A vital part of Making America Kosher Again is to restore the New England Sabbath. which began at sundown on Saturday when the Christians assembled to celebrate the LORD'S SUPPER . . . and ended at sundown on the first day of the week:
Not content with strict observance of the Sabbath day alone, the Puritans included Saturday evening in their holy day, and in the first colonial years these instructions were given to Governor Endicott by the New England Plantation Company: "And to the end that the Sabeth may be celebrated in a religious manner wee appoint that all may surcease their labor every Satterday throughout the yeare at three of the clock in the afternoone, and that they spend the rest of the day in chatechizing and preparacoon for the Sabeth as the ministers shall direct." (Earle, The Sabbath in Puritan New England, p. 248).
In 1776, the real George Washington was fined $5.00 in the new state of Connecticut for riding his horse on the Sabbath Day. It was no big deal for the new nation's FIRST MILLIONAIRE because he charged it to his expenfe account under the heading "travelling expenfef."
The first meetinghouse in New Boston was built foursquare:
Fittingly, the first building to strike's Anne's eye, when the Griffin finally docked on September 18, 1634, was the church meetinghouse—a good sized, though barnlike structure, square-shaped building, one story high, its boards sealed together with mud. (Williams, Divine Rebel: The Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson, p. 76).
Elections for governor and deputy governor were held in that meetinghouse every year! That was real democracy in action until term limits were abolished when the top secret "Constitution" was adopted by "state conventions" on June 21, 1788.
At the end of the Apocalypse of Saint John, the New Jerusalem is described as having 12 gates: 3 gates in the East, 3 gates in the West, 3 gates in the North, and 3 gates in the South. The gates are open 24/7, meaning no "state religion" can prevent the redeemed from entering the Holy City. For security, the city has a very broad and high wall, which signifies the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (Apocalypse 21:10-24).
That Holy City was the fulfillment of "the STONE that smote the image and became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth" (Daniel 2:35).
![]() Originally, all New England meetinghouses were built foursquare. |
![]() Jerusalem from Apocalypse Chapter 21. |
Harvard College was not founded to teach the congregation of Israel that the "LAST SUPPER" took place in the EVENING: (Matthew 26:20, Mark 14:17, Luke 22:14, John 13:2, I Corinthians 11:23-34).
The word PURITAN is a derogatory term invented by the Militia of Jesus to slander and deride revived Israel in the wilderness. Puritanical means no sex or pleasure whatsoever—a virtual killjoy....If that was so how did the population of New England multiply so rapidly with very little accretion from Old England after 1660.
People with their old donkey DNA hate the Christian Sabbath . . . but the born again "call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of JEHOVAH" (Isaiah 58:13).
The Church of Roma dogmatically teaches that a baby is "born again" and becomes a "Christian" only when he/she is baptized by a Catholic priest. Here is a brief quote from the dogmatic Council of Vienne (1311–1312) presided over by Pope Clement V:
All are faithfully to profess that there is one baptism which regenerates all those baptized in Christ, just as there is one God and one faith. We believe that when baptism is administered in water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, it is a perfect means of salvation for both adults and children (Lat. parvulis: little ones or infants). (Tanner, Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Volume I, p.361).
That dogma of baptismal regeneration of infants was reiterated at the Council of Trent and Vatican Council II.
The rebirth of Israel happened during the deadly Thirty Years War (1618–1648) when the Militia of Jesus went on the warpath and massacred millions of Reformed Christians!
Even though reborn Israel was in dire peril, Governor Winthrop held yearly elections for governor and deputy governor!
![]() King Charles I (1600–1649). Misruled from 1625 to 1649. |
![]() Sir Harry Vane (1613–1662). Governor of Mass. from 1636 to 1637. |
While he was governor, that vain man debauched 2 women: Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer, and both gave birth to MONSTERS!! Both of those men suffered divine retribution by losing their heads on the scaffold!
Nurse and midwife Anne Hutchinson considered herself a prophetess, and she predicted doom for the Massachusetts Bay Colony and her accusers!
She was the New World counterpart of the Old World Queen Jezebel—who almost destroyed ancient Israel. Catholic priests and nuns were banned in New Boston, so Anne Hutchinson assumed the role of a priest!
![]() Stylized portrait of midwife Anne Hutchinson (1591–1643).
![]() Anne Hutchinson on trial for formenting
revolution in New Boston. |
Anne held convecticles in her home and the American Jezebel had all New Boston spellbound by her interpretation of the Bible. During the meetings for females . . . and males . . . she took every opportunity to disparage the ministers of Christ.
Ordered to appear in court, she was accused of teaching false doctrines and usurping authority over the ministers. During her trial, Anne quoted the Geneva Bible and its marginal notes copiously to defend her heretical views. All the New Boston magistrates agreed that she was a threat to the survival of the colony and banished her to Rhode Island.
Before her trial, Governor Winthrop did not know that Anne was midwife for her close friend Mary Dyer (1611–1660), who gave birth to a "monstrous entity," which she secretly buried at night....When the governor finally found out, he ordered the grave dug up, and he was appalled that a human mother could have birthed such a hybrid monstrosity!
Governor Winthrop could have shipped her back to Old England, but she had powerful friends at the court of Catholic King Charles I, who was looking for any excuse to revoke the Massachusetts Bay Colony charter! In 1660, Mary Dyer almost succeeded in having that charter revoked!
Incredibly, Anne's death was as violent as the Old Covenant Jezebel, who was trampled to death by King Jehu's horses, and eaten by dogs:
![]() The violent death of Jezebel by Paul Gustave Doré. |
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The massacre took place in Dutch controlled New Amsterdam, in the area now called Pelham Bay Park, in the northern Bronx:
The Siwanoy warriors stampeded into the tiny settlement above Pelham Bay, prepared to burn down every house. The Siwanoy chief, Wampage, who had sent a warning, expected to find no settlers present. But at one house the men in animal skins encountered several children, young men and women, and a woman past middle age. One Siwanoy indicated that the Hutchinsons should restrain the family’s dogs. Without apparent fear, one of the family tied up the dogs. As quickly as possible, the Siwanoy seized and scalped Francis Hutchinson, William Collins, several servants, the two Annes (mother and daughter), and the younger children—William, Katherine, Mary, and Zuriel. As the story was later recounted in Boston, one of Hutchinson’s daughters, “seeking to escape,” was caught “as she was getting over a hedge, and they drew her back again by the hair of the head to the stump of a tree, and there cut off her head with a hatchet.” It is not clear if Anne Hutchinson had a moment—before she gave up the ghost—to begin one of the psalms, to utter the words, “I do verily believe that He will deliver me,” or even to say, “Thy will be done.” (LaPlante, American Jezebel, p. 237).
Only one of her children survived, nine-year-old daughter Susan, who was out picking berries at the time. The similarity between her end and the end of Jezebel in the Bible is beyond belief....A river and parkway in New York State is named in her honor! (Apocalypse 2:20, 17:1-18).
![]() A rattlesnake hidden in the grass ready to strike the unwary. |
![]() New England wolves relished feeding on hog's flesh and blood! |
Here is a brief quote from the biography of missionary to the natives John Eliot:
Thirdly, the countrey being very full of woods, and wildernesses, doth also much abound with snakes and serpents of strange colours, and huge greatnesse: yea there are some serpents called rattle-snakes that have rattles in their tailes, that will not fly from a man as others will, but will flye upon him, and sting him so mortally, that hee will dye within a quarter of an houre after, except the partie stinged have about him some of the root of an herbe called snake-weed to bite on, and then hee shall receive no harme: but yet seldom falles it out that anyhurt is done by these. About three years since, an Indian was stung to death by one of them, but wee heard of none since that time. (Adams, The Life of John Eliot: An Account of the Early Missionary Efforts among the Indians of New England, p. 95).
Emigrating from Old England to New England was very, very hazardous to your health. After crossing the perilous ocean with his spouse Ann Sadler, John Harvard died at the young age of 31 of ''consumption." He left no will, a "grieving" widow, and an eclectic collection of books ranging from Chrsostom, Calvin, Aguinas, Bellarmine, Saint Martin Luther . . . and Shake-speare!
His claim to fame rests on the fact that he posthumously donated his name and his voluminous library to the first college in the British colonies.
![]() became a university in 1780. |
![]() No authentic portrait of that "loving couple" exists! |
Endangered by rattlesnakes, wolves (four and two-footed), and native Americans on the warpath, our great JEHOVAH miraculously preserved the small congregation of Israel in the vast howling wilderness (Psalm 121:1-8).
The rebirth of Israel was predicted at the "kosher" Council of Jerusalem in 50 AD
Incredibly, the rebirth of Israel was predicted at the great Apostolic "kosher" Council of Jerusalem held in 50 AD:
And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, after this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: That the remainder of mankind might seek JEHOVAH, and all the nations, upon whom my name is called, saith JEHOVAH, who does all these things (Isaiah 11:11, Amos 9:11-15, Acts 15:15-17).
The wily fox James Stuart (bastard son of Mary Queen of Scots and David Rizzio), bribed the captain of the Mayflower to dump the Pilgrims in the worst possible location, praying that the wilderness would swallow them up, and they would never be heard from again:
And the woman (reborn Israel) fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of Elohim, that they should feed her there one thousand, two hundred and sixty days (1260) (Apocalypse 12:6).
Satan was furious that a small band of Christians had invaded his domain:
And the serpent cast water out of his mouth water like a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood (Apocalypse 12:15).
The little ark landed at the beginning of December just as the bitterly cold New England winter was about to commence.
![]() A replica of the tiny Mayflower. |
![]() Governor William Bradford (1590–1657). |
When Israel was about to enter the Promised Land, Balak king of Moab hired Balaam—the Pontifex Maximus of the ancient world—to curse and drive them out, but Balaam's ass rebuked him, and instead of cursing Israel he was forced to bless them instead (Numbers Chapter 22, 23, 24, II Saint Peter 2:15, Apocalypse 2:14).
Likewise, upon the arrival of the Pilgrims the native Americans consulted with their witch doctors, shamans, or medicine men. None of their powwows succeeded in driving the small group of Christians back into the cold stormy sea!!
The first Thanksgiving took place in the fall of 1621; the natives brought their own food, and it was all "kosher" for the New World....Up to that time none of them had ever seen the banned from the New World unclean beasts called swine or hogs!
Before the arrival of the Europeans the New World natives were dominated by demonic 6-fingered giants. They always greeted strangers by raising their right hand and saying "how." That was done to count the fingers on the strangers! The natives called LYING speaking with the FORKED TONGUE of that Old Serpent the Devil and Satan.
![]() Tiny Israel giving thanks to our great JEHOVAH for their survival in the New World wilderness. |
![]() to the natives at the first Thanksgiving!! |
The native Americans had their revenge later when tobacco was exported to Europe from Maryland and millions were hooked on the weed! Our Great JEHOVAH did not forget the small outpost of Israel in the wilderness because reinforcements arrived 10 years later.
![]() (1588–1649). |
![]() No portrait exists of Margaret, beloved spouse of Governor Winthrop. |
Margaret Winthrop was the daughter of Sir John Tyndal who was brutally assassinated outside Lincoln's Inn in 1616. That assassination was the prelude to the deadly Thirty Years War (1618–1648), which killed millions of Reformed Christians, and was financed by the City of London!
William Bradford became governor when the first governor, John Carver, died suddenly in 1621. The son of a farmer from Yorkshire, nothing in his background had prepared him for such fiery trials.
Those 4 ships were part of a larger fleet that carried about 700 emigrants to the colony. Not all of them shared Winthrop's vision of a " shining city on a hill" as some of them were disguised Jesuits determined to destroy Israel in the wilderness.
![]() Swine were banned from the New World before the arrival of the Spanish. |
![]() introduced swine to the New World. |
Every November 11 the Lord Mayor's Parade is held in the City of London, and heatures the giants Gog and Magog and a PIG!
![]() Inflating the pig for the Lord Mayor's Parade in the City of London! |
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The Pilgrims knew that Babylon on the Thames could never change or be reformed, but later arrivals were not so realistic, and allowed swine and other customs to enter New Boston!
The trouble with swine actually began at the Council of Florence in 1449. That Council, convened by Pope Martin V, authorized Roman Catholics to keep swine and drink their blood . . . but only after boiling it first!
In the parable of the Prodigal Son, the Messiah told a story of a rebellions son who left his father's house and ended up as a swineherd (Saint Luke 15:15).
![]() Pope Martin V (1369–1431). Reigned from 1417 to 1431. |
![]() Pope Eugenius IV (1383–1447). Reigned from 1431 to 1447. |
That Council was the last desperate effort by the Latins to unite with the Orthodox before the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453.
![]() Pope Nicholas V (1397–1455). Reigned from 1447 to 1455. |
![]() Pope Callixtus III (1378–1458). Reigned from 1455 to 1458. |
The Fall of Constantinople sent shock waves throughout Western Europe as walls no longer protected cities. From that time onward, parents would tell their children to behave or the "Terrible Turks will get you!"
The Council of Florence voided the Apostolic "kosher" Council of Jerusalem!!
Here is the dogmatic decree of the first and only genuine Council of the Congregation held at Jerusalem by the Apostles of Christ:
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain from meats offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from fornication. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Fare ye well (Council of Jerusalem). (Acts 15:28-29, Douay-Rheims Version).
"Meats offered to idols" is a code or cipher for PORK because that was the favorite food that the pagans offered to their idols! The "bloody" pontiff Eugene IV voided the "kosher" decree of that great Apostolic Council:
It firmly believes, professes and teaches that every creature of God is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because according to the word of the Lord not what goes into the mouth defiles a person, and because the difference in the Mosaic law between clean and unclean foods belongs to ceremonial practices, which have passed away and lost their efficacy with the coming of the gospel. It also declares that the apostolic prohibition, to abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what is strangled, was suited to that time when a single church was rising from Jews and gentiles, who previously lived with different ceremonies and customs. This was so that the gentiles should have some observances in common with Jews, and occasion would be offered of coming together in one worship and faith of God and a cause of dissension might be removed, since by ancient custom blood and strangled things seemed abominable to Jews, and gentiles could be thought to be returning to idolatry if they ate sacrificial food. In places, however, where the Christian religion has been promulgated to such an extent that no Jew is to be met with and all have joined the church, uniformly practising the same rites and ceremonies of the gospel and believing that to the clean all things are clean, since the cause of that apostolic prohibition has ceased, so its effect has ceased. It condemns, then, no kind of food that human society accepts and nobody at all neither man nor woman, should make a distinction between animals, no matter how they died; although for the health of the body, for the practice of virtue or for the sake of regular and ecclesiastical discipline many things that are not proscribed can and should be omitted, as the apostle says all things are lawful, but not all are helpful. (Council of Florence, Session 11). (Tanner, Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, Volume I, pp. 577-578).
Besides the Filioque, or the Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son, that "bloody" decree was just one more reason why the Orthodox would never unite with the Latins.
![]() A Wampanoag with vermilion
war paint. |
![]() during King Philip's War. |
John Eliot was an English missionary living among the natives who recorded all their pagan customs for posterity:
They formerly smeared their skin with bears’ grease, but when the English swine afforded them lard, they used it as a substitute, and thus having anointed themselves, they painted their faces with vermilion, or red, and powdered their heads. Sometimes they painted one half of the face black, and the other white, and so, with various colors, deformed their visages, the women, especially, doing this, and the warriors thereby making themselves hideous in battle. Widows, mourning for their husbands, painted their faces wholly black. The men preparing for war put their hair in a roll, and surmounted it with turkey’s or eagle’s feathers, with other fantastic and showy decorations. (Adams, The Life of John Eliot: An Account of the Early Missionary Efforts among the Indians of New England, p. 10).
Fortunately, that missionary was in heaven before King Philip's War (1675–1676) broke out. That deadly conflict threatened to undo decade of evangelization and totally destroy reborn Israel in the wilderness. The natives who went on the warpath with King Philip were told that painting themselves with lard would make them impervious to bullets! Additionally, the Jesuits in disguise plied them with alcohol which they called LUCIFER'S URINE!
![]() A replica of the Maryland Dove. |
![]() Cecil Calvert, 2nd Baron Baltimore (1605–1675). |
Ancient Israel had no high walls or vast oceans to protect them from infiltration and invasion by the surrounding pagan nations. Revived Israel had a great and high wall called the Atlantic Ocean to protect them. False brethren, spies, and infiltrators had to cross that vast ocean to destroy the planting of JEHOVAH in the New World wilderness.
In 1828, the first convent to be erected in revived Israel was built on Mount Benedict, in Charlestown, Boston.
![]() Benedict Fenwick, S.J. (1782–1846). |
![]() The Charlestown Convent on Mount Benedict before it was burned to the ground! |
On the night of August 12, 1834, a group of patriotic Christians burned the nunnery to the ground. When the Christians searched the cellar they expected to find imprisoned nuns and the skeletons of dead babies. No skeletons were found because the nunnery was new and had just opened in 1828.
There was "hell to pay" after the burning of the convent because the Militia of Jesus began importing thousands of Irish Catholics to Boston....Among them were the ancestors of President Kennedy . . . and Richard Cardinal Cushing—who ordered "Rev." John J. Cavanaugh to forgive Jackie for killing Jack.
Vital links
Adams, Nehemiah. The Life of John Eliot: An Account of the Early Missionary Efforts Among the Indians of New England. Sabbath Society, Boston, 1847.
Adamson, J.H & Folland, H.F. Sir Harry Vane: His Life and Times (1613–1662). Gambit. Boston, Massachusetts, 1973.
Earle, Alice Morse. The Sabbath in Puritan New England. Free Public Domain Kindle Edition.
Gill, Joseph. The Council of Florence. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1959.
LaPlante, Eve. American Jezebel: The Uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson, The Woman Who Defied the Puritans. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 2005.
Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana: Or, The Ecclesiastical History of New-England. Thomas Parkhurst, London, 1702. Kindle Edition.
Morison, Samuel Eliot. Three Centuries of Harvard, 1636–1936. Belknap Press, Harvard University, Cambridge, MASS.,1965.
Noble, Venron. The Man in Leather Breeches: The Life and Times of George Fox. Philosophical Library, New York, 1953.
Plimpton, Ruth Talbot. Mary Dyer: Biography of a Rebel Quaker. Brandon Books, Boston, 2011.
Tanner, Norman P. Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils. In 2 Volumes. Georgetown University Press, Washington City, 1990.
Williams, Sema R. Divine Rebel: The Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson. Holt, Rinehart & Winston. New York, 1981.
Copyright © 2023 by Patrick Scrivener