All the movement to the front by the AEF had to be done at night because of the dangers of Boche artillery, snipers, poison gas, airplanes, flamethrowers, and the deadly Vickers-Maxim-Krupp machines guns.
Roy Disney (1893–1971)
as a Navy cadet.
Disney was the younger stepbrother of Walt Disney. Roy enlisted in the Navy in 1917, and Walt was determined to follow in his footsteps.
A birth certificate was an absolute necessity to enlist, so Walt was able to procure a birth certificate that said that he was born in 1901.
Amazingly, an almost blind "artillery spotter" named Harry S. Fakeman also enlisted at that time! |

Cadet Roy and "teenager"
Walt in 1917. |
By the time President Wolfson finally declared war in April 1917 it was almost too late. The country was woefully unprepared for a major war over 3,000 miles from home.

The "Yanks are Coming" to save the
world from Prussian tyranny. |
When the AEF began arriving in France, the Prussians despised them and referred to their involvement as another "Children's Crusade."
From a natural standpoint they were correct, but JEHOVAH of Hosts was fighting for the New Jerusalem and miracles were accomplished in just one year. |
American soldiers arriving in France,
June 1917.
World War I was in indeed a Catholic Crusade to resurrect the defunct Holy "Roman" Empire or Second Reich. The First Reich was the Holy "Roman" Empire of Charlemagne which was neither holy nor Roman. because its capital was not at the city of the Twins. .
"Dead Head" Kaiser Wilhelm was ordered to resurrect the defunct Holy "Roman" Empire.
Pope Benedict XV was backing "Kaiser Bill" because he promised to resurrect the Papal States and divide up Italy once again.
Catholics who fought for the U.S. were reminded by their priests that the Pope was "preying" for the Kaiser.

Pope Benedict XV
Pope from 1914 to 1922.
General Pershing was under tremendous pressure from the politicians in Washington City. Additionally, the French and British wanted the Doughboys integrated into their armies so that they could "train" them in trench warfare!
General John Joseph Pershing
(1860 –1948).
General Pershing resisted all attempts to give his Doughboys to the British or French as cannon fodder.
Pro-Prussian Newton D. Baker was Wolfson's Secretary of "War" and liaison with General Pershing.
Baker did everything in his power to help the Kaiser win the war!
After the war, General Pershing should have been elected "President for Life" instead of nonentities like Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, and FDR.

Newton D. Baker (1871–1937).
Sec. of "War" from 1916 to 1921.
General Pershing pushed his commanders relentlessly to finish the war in 1918 because he knew that plans were afoot in Washington City to relieve him of his command!

27-year-old Walt in 1918.
Driving an ambulance was just as hazardous as combat because the Boche fired on anything that moved.
Miraculously, Roy and Walt survived the war and both stepbrothers became famous.
If Walt had been killed by the Boche the world would never have heard about Mickey Mouse. |

Ambulance driver Walt Disney in France. |
An armistice or truce was signed on November 11, 1918, and that became known as Armistice Day. Then, in 1938, Armistice Day officially became a national holiday by law, when an act was passed on May 13, 1938, making November 11 in each year a legal holiday.

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
in Arlington, Virginia.
President Eisenhower changed Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954.
The original Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was unveiled to honor a WWI soldier.
In 1956, President Eisenhower added WWII and Korean War unknowns to the tomb.
A very modest Great War Memorial was unveiled in 2021, 2 years after the 100th anniversary of the Armistice!

A statue of General Pershing in the very
modest Great War Memorial.
The Great War was supposed to be the war to end all wars, but Hitler and his Nazis were promised that they would not have to fight the "Devil Dogs" if they started another conflict.
Catlin, Albertus. With the Help of God and Few Marines. Doubleday & Company, Garden City, New York, 1919. Amazon Kindle Edition.
Vandriver, Frank E. Black Jack: The Life and Times of John J. Pershing. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, 1977. (In 2 Volumes).