onassis family escaped to Athens, and the real Aristotle boarded a ship in Naples bound for Argentina.
![]() The real tall Aristotle Onassis circa 1935. |
![]() The real tall Aristotle Onassis (1900 –1954) in 1941. |
The Greeks hated the "Terrible Turks" with a passion and would have nothing to do with Turkish tobacco. It was only after World War II that the name Aristotle Onassis emerged from obscurity, and the name was associated with the purchase of surplus Liberty ships.
![]() Wedding photo of the real tall
Aristotle and "loving bride" Tina. |
![]() The wedding reception of real tall Aristotle and Tina Livanos. |
The real Aristotle had a "close friend" and shipping rival named Stavros Niarchos (1909–1996).
![]() |
![]() Tina and Stavros Niarchos were wed in 1971. |
Even though Niarchos was born in Buffalo, New York, his British Secret Service spying cover was "Greek" shipping mogul.
After the victory over Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, "Accidental President" Harry S. Fakeman dismantled the "Arsenal of Democracy" and it was sold at the equivalent of a fire sale. The Maritime Commission was in charge of selling hundreds of Liberty ships at bargain basement prices.
While American ship owners were reluctant to purchase the tankers and dry-cargo ships, both Niarchos and Onassis were burning to take advantage of the unprecedented sale. Niarchos acted first. He established, in New York, the North American Shipping and Trading Company (N . A .S .T.C.), in which he owned 40 percent of the stock, while the remaining 60 percent was controlled by four U.S. citizens, including Niarchos’ sister, Mrs. Andrew Dracopoulos. At the same time, Niarchos became associated with a powerful economic, military, and legal group of influential Americans, known as the Casey group. Members of that group included ex-Congressman Joseph E. Casey, a Massachusetts Democrat; a former Secretary of State, Edward R. Stettinius; Brig. General Julius Holmes; and Fleet Admiral William (“Bull”) Halsey. In a byzantine fashion, the Casey group, in 1947, formed the American Overseas Tanker Corporation which bought five T-2 tankers from the U.S. government. (Brady, Onassis: An Extravagant Life, pp. 83-84).
The Casey group was supposed to investigate how Liberty ships fell into foreign hands, but they never investigated how the USS President Warfield was purchased by the Crusaders.
![]() Congressman Joseph P. Casey (1898–1980). |
![]() CIA hitman Robert Maheu (1917–2008). |
The body of the real Aristotle was never found. He could have ended up with cement shoes in the Potomac River, or more likely he was cremated. Pagan cremation is absolutely forbidden in the Greek Orthodox Church.
![]() Tina and the short fat Aristotle dancing cheek to cheek in London circa 1956. |
![]() outside their Swiss villa. |
The 2 children of the real Aristotle were too young to recognize that their real father was switched with a short fat double!! However, it should have been no problem for his "loving spouse." Incredibly, the real Donald Trump was sent to "Purgatory" after he fathered an heir and a spare!
The wedding of Hollywood star Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier of Monaco took place on April 18, 1956. It was considered the wedding of the decade, and was watched by millions of people via the new medium of television.
![]() The young Princess Grace dining with the short fat Greek in Monaco. |
![]() and Prince Rainier. |
1956 was a milestone year in world history because the Suez Canal Crisis began later in the year. The fake Onassis became a billionaire when the Suez Canal was closed, and he charged exorbitant rates to ship oil to Western Europe around Cape of Good Hope.
Lee Bouvier became Lee Radziwill on April 18, 1953, and Jackie became Jackie Kennedy on September 12, 1953. The short fat Greek philanderer divorced Tina in 1960, and he began an affair with Lee Radziwill in 1963.
In May 1968, Jackie told Booby Kennedy that she was determined to marry "Aristotle Onassis." Bobby told her he was planning on running for President, and to wait until after the November election....She agreed, but very conveniently, Bobby was assassinated in June 1968.
![]() Lee Radziwill with the short fat Onassis at a reception at the Athens Hilton, Sept. 1963. |
![]() Jackie, the fake Onassis, and Franklin Roosevelt Jr. on the Christina, Oct. 1963. |
It was on the Christina that the plans for sending her husband to "Purgatory" were finalized with the Winston Churchill double:
It was Sunday morning, November 25, when the phone rang in the White House’s private quarters. A maid picked it up. “It’s a Mr. Onassis,” she told Jackie. Jackie was surprised. She took the phone. “Ari? Is that really you?” Aristotle Onassis was in Washington? On the night of the assassination, Lee had received a telephone call from Onassis. He was in Germany at the time, where he had launched a 50,000-ton tanker called Olympic Chivalry, when he heard about Kennedy. He was concerned about Lee, he said. He knew how close she was to Jack, and he wanted to make sure she was all right. She said, according to one account, that she was deeply grieving, but that it was nothing compared to what she knew Jackie was going through. Onassis then wanted to his express his sympathy to Jackie. Apparently, she had given him her private number when they were on the Christina together. (Taraborrelli, Jackie, Janet & Lee, pp. 206-207).
Jackie was grieving, not because her husband was in "Purgatory," but because the assassination in Dallas did not trigger WWIII with the Soviet Union.
![]() The wedding of tall Jackie and the short fat Greek, October 20, 1968. |
![]() The short fat Greek and tall Jackie sailing aboard the Christina. |
That wedding was definitely not a "love match" as a prenuptial agreement was signed by both couples before the short fat wedding. Several lawyers worked on the agreement. and no financial contingency was overlooked. That wedding did make Jackie fantastically wealthy, but the money could not buy her peace of mind after the assassinations of Jack and his brother Bobby.
![]() The tall handsome Alexander Onassis (1948–1973) looked like his real father! |
![]() The real tall Christina Onassis (1950–1988). |
In 1974, Tina Onassis, the mother of Alexander and Christina, was found dead in her bathtub in a Parisian mansion that she shared with her husband Stavros Niarchos. All of the murders disguised as "suicides" in that fabulously rich family is truly beyond belief.
![]() and Christina on the island of Skorpios.. |
![]() National Cemetery in Virginia. |
On Mary 23, 1994, Jackie Kennedy joined her husband in "Purgatory." Vatican Council II did not abolish Purgatory, so that fiery underground realm is still mandatory for Catholics. Even Pope Francis has to spend time in "Purgatory" before he is "canonized" and joins the "Church Triumphant" in heaven!
On July 16, 1999, John F. Kennedy Jr. was also killed in an "accidental" plane crash so that Hillary Clinton could run for the U.S. Senate from New York!
4 times in the Apocalypse the Jewish Messiah calls himself Alpha and Omega—the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet:
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith JEHOVAH, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (Apocalypse 1:8,11, 21:6,22:13).
Those 2 letters do not appear in the Latin name JESUS . . . but they do appear in the Hebrew named JOSHUA.
The Season of Advent in the Greek Orthodox Church started on November 15 and ends on December 24. The Latin Season of Advent began on December 3 and ends on December 24.
The Greek Orthodox Church still celebrates Christmas on January 7 because they never adopted the Latin Gregorian calendar!!
The birthday of the Jewish Messiah on December 25 is a Greek MYTH started by Emperor Jesus Constantine at the Council of Nicaea!
The Latin word ADVENTUS is translated from the Greek parousia, and it refers to the coming of ANTICHRIST . . . and not to the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem:
Whose coming (Gk. parousia, Lat. adventus) is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders. And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity.
(II Thessalonians 2:9-11, Douay-Rheims Version).
Transubstantiation or the mass is a lying wonder whereby a priest changes the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ. Santa Claus delivering millions of presents simultaneously on Christmas Eve is a lying wonder. Babies "born again" by Latin rite baptism is a lying wonder. The lying wonders of the Latin Church are legion . . . and did not change after Vatican Council II.
No wonder revived Israel banned ChristMAS from New Boston—that "shining city on a hill" (Saint Matthew 5:14)....This year, don't believe Satan's BIG FAT FIB that the Jewish Messiah was born on ChristMAS Day!!
Vital Links
Brady, Frank. Onassis: An Extravagant Life. Jove Publications, New York, 1978. (Kindle Edition published by Creative Publishing in 2013).
Evans, Peter. Ari: The Life and Times of Aristotle Onassis. Summit Books, New York, 1986.
Evans, Peter. Nemesis: The True Story of Aristotle Onassis, Jackie O, and the Love Triangle That Brought Down the Kennedys. HarperCollins, New York, 2004.
Gage, Nicholas. Greek Fire: The Story of Maria Callas and Aristotle Onassis. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2000.
Giles, Martin. Paradise Lost: Smyrna,1922: The Destruction of a Christian City in the Islamic World. Basic Books, New York, 2008.
Kelley, Kitty. Jackie Oh!: The Life of Jacqueline Onassis. Lyle Stuart, New York, 1978.
Speiser, Stuart. The Deadly Sins of Aristotle Onassis. ACW Press, Ozark, Alabama, 2005.
Taraborelli, Randy J. Jackie, Janet & Lee. The Secret Lives of Janet Aunchincloss and her Daughters. St. Martin Press, New York, 2018.
Ureneck, Lou. Smyrna, September 1922 : the American Mission to Rescue Victims of the 20th Century's First Genocide. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 2016.
Wright, William. All the Pain That Money Can Buy: The Life of Christina Onassis. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991.
Copyright © 2023 by Patrick Scrivener