.  |
The Trump saga began in Bavaria in 1869—the year before the epochal Fall of the Papal States. The dynasty covered the last epoch of Christian history known as the Laodicean or BLIND MENS era (Apocalypse 3:17).

Donald J. Trump (1946 –1989)
NYMA photo. |
Only a BLIND MAN would mistake the person on the right for the person on the left.
In 2000, Donald J. Trump would have been 54-years-old.
The person on the right does not look a day older than 45.
We cannot trust Babylon on the Hudson to make America Great Again because that city takes its marching orders from Babylon on the Thames!!
Additionally, New York is named after the sinister King James II of Warming Pan Plot infamy.
The cover of the 2000
doppelgänger book.
Trump . . . Trump . . . Trump . . . Trump....Before the crash, most of the top reporters for the major New York newspapers knew that there were 4 Donald Trumps!
After the helicopter crash, the Trump Organization's finances were in FREEFALL, but thanks to Deutsche Bank, their coffers were once again overflowing with cash. Additionally, the 2016 Trump campaign received a huge infusion of the cash from the same bank.....Why would Germany want to Make America Great Again when the Nazis never officially surrendered to General Eisenhower in 1945?

The Art of the Comeback cover. |
After a huge infusion of cash from Deutsche Bank, the Trump syndicate came back from the brink of bankruptcy.
In 1997, a Donald Trump d double or oppelgänger signed copies of his book The Art of the Comeback.
For most adults, the color of their eyes, the shape of their ears, their height, and fingerprints, remains the same for the rest of their lifetime!
A brown-eyed double signing copies
of The Art of the Comeback.
During the 2016 Presidential debates, a Hillary dead ringer debated with a brown-eyed "Donald Trump."

A brown-eyed Team Trump
candidate debated "Hillary" in 2016. |
In 2016, a brown-eyed and a blue eyed "Trump" debated with a Hillary doppelgänger.
The real Donald Trump would have been 70, and Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton would have been 69.
Only JEHOVAH can turn back the clock (Isaiah 38:8). Plastic surgery may fool father time on the outside, but it cannot turn back the clock on the inside!

The doppelgänger's third Presidential
debate, Oct. 20, 2016. |
In 1975, Fred Trump Sr., ordered his son to marry and produce an heir and a spare to continue the Trump dynasty. He fulfilled that obligation by 1985, so his work was basically completed by that time.

Ivana Winklmayr (b. 1949). |
Austrian femme fatale Ivana Winklmayr was the wife of Donald J. Trump.
She is also the daughter of Adolf and Eva Hitler.
In 1970, she gave birth to a baby girl named Melania who was planted with the Knavs family in Slovenia.
Like her mom, Melania became a fashion model, and later First Lady of the New Jerusalem! |

Austrian Melania Trump
(b. 1970). |
In order to really understand what makes Catholicism tick you have to go to Austria....INCEST doesn't run among the Austrians . . . it gallops....A prominent example is the Habsburg jutting jaw.... Arch-reactionary Emperor Franz Joseph was a firm believer in the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, and he considered electricity, trains, telephones, and newspapers the "work of the devil."
Bavarian Friedrich Trump was the founder of the Trump dynasty!
The original name of the Bavarian Trump dynasty was Drumpf. After the devastating Jesuit sponsored Thirty Years' War, a Kallstadt winegrower named Hans Dwumpf changed the family name to Trump.
After the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, Germany was divided into several kingdoms; each having an official state religion of either Catholic or "Protestant."
Saint Martin Luther never called himself a "Protestant." The name "Protestant" was invented by the Jesuits as a slur against the Reformed
Christians who obeyed Christ's command to "come out of Babylon"
(Jeremiah 51:6, Apocalypse 18:4).
In 1854, Bavaria was united to ultra-Catholic Austria when Witterlsbach Princess Elizabeth married Habsburg Emperor Franz Joseph.

Friedrich Trump
(1869 –1918). |
In 1885, 16-year-old Friedrich Trump first entered the New Jerusalem with one goal in mind: get rich quick!
With the help of John D. Rockefeller he accomplished his goal, and then he returned to Bavaria to seek a bride.
In 1901, Friedrich arrived back in Bavaria a wealthy man, and married the girl next door named Elizabeth "Christ." |

Elizabeth "Christ" Trump
(1880–1966). |
By 1900, Prussia had consolidated its control on all the German states and "Kaiser Bill" was ready to go to war with France and Orthodox Russia. Friedrich's wife Elizabeth did not want to leave her hometown, but no matter how much money he offered the officials, his request to remain in Bavaria was denied.

Friedrich and Elizabeth Trump. |
Friedrich married Elizabeth in 1902 and the couple moved to New York.
Elizabeth desperately wanted to return to Bavaria so her children would be born in Bismarck's Second Reich.
In 1904, Friedrich and Elizabeth returned to Bavaria, but "Kaiser Bill" denied them permission to stay! |

(l. to r.) Fred Sr., Friedrich, Elizabeth,
Elizabeth "Christ," and John. |
"Kaiser Bill" felt the Trumps could better serve the Second Reich in the New Jerusalem, so he was expelled from the country as a "draft dodger." While in New York, Friedrich and Elizabeth had 3 children: Fred Sr., Elizabeth, and John. Fred Sr. was the father of Donald J. Trump.
British owned Brown Brothers Harriman Bank financed Fred Trump's real estate empire!!
Starting with virtually nothing, Fred Trump amassed a huge real estate empire. The Apocalypse says that the streets of the New Jerusalem would be paved with gold . . . but that is speaking symbolically . . . and not literally. Fred Trump didn't get rich by digging up the sidewalks of New York!

Fred Trump Sr. (1905–1999). |
In 1936, Fred Trump Sr. married Mary Anne MacLeod, an immigrant from the Outer Hebredes in Scotland.
Northern Scotland has always been a stronghold of the "Old Pretender" "Bonnie" Prince Charlie!
The couple had 4 children: Frederick Jr., Elizabeth, Donald, and Robert. |

Mary Anne MacLeod Trump
(1912–2000). |
When the Great Depression hit in 1929, almost everybody was broke, but Fred Trump Sr. went on a building binge. That was because he was financed by the British owned Brown Brothers Harriman Bank.
In 1931, Brown Brothers of Philadelphia merged with Harriman to form Brown Brothers Harriman—making it the richest bank in the nation.
Billionaire Averell Harriman and
Fred Trump Sr. circa 1939. |
Averell "Moneybags" Harriman just happened to be the father of Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton!
Donald was the only son who could work with his tyrannical father.
Fred Sr. dragged his reluctant son to his various job sites but Donald was only interested in having a "good time." |

Fred and son Donald at
Trump Village in 1973. |
Fred Sr. desperately wanted an heir and a spare for the Trump dynasty but Donald was not the marrying kind.
Donald was ordered to produce an heir and a spare to continue the Trump dynasty!!
Donald was a very unruly student, so his father packed him off to the New York Military Academy to learn discipline. It was a West Point Military Academy for minors. Donald thrived in that males only environment, and graduated in 1964.

Trump's 1964 NYMA
graduation photo. |
Beginning in 1964, Donald attended Fordham University, but he quit after 2 years because Jesuitical teaching did not appeal to him.
In 1968, he enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Finance.
The University of Pennsylvania was founded before the New Jerusalem, but the Wharton School of Finance was founded by the Brown Brothers Bank in 1881.

Trump's 1968 Wharton
graduation photo. |
At that school he learned that the real billionaires are discreet and never seek publicity!
Donald was first introduced to Ivana the Austrian in 1976. Ivan is a very common Russian name, and in English it transliterates as John. Ivana is the feminine form of the name and it means JOAN . . . as in Pope Joan!

Ivana Winklmayr (b. 1949) before
she married Donald Trump. |
Femme fatale Ivana Winklmayr was the Austrian Mary Vetsera or Hedy Lamar.
As the Austrian Joan Bond, her assignment was to make contact with Donald Trump, marry him, and produce an heir and a spare for the Trump dynasty.
Ivana left Austria in 1973 and settled in Montreal, Canada. From there she was able to make contact with The Donald. |
Donald and Ivana when
they first met in 1976. |
From her British spying station in Canada, Ivana was able to make contact with the Trump Organization in New York City.

Roy Cohn (1927–1986) with
close friend Donald. |
Donald Trump was a tall, blond-haired blue eyed Adonis, who enjoyed spending his father's millions.
He would never say "You're Fired!" to anybody!
Donald had a close friend, a lawyer named Roy Cohn, who advised him to get a prenuptial agreement before marrying Ivana. |

The wedding of Donald and Ivana in June 1977. |
That marriage was a strictly business affair, and Roy Cohn's legal eagle mind made sure that every contingency was covered e.g. divorce, accidental death, childrens' inheritances, etc., etc. Naturally, Ivana had her lawyer scrutinize the prenuptial agreement very carefully!

Ivana, Donald, and Donald Jr.
in 1978. |
By 1978, Donald's main task was completed because he had produced an heir and a spare for the Trump dynasty.
However, throughout the decade of the 90's, he continued to work for father Fred, assisted by a doppelgänger named John Baron. |

Ivana, Don Jr., Ivanka, and
Eric in 1978. |
Throughout the decade of the 90's a dead ringer frequently took the place of the real Donald.

Ivana and John Baron at
the U.S. Open in 1988. |
While the Trump empire was expanding during the 90's there was a plethora of Trumps.
The most prominent Trump dead ringer was named John Baron, and reporters were often confused about which Trump they were interviewing.
The real Trump did play a limited role in the Trump Organization, but Baron was most likely the brains behind the show. |

A brown-eyed Trump and
he's not wearing contacts! |
Here is a quote about "John Baron" from 2 Washington Post reporters:
In the early eighties, Barbara Res walked the sidewalks with Trump to meetings, making small talk about buildings or deals. By the end of the decade, when Trump went to lunch with other executives, he would surround himself with three security guards. The office had always been competitive, but the door to Trump's inner lair had stayed open, even when he was making calls under the fake name John Baron. But after the first big successes, the mood around Trump began to change. (Kranish & Fisher, Trump Revealed, p. 100).
The big changes in the Trump Organization did indeed begin as the new decade dawned. The original Donald did not have a "killer instinct," and the famous phrase "You're Fired," was not part of his vocabulary!
British owned Holiday Inn financed Trump's New Jersey casinos!!
After Trump Tower in New York City, another huge publicity stunt for the Trump Organization was the opening of gambling casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Prior to that time most high profile gambling was confined to Lost Wages, Nevada.

Holiday Inn chairman Michael Rose
(1942–2017). |
In 1980, the family oriented All-American Holiday Inn chain was secretly acquired by the British InterContinental Hotels Groups, PLC.
In 1982, that same company acquired a Lost Wages gambling outfit named Harrah's, Inc.
Because of the association of gambling and organized crime, the New Jersey Casino Control Commission vetted every applicant carefully. |

InterContinental Hotels Group HQ
in Denham, Buckinghamshire. |
When it looked like The Donald would not get a gambling license, Holiday Inn chairman Michael Rose came to his rescue:
Then something serendipitous happened. One morning in June I got a call at my office from a man named Michael Rose. I'd never met the man but I knew he was the chairman of Holiday Inn. I picked up the phone and Rose introduced himself. He was very pleasant, and he said that he'd like to come up from Memphis to see me (Trump, The Art of the Deal, p. 140).
When Rose arrived from Memphis, Trump believed that it was to help him acquire the Barbizon-Plaza hotel in Manhattan. He was totally shocked when Rose offered to help him build a casino in Atlantic City:
Rose had a specific deal in mind. We'd build the hotel, they'd manage it, and we'd split the profits fifty-fifty. In addition, he said, they'd put up $50 million of their own money toward construction and reimburse me immediately for approximately $22 million of my expenses up to that point. We also agreed to they'd take over responsibility for financing and use the Holiday Inn guarantee to get us a very prime rate. As a final inducement to make the deal, Rose said that Holiday Inn would guarantee me against any operating losses for a period of five years from the date the casino opened and pay me a large construction fee. (Trump, The Art of the Deal, p. 213).
Donald rightly believed that the deal was just too good to be true, but Rose smiled, shook his hand, and reassured him that the deal was a sure bet!

The Trump Hotel and Casino
in Atlantic City. |
Trying to lure away customers from Lost Wages, the Trump Organization built 2 spectacular casinos in Atlantic City.
Lost Wages was always associated with the Mafia, but the family oriented Holiday Inn gave gambling an aura of respectability.
Big name rock groups like the depraved Rolling Stones were attracted to the casinos, as well as heavyweight boxing matches sponsored by "promoter" Merv Griffin. |

John Baron aka Donald Trump
outside the Trump Taj Mahal.
Ivana the Austrian was put in charge of the Trump Hotel and Casino, but she was transferred back to Manhattan just before the helicopter crash.
On October 10, 1989, Donald Trump and 3 casino executives fell from the sky!!
On October 10, 1989, 3 of the top Trump executive in Atlantic City made a trip via a Trump Air Sikorsky S-76 helicopter to New York City for a brief press conference. They landed at the East 61st heliport, and then were taken via limousine to the Plaza Hotel.
The press conference was held to promote a boxing match that night between Héctor "Macho Man" Camacho and Vinny Pazienza. Donald Trump was to accompany them back on the helicopter because his presence there would guarantee a full house.
After the news conference at the Plaza hotel, the trio had lunch, and then returned with Donald to the heliport—only to discover that their Sikorsky helicopter had been replaced by an Italian made Agusta S-109.

Stephen Hyde
(1946–1989). |
The official account of the helicopter crash is pure fiction: The 3 executives were "delayed," and their helicopter took off without them.
Then they shopped around and found an Italian made Agusta helicopter.
Finding a replacement helicopter happened so quickly that the trio were airborne by 1:00 p.m.

Mark Grossinger-Etess
(1951–1989). |
The Trump Organization had a French made Super Puma helicopter but the executives decided not to use it because it was a gas-guzzler!

Jonathan Benanav
(1956–1989). |
Helicopter pilot Robert Kent and copilot Lawrence Diener also perished in the crash.
According to a biography of the "resurrected" Trump, he decided at the last minute to cancel his trip!
The "resurrected" Donald credits that decision with saving his life! |

Donald died on
October 10, 1989. |
Here is a quote from the "resurrected" Donald Trump:
For an instant, as they were walking out, I thought of going with them. I fly down to Atlantic City at least once a week, and I knew that if I made the forty-five minute helicopter trip then, we would continue talking business on the way. But there was just too much to do in the office that day. As quickly as the idea had popped into my mind, I decided not to go. Instead I just said good-bye and went back to reading reports and making phone calls (Trump. Surviving at the Top, pp. 17-18).
The "resurrected" Donald mentioned nothing about his fear of flying in an Italian made Agusta helicopter!

The helicopter crash site
in New Jersey. |
After the crash, the Trump saga became really bizarre.
Ivana divorced the "back from the dead" Donald and got custody of the children.
In December 1993, the "resurrected" Donald married Marla Maples in Florida. |

The "resurrected" Donald, Hillary, Bill, and
Marla Maples, Dec. 1993.
After the crash, the Trump Organization's finances were in freefall, and Wall St. pundits were predicting that the entire company would go into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. What saved the Trump Organization was a huge infusion of cash from the recently united German Deutsche Bank!
It was a British Secret Service agent Mark Burnett who resurrected the Trump name and made him a nationwide figure once again.
British Secret Service agent Mark Burnett gave nationwide publicity to the "resurrected" Donald!!
Mark Burnett came to the New Jerusalem from Babylon on the Thames or Gog and Magog. He trained as a paratrooper with the British Army so he was used to hitting the ground alive from helicopters!

MI6 Mark Burnett (b. 1960). |
A British Secret Service agent must be proficient in the use of all kinds of poisons, and he is also required to be knowledgeable in many combat skills.
Mark Burnett trained as a paratrooper, and he served under the British Queen Cleopatra in the Falkland Islands and Northern Ireland.
Mark's 1982 entrée into Hollywood was made possible by another actor/spy named Peter Lawford. |

Paratrooper Mark Burnett
in 1980. |
Peter Lawford was the former brother-in-law of President Kennedy. He was also very close to Marilyn Monroe.

The "resurrected" Donald and Mark Burnett.
He then began to produce a reality TV series called The Survivors.
After reading Donald Trump's The Art of the Deal, he conceived of The Apprentice. |
The Trump helicopter was always available to
take the 3 executives back to Atlantic City. |
The name of the show was inspired by Walt Disney's The Sorcerer's Apprentice:
I also knew that this would make a great TV show because viewers in the U.S. thoroughly related to a group of candidates pursuing the American dream. I was living, breathing, and eating this new idea. I'd even played around with a couple of names—"The Protégé," or "The Apprentice" (taken from "The Sorcerer's Apprentice," with the mogul as the sorcerer). (Burnett, Jump In!, p. 189).
Who better to play the role of Sorcerer's Apprentice than a man who had been raised from the dead?
Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton: You're Fired! |
The Apprentice premiered in 2005, and was a smash hit with TV viewers.
It gave the "back from the dead Donald" national prominence.
The show pitted male contestants against females—with the females always winning! |

The cast of The Apprentice. |
That show was a great infomercial for Babylon on the Hudson, and it also paved the way for Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton's Presidential bid in 2016. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Apocalypse 5:5) was watching over the New Jerusalem, and the British Lying failed to devour the American eagle:
Surely there is no sorcery against Jacob, neither divination against Israel, according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, what hath Elohim wrought! (Numbers 23:23).
For the peace of the nation and the world, a fake American male in the White House is far, far better than a genuine Brittish female!
Abramson, Rudy. Spanning the Century: The Life of W. Averell Harriman (1891–1986). William Morrow & Company, New York, 1992.
Barrett, Wayne. Trump: The Deals and the Downfall. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1992.
Blair, Gwenda. The Trumps: Three Generations that Built an Empire. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2000.
Burnett, Mark, Jump In! Even If You Don't Know How to Swim. Random House, New York, 2005.
Burleigh, Nina. Golden Handcuffs: The Secret History of Trump's Women. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2018.
D'Antonio, Michael. Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success. St. Martin's Press, New York, 2015.
Hurt, Harry. Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1993.
King, Norma. Ivana Trump: The Very Unauthorized Biography. Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York, 1990.
Kranish Michael & Fisher, Marc. Trump Revealed: An American Journey of Ambition, Ego, Money & Power. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2016.
Mandel, Leon. William Fish Harrah: The Life and Times of a Gambling Magnate. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, 1982.
O' Brien, Timothy L. TrumpNation: The Art of of Being the Donald. Grand Central Publishing, New York, 2016.
O' Donnell, John R. Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump—His Rise & Spectacular Fall. Simon & Schuster, New York, 1991.
Pozar, Bojan. Melania Trump -The Inside Story: The Potential First Lady. Published by Amazon in 2016.
Trump, Donald J. The Art of the Deal. Random House, New York, 1987.
Trump, Donald J. Trump: Surviving at the Top. Random House, New York, 1990.
Trump, Donald. The Art of the Comeback. Random House, 1997.
Trump, Donald. The America We Deserve. St. Martin's Press, New York, 2000.
Trump, Ivana. Raising Trump. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2017.
© 2019 by Patrick
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