The word "Protestant" (Lat. potestates) is derived from the Latin Vulgate Version and it was invented by the Militia of Jesus to slander and deride the Reformed Christians (Ephesians 6:12).
The Crusades were all about preparing the world for the New Age, or Third Age of the "Holy Spirit." Accorking to monk Joachim of Fiore, that era was supposed to begin in 1260. When nothing happened in 1260 the date was postponed to 1290. The final date for the fulfillment of that "prophecy" was 1335 (Daniel 12:12).
One of the most infamous Crusaders was King Richard the Babylonian Lyingheart.
![]() Pope "Innocent" III piping the children to their doom. |
![]() The Pied Piper play in Hamlin with children dressed as RATS. |
Billy Graham was born on November 7, 1918, on a dairy farm in North Carolina. North Carolina was the birthplace of President Jackson but the state was part of the Confederacy during the Civil War. His grandfather fought for the rebels at the Battle of Gettysburg.
![]() Billy Graham (1918–2018) as a tall handsome teenager. |
![]() home for wayward girls in North Carolina. |
Here is a quote from the massive 760 page autobiography of Billy Graham:
Another time we went with a group to a home for wayward girls, where I gave a brief testimony. After the service, several of the girls made a profession of faith. I was surprised to recognize one of them; she had lived for some time with a tenant family on our farm. She promised to live a Christian life. I had only $5 in my pocket, and I thought it only right to give it to her. (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 33).
At that time WAYWARD GIRLS meant girls who had babies out of wedlock.... It cost Billy's father a lot more than $5 to keep that love child a secret.
![]() The wayward girls of Samarcand on parade. |
![]() The Samarcand "maternity ward" where the wayward girls gave birth. |
After graduating from the Samarcand baby factory, the girls usually found work in the textile factories of North Carolina....Billy had a magnetic personality and girls were attracted to him like moths to a flame:
Once in my senior year, when we were in a night rehearsal of a school play at Sharon High, one of the girls in the cast coaxed me aside into a dark classroom. She had a reputation for “making out” with the boys. Before I realized what was happening, she was begging me to make love to her. My hormones were as active as any other healthy young male’s, and I had fantasized often enough about such a moment. But when it came, I silently cried to God for strength and darted from that classroom the way Joseph fled the bedroom of Potiphar’s philandering wife in ancient Egypt. (Graham, Just As I Am, pp. 16-17, Genesis 39:13).
During that attempted seduction he fled from the classmate because he did not want to send another teenager to the Samarcand "reformatory." Most people have skeletons in their closets, but nobody cares about your past unless you become famous!
The first major bizarre behavior for Billy was moving to Wheaton College from sunny Florida and marrying Ruth Bell, daughter of Dr. Nelson Bell.
![]() Dr. Nelson Bell (1894–1973). |
![]() Billy and Ruth Bell at Wheaton College in Illinois. |
When Billy arrived at Wheaton College, the other students couldn't understand his thick Southern accent:
When I talked at my customary rapid clip, people looked at me curiously, as if my heavily accented drawl were a foreign language. At six-foot-two, I was too tall to fade into the background. When I went out for the wrestling team, probably at about the 160-pound class, I looked like a python on the mat. Two defeats in intercollegiate matches ended that career. (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 64).
At Ephesus, a young girl possessed with a spirit of python followed Paul and Silas:
And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl, possessed with a spirit of Python, met us, which brought her owners much profit by fortune-telling. She followed after Paul and Silas, and cried out saying "these men are servants of the Most High Elohim, who proclaim to us the way of salvation" (Acts 16:16-17, Greek Orthodox Version).
Saint Paul cast out that wicked spirit by the power of the name of Joshua the Christ, so demons can and do speak through professing Christians.
Billy majored in ANTHROPOLOGY (apes to men) so he definitely did not acquire his stentorian voice by taking classes in public speaking!
After his marriage to bluestocking Ruth he became "President" of Northwestern Bible College in Minneapolis. At that time he was the youngest college president in the country....His only real skill was milking cows, but that didn't matter because Dr. Bell and his daughter wrote most of his sermons!
William Rasputin Hearse launched the "evangelistic" career of Billy Graham
An endorsement from William Rasputin Hearst was tantamount to an endorsement from Lucifer himself. The pen is mightier than the sword and Hearst yielded the pen to destroy the reputation of countless people.
It was no coincidence that the Billy Graham Crusade began just a year after Pope Pius XII and Cardinal Spellman appointed Francis McIntyre as Archbishop of Los Angeles.
![]() Cardinal Francis McIntyre (1886 –1979). Archbishop of LA from 1948 to 1953. |
![]() William Rasputin Hearse (1893 –1951). |
As Hearse approached his twilight years in 1949, Archbishop McIntyre reminded him that he could reduce his time in "Purgatory" by serving the Church Militant. That was why he used his newspaper chain to champion the rise of Billy Graham to worldwide fame!
Hearse instigated the 1899 Spanish-American War which made Teddy Roosevelt a "war hero." After Roosevelt assassinated President McKinley he became the 5th Accidental President.... A very inauspicious beginning to the 120 year countdown to the end of time!
![]() Johann von Bernstorff (1862-1939). German amb. from 1908 to 1917. |
![]() George Edward Creel (1876 –1953). |
That committee was responsible for counteracting the pro-Prussian propaganda of the Hearst newspapers:
The two men had known would each other since the late 1890s, when Creel was a humor writer on the New York Evening Journal and its Sunday comic supplement. Creel would later recall that period of his life with fondness, especially Hearst, whom he remembered as a man dashing here and there “very Western in his black, broad-brimmed Stetson.” Their relationship continued in the years between the Spanish-American War and the First World War. Creel published articles in Hearst’s Cosmopolitan magazine, and in 1914 published articles in Hearst’s Cosmopolitan magazine, and in 1914 his successful book on the evils of child labor, Children in Bondage, was published by Hearst’s International Library. As late as 1916 Creel was still occasionally employed as a freelance writer for Hearst. And like Hearst Creel also had connections with the film industry. (PIzzitola, Hearst Over Hollywood, p. 347).
When Senator George Hearst died suddenly in 1891 he left a fortune of 20 million dollars to his widow. Only the Almighty knows where the money came from, but undoubtedly a sizeable portion of that vast fortune came from the Bank of England . . . and John D. Rockefeller.
![]() Millicent Veronica Hearst (1882 –1974). |
![]() Hearst mistress Marion Davies (1897 –1961). |
Baby Patricia did not become part of the Hearst family because she was adopted by Marion's sister Rose and her first husband George Van Cleve. Anybody who opposed Heart had his/her reputation destroyed by his newspapers. One of his most famous victims was sharpshooter Anne Oakley.
![]() The Hearst yacht Oneida once belonged to "Kaiser Bill." |
![]() Thomas Harper Ince (1880 –1924). |
Hearst was also very close to another grandson of Queen Victoria named Adolf Hitler. He traveled to Germany in 1934 and had a top secret meeting with the Füehrer. At that time Hearst bought a controlling interest in UFA GmbH, the Nazi equivalent of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
![]() rally in the Hollywood Bowl in 1932. |
![]() FDR boss Hearst emerging from the White House in 1933. |
By the end of the war, FDR grew tired of Churchill and Lord Halifax pushing him around so his "portrait painter" sent him to "Purgatory."
It took about 9 million Russians to defeat Nazi Germany, whereas a few thousand Marines would have quickly finished the job so nobly begun in Belleau Wood in June 1918.
![]() Billy Graham preaching in Los Angeles,
September 1949. |
![]() The huge Billy Graham Crusade tent held thousands. |
William Rasputin Hearst—the one person who should have repented of his many sins—did not attend the Crusade!
Billy Graham's London Crusade began just one year after the twins were enthroned!
By 1953, kings were almost obsolete in the 4 corners of the earth: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, France, Germany, Italy, India, Russia, and even the Sheeple's Republic of China claimed to be a "Republic." Britannia was the last major holdout in an archaic system that should be gone with the wind!
Billy Graham's London Crusade was scheduled to coincide with the beginning of the reign of the Twins.
When Graham arrived in London many of the pundits predicted that the staid Londoners would not listen to a flamboyant fire and brimstone American evangelist. He confounded the critics and was welcomed in London because the Red Cross British flag was the symbol of the medieval Crusades.
![]() The first meetings began at the Harringay Arena
which was a venue for circuses. |
![]() Billy Graham preaching to overflow crowds
at Wembley Stadium, April 1954. |
Billy Graham told the British that the 2 nations shared a common destiny and should unite to conquer the Soviet Union and overthrow "godless" Communism. After the Crusade, Graham and Ruth were invited to Windsor Castle to meet the "royals," but that visit was kept confidential.
![]() Billy Graham and Queen Elizabeth II at Sandringham in 1984. |
![]() Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle during the annus horribilis in 1992. |
Here is a quote about Billy and Ruth seeing double:
Once, when visiting the royal family at Sandringham in 1984, Ruth and I walked past a woman wearing an old raincoat, Wellingtons, and a scarf; she was bent over fixing some food for the dogs. We thought at first she was one of the housekeepers, but when she straightened up, we saw that it was the Queen! (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 690).
The only dogs Lilibet cared about were the DOGS OF WAR....The queen was waiting impatiently for the "Good News" that Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan had unleashed the dogs of nuclear war!
![]() at the White House. |
![]() Graham sharing the "Good News" with his "close friend" Vice President Nixon. |
The One Nation Under God and Gog and Magog developed a very special relationship during the 1950's. However, that special relationship ended abruptly in October 1956.
The 1956 Suez Canal Crisis changed the special relationship with the British Empire!!
President Eisenhower felt betrayed by Prime Minister Anthony Eden when he planned on seizing the Suez Canal by force. The operation to seize the Canal was so secret that even Billy Graham didn't know about it because he was in the country at that time.
![]() Billy Graham preaching to an eclectic crowd at Madison Square Garden. |
![]() Martin Luther King (1929–1968) with Billy Graham. |
King was also a lusty youth like Graham, and he had several mistresses right up to the time of his assassination in April 1968. Here is a quote from the autobiography of a close friend of "Reverend" King:
Much has been written in recent years about my friend's weakness for women. Had others not dealt with the matter in such detail I might have avoided any commentary. We all fall short of the mark, and an excessive preoccupation with one another's shortcomings is a form of pride that we should avoid. Sexual sins are by no means the worst. Hatred and a cold disregard for others are the besetting sins of our times, but they don't sell books or tabloid newspapers—and that's the reason why people have talked about Martin's failings and left the flaws of some others alone. (Abernathy, When the Walls Come Tumbling Down, pp. 470-471).
Saint Paul said that a minister of the Gospel should be morally above reproach (I Timothy 3:2).
1960 was the most critical year for the One Nation Under God because Kennedy the Catholic was running against Nixon the peace-loving Quaker. Nixon served an 8-year apprenticeship under President Eisenhower, and he was the most qualified candidate to succeed the President.
![]() Graham preaching in Lousanne, Switzerland, Sept. 1960. |
![]() President-elect Kennedy and Billy Graham
in Florida, January 16, 1961. |
When Richard Nixon finally became President in 1969 he inherited the Vietnam War left over from Kennedy and Johnson. The Watergate break-in was engineered to force the President to resign so that Nelson Rockefeller could become King Nelson I.
Billy "Balaam" visited the Crusader state of "Israel" in 1969
When General Allenby captured Old Jerusalem in December 1917, many U.S. Christians saw it a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. They were rejoicing that the "holy places" were once more under "Christian" sovereignty .....Little did they realize that Winston Churchill was going to replace the Terrible Turks with his own British Empire "Jews."
When Billy "Balaam" was on the Mount of Olives he was only a stone's throw from Golgotha....Before the Crusades, Golgotha was the most important place on earth for all true Christians. If that ass could talk he would have severely rebuked Billy "Balaam" as a last days false prophet piping the people to their doom.
Billy "Balaam" was not allowed to hold any Crusades in the Crusader state even though it is funded by New Jerusalem taxpayers!
Billy Graham visited Poland in 1978 to "prepare the way" for Pope John Paul II
Billy Graham was the one person most responsible for the "election" of Polish Cardinal Carol Wojtyla. Here is another quote from the autobiography of Billy Graham:
In Cracow, permission to preach in the baroque splendor of St. Ann’s Church had been given to me earlier by Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, with whom I was scheduled to have tea. But when I arrived in the city, the cardinal was not there. Pope John Paul I had died quite unexpectedly, and Cardinal Wojtyla had rushed to Rome for a meeting of the College of Cardinals, the body that would elect the new pope. When our plane had landed in Warsaw, I later learned, the plane carrying Cardinal Wojtyla was at the end of the runway, ready to take off for Rome. St. Ann’s Church was overflowing for our service; some had traveled from East Germany to urge us to visit their country. (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 484).
The British Secret Service was on steroids at that time working to bring down the "godless" Soviet Union....James Callaghan was prime minister and he was soon succeeded by the British Cleopatra.
![]() Billy Graham preaching at Christ the King Cathedral
in Kotowice, Poland, Sept. 1978. |
![]() arranging his "election" in October 1978. |
During the Reagan Presidency Billy was a frequent visitor to the White House. Nancy Reagan always consulted her horoscope for the most auspicious times for his visits!
![]() Billy Graham with President and Nancy Reagan at the White House. |
![]() William A. Wilson was appointed ambassador to the Vatican in 1984. |
Here is another quote from Graham about his vital role in granting diplomatic recognition to the Vatican:
First, the Vatican. Reagan was the first American President to appoint a full ambassador to the Vatican. Before he made that appointment, he asked my view. I told him I thought it would probably be a good thing—in spite of a number of potential problems concerning the separation of church and state—and wrote an extended confidential letter outlining my reasons. Among other things, I told him I did not think it necessarily violated the separation of church and state. For whatever reasons, Mr. Reagan went ahead with the plan. Later my letter was leaked to the press. It caused some consternation among my Baptist friends. (Graham. Just As I Am, p. 535).
According to the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX, the Vatican cannot recognize Italian sovereignty over the city of the Twins.
Billy Graham refused to help stop the ERA in his home state of North Carolina!!
Billy Graham was not "down under" in April 1979, but he was a long, long way from his home state of North Carolina. The deadline for ratification of the Evil Rules America Amendment was supposed to expire in March 1979, but Congress granted an extension of 3 years.
![]() Phyllis Schlafly (1924–2016) saved the country from the ERA. |
![]() The Billy Graham Sydney Crusade
in Australia, April 1979. |
Graham's home state of North Carolina was one of the battleground states, but he was very conveniently in far off Australia.
Phyllis Schlafly and a small group of dedicated Christian women were all that opposed the passage of the Amendment.
Billy Graham had a Muslim associate "evangelist" named Akbar Ahmed-Haqq
Here is another quote from the Graham autobiography:
In New Delhi, my interpreter into Hindustani was a scholar by the name of Dr. Akbar Abdul-Haqq. His father had walked all over that part of India, staff in hand, proclaiming Islam; but while in a mission hospital for medical treatment, he had forsaken his Islamic priesthood and been converted to Christ. Dr. Abdul-Haqq himself was a Methodist who had received his doctorate from Northwestern University in Chicago; he was head of the Henry Martyn School of Islamic Studies in Aligarh, India. (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 272).
Akbar is a Hebrew word and it means MOUSE.
Then they (Philistines) said, “what shall be the trespass offering which we shall return to him?” They answered, “five golden tumors (Heb. techorim), and five golden mice (Heb. akbarim), according to the number of the lords of the Philistines: for one plague was on you all, and on your lords” (I Samuel 6:4).
The Arabs spoke Hebrew before the time of Muhammed, as Muhammad's favorite wife was named Khadijah, which means Trust in JAH or JEHOVAH.
![]() Billy Graham in India. |
![]() The Henry Martyn Initiate of Islamic Studies teaches
that Muhammed was the Holy Spirit. |
Here is that verse from the Koran:
And of Jesus Son of Mary, who said to the Israelites: I am sent forth to you from Allah to confirm the Torah already revealed, and to give news of an apostle that will come after me whose name is Ahmed' (Sura 61:6,The Koran with Parallel Arabic Text, p. 551).
The Holy Bible gives a clear and unmistakable definition of Antichrist:
Little children, it is the last time, and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now there are many Antichrists: whereby we know it is the last time. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Joshua is the Christ? He is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son (I Saint John 2:18-22).
Islam is the ultimate Antichrist religion because it denies the Father and the Son:
People of the Book, do not transgress the bounds of your religion. Speak nothing but the truth about God. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was no more than God's apostle and His Word which he cast to Mary: a spirit from Him. So believe in God and his apostles and do not say 'Three.' Forbear, and it shall be better for you. God is but one God. God forbid that he should have a son (Sura 4:171, Parallel Arabic-English text).
The Hebrew word for DOG is Caleb:
And the Philistines said to David, "am I a dog (caleb) that you come to me with sticks?" And Goliath cursed David by his gods (I Samuel 17:43).
It is not conjecture to surmise that the last British monarch will be a CALIPH . . . and the sun will finally set on the nightmarish British Empire CALIPHATE!
If Billy Graham had not committed a "youthful indiscretion" he might have spent his entire life as a dairy farmer, and nobody would have ever heard of that Red Cross Crusader from North Carolina.