Erroneous Petrine Primacy

Here is the "Catholic" Encyclopedia definition of Primacy:

The supreme episcopal jurisdiction of the pope as pastor and governor of the Universal Church.

Primacy of the Roman See

We have shown in the last section that Christ conferred upon St. Peter the office of chief pastor, and that the permanence of that office is essential to the very being of the Church. It must now be established that it belongs of right to the Roman See. The proof will fall into two parts:

  • that St. Peter was Bishop of Rome, and

  • that those who succeed him in that see succeed him also in the supreme headship.

Everything in Rome rests upon 3 assumptions:

1. Joshua made Saint Peter head of the "Church."
2. That Saint Peter was bishop of Rome for at least 25 years.
3. The Popes are the successors of Saint Peter.

Thus in Old Rome we have St. Peter's Square and Basilica; with the chair of St. Peter and statues of the Saint all over Vatican City.

St. Peter's Square and Basilica.
St. Peter's Square and Basilica.

Keys of St. Peter.
Keys of St. Peter.

St. Peter's Chair.
St. Peter's Chair.

Bearded St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica.
Statue of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica.

Bearded St. Peter in Vatican City Square.
Statue of St. Peter in Vatican City Square.

With all the statues and paintings of St. Peter in Rome, it does seem convincing "proof" that St. Peter was actually in Rome except for 1 little FACT—the Greeks never heard a word about it.

Nobody heard of this Petrine Primacy at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD.

The Council of Chalcedon was the FOURTH Ecumenical Council held in Chalcedon near Constantinople and attended by over 600 bishops.

It is astonishing to learn that in the year 451—only 150 years from the patristic period— nobody had heard of St. Peter's bishopric in the city of Rome.

This is more fantastic when we realize that most of the Christians lived in the East where the Council was held. The Greeks preserved the New Covenant , plus most of the practices of Apostolic Christianity such as baptism by triune immersion and leavened bread in the Eucharist.

If Joshua had made St. Peter head of the "church," surely the bishops or the Pope would have known something about it.

Icon of the Council of Chalcedon.

At the Council of Chalcedon, Constantinople was declared the second most important see after Rome.

Old Rome was given first place only because it was the IMPERIAL CITY.

Pope Leo forgot to remind the Council about St. Peter being in Rome and Apostolic Succession!!

Pope Leo I (400-461).
Pope Leo I (400-461).
Pope from 440-461.

By a strange oversight, Pope Leo I (the GREAT!!) forgot to remind the Council that Rome had first place because Joshua gave the keys of the kingdom to St. Peter, who was subsequently bishop of Rome for at least 25 years.

In a rare display of humility, Leo completely forgot to tell the Council that he was Pope by divine appointment, and not because Rome was the Imperial city. Here is the text of Canon 28 of the Council of Chalcedon:

Following in every detail all the decrees of the holy fathers and knowing about the canon, just read, of the 150 bishops dearly beloved of God, gathered together under Theodosius the Great, emperor of pious memory in the imperial city of Constantinople, New Rome, we ourselves have also decreed and voted the same things about the prerogatives of the very holy Church of this same Constantinople, New Rome. The fathers in fact have correctly attributed the prerogatives [which belong] to the see of the most ancient Rome because it was the imperial city. And thus moved by the same reasoning, the 150 bishops beloved of God have accorded equal prerogatives to the very holy see of New Rome, justly considering that the city that is honored by the imperial power and the senate and enjoying [within the civil order] the prerogatives equal to those of Rome, the most ancient imperial city, ought to be as elevated as Old Rome in the affairs of the Church, being in the second place after it. Consequently, the metropolitans and they alone of the dioceses of Pontus, Asia and Thrace, as well as the bishops among the barbarians of the aforementioned dioceses, are to be ordained by the previously mentioned very holy see of the very holy Church of Constantinople; that is, each metropolitan of the above-mentioned dioceses is to ordain the bishops of the province along with his fellow bishops of that province, as has been provided for in the divine canons. As for the metropolitans of the previously mentioned dioceses, they are to be ordained, as has already been said, by the archbishop of Constantinople, after harmonious elections have taken place according to custom and after the archbishop has been notified. (L'Huillier, The Church of the Ancient Councils, pp. 267-268).

Obviously, this Petrine Primacy is a complete MYTH and later fabrication, otherwise Pope Leo would have certainly mentioned it to the bishops who attended the Council of Chalcedon.

The decree of Roman Emperor Theodosius linked Rome with Saint Peter!!

Emperor Theodosius was the first to officially decree that only those who believed in the myth of Saint Peter at Rome would now be considered Catholic or Universal.

Emperor Theodosius I (347-395).
Emperor Theodosius I (347-395).
Emperor from 378 to 392.


Emperor Theodosius I was a roughneck Roman soldier from Spain.

Pope Damasus I was also from Spain.

In 380, Theodosius issued an edict that everybody in the Empire MUST believe that Pope Damasus was the successor of St. Peter.

Pope Damascus (305-384).
Pope Damasus I (305-384).
Pope from 366 to 384.

Very soon after becoming Emperor, Theodosius issued a decree that everybody in the Empire MUST believe that Pope Damasus was the successor of St. Peter:

On January 19, 379, the emperor Gratian raised Theodosius to the rank of emperor and gave him charge of the eastern half of the empire. Theodosius was a general from Spain and a convinced partisan of Nicene orthodoxy. He did not wait long to show his colors. On February 28, 380, Theodosius issued an edict saying that anyone who did not follow the faith of Pope Damasus of Rome and Peter of Alexandria was a heretic. (The Church of the Ancient Councils, p. 104).

Here is a copy of that edict :

It is our desire that all the various nations which are subject to our Clemency and Moderation, should continue in the profession of that religion which was delivered to the Romans by the divine Apostle Peter, as it hath been preserved by faithful tradition; and which is now professed by the Pontiff Damasus and by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, a man of apostolic holiness. According to the apostolic teaching and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe the one deity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in equal majesty and in a holy Trinity.

We authorize the followers of this law to assume the title of Catholic Christians; but as for the others, since, in our judgement, they are foolish madmen, we decree that they shall be branded with the ignominious name of heretics, and shall not presume: to give to their conventicles the name of churches. They will suffer in the first place the chastisement of the divine condemnation, and in the second the punishment which our authority, in accordance with the will of Heaven, shall decide to inflict. (Theodosius, Edictum de fide catholica).

It is a MIRACLE indeed that the Lord would reveal the presence of St. Peter in Rome to a Roman Emperor . . . and keep it a secret from the rest of the Christians....It seems that Theodosius had the same secret insider information as Emperor Constantine:

You will, it may be, also detail to us those particulars of his favor which are secret to us, but known to you alone, and treasured in your royal memory as in secret storehouses.(Eusebius, Oration to Constantine, XVIII).

Rome and Constantinople share equal Primacy!!

Pope is a GREEK word meaning FATHER....According to the Council of Chalcedon, these 2 men share equal authority and jurisdiction over their followers.

Pope Benedict XVI.

None of the first 4 Church Councils mention anything about St. Peter at Rome.

According to the Council of Chalcedon, these 2 men share equal jurisdiction over their respective followers in the East and West.

Patriarch Bartholomew I.
Patriarch Bartholomew I.

Here is a quote about the Patriarch of Constantinople from Wikipedia:

The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is the Archbishop of Constantinople—New Rome—ranking as primus inter pares (first among equals) in the Eastern Orthodox communion, which is seen by followers as the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. He has been historically known as the Greek Patriarch of Constantinople, as distinct from the Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople. The current holder of the office is Bartholomew I. His title is not recognized by the Turkish government, who only recognize him as the spiritual leader of the Greek minority in Turkey, and refer to him only as the Greek (lit. Roman) Orthodox Patriarch of the Phanar (Turkish: Fener Rum Ortodoks Patrigi).

Obviously the Turkish Muslim government is just a secret adjunct to the Vatican....If the Italian government treated the Papacy like the Turks treat the Patriarch . . . all hell would break loose!!

The headquarters of the See of Constantinople is now a MUSEUM!!

Just imagine if Rome was invaded by a foreign army and they turned the Vatican into a MUSEUM....That gives you some idea of what the Moslem Turks did to the headquarters of the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Hagia Sophia.

On Tuesday April 7, 2009, President Obama visited the basilica of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), now turned into a museum.

It was the headquarters of the Patriarch of Constantinople for 1000 years.


President Obama admiring the church turned into a museum.

Old Rome used the Moslems to conquer Constantinople because they would not acknowledge that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father . . . and the Son!!


Vital Link

Medieval Sourcebook, Council of Chalcedon, 451.


L'Huillier, Peter, The Church of the Ancient Councils. Saint Vladimir's Seminary Press, Crestwood, New York, 1996.

Copyright © 2013 by Patrick Scrivener

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