From Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated by Chas. M. Higgins.

Hundreds of animals dead from Foot and Mouth Disease caused by vaccination.

Hundreds of animals dead from Foot and Mouth Disease caused by vaccination.

The photograph on preceding page is taken from the Report of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry for 1902 on the great epidemic of Cattle Plague, or Foot and Mouth Disease, in Massachusetts in 1902, caused by vaccine virus, which cost the U. S. Government $130,00 to suppress and caused the slaughter of 4316 animals. In this impressive picture you will note the bodies of hundreds of cattle resting on a pile of firewood in a trench on the snow covered ground ready for burning to destroy the infection caused by the vaccine virus. Look carefully, as the picture is much reduced, and you will see a man at the left in the trench setting fire to the pile. Note the horns, heads, and hoofs of the cattle bristling from all sides of the funeral pile. Soon you will see the smoke of sacrifice rise from these victims of vaccination on the altar of Medical Barbarism--a Holocaust to the Demon Vaccine!

In 1908 there was a second epidemic of the same disease which raged in several States, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maryland and New York, caused by the vaccine virus used by two of the largest manufacturers of vaccine virus in the United States. (See Report of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry for 1908). In this second epidemic 3636 animals were slaughtered at a cost to the U. S. Government of $300,000. In both epidemics there occurred outbreaks of similar disease among vaccinated persons in the infected States, from which many deaths resulted. What do you now think of any medical scheme for the alleged benefit of "public health" which is capable of causing such disasters to animal and human life as this peculiar and extraordinary scheme of bovine vaccination? Do you think, Mr. President, that any medical device capable of causing such disasters should be made compulsory by law, in our Army or Navy, on our public school children or on any one else in any shape or form? And do you not think that all compulsion should be now abolished and Medical Freedom from inflicted disease established as an absolute American and Hygienic Right?

Cow suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease caused by Vaccination.

Cow suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease caused by Vaccination.

Oxen with Foot and Mouth Disease caused by Vaccination.

Oxen with Foot and Mouth Disease caused by Vaccination.

Udder and teats of a cow affected with Foot and Mouth Disease.

Udder and teats of a cow affected with Foot and Mouth Disease.
Note characteristic eruptions on teats.