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This expose makes all previous histories of WWII obsolete or gone with the wind....All the dates synchronize perfectly, so nobody can deny the fact that the red cross and the black cross were partners in a Satanic alliance to enslave the entire world!!
The bizarre Hess double plot was the brainchild of Peter Fleming—the elder brother and mentor of James Bond creator Ian Fleming.
In June 1940, Peter wrote a book entitled The Flying Visit. In that novel, the real Hitler and a delegation of Nazis are flying to Britain on a peace mission. Their plane explodes over England, and Hitler alone survives and lands on his rump in a swamp!
Nobody believes that he is the real Führer until a U.S. newspaper breaks the story that Hitler is indeed in Britain on an errand of peace.
At the same time a Hitler double in Germany makes a speech . . . and the British Hitler is viewed as a clever impersonator.
The crowd demands a speech but Fleming's "Hitler" does not speak English. He harangues them in German, and to his amazement they award him first prize (a pound of butter) for his Hitler impersonation!
The two-faced Winston Churchill solves the double dilemma by sending the Führer back to Germany via parachute!!
On the eve of Operation Barbarossa, the Hess double deceived the Russians into believing that there was dissension within the Nazi high command, and the double deceived the New Jerusalem into believing that Hitler and Churchill were enemies!!
1941 was a pivotal year in world history. Adolf Hanover/Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa in June, and Warlord Winston Churchill ordered Emperor Hirohito to bomb Pearl Harbor in December.
![]() Winston Churchill was the son of Edward the Caresser and Jennie Jerome from Brooklyn. |
![]() Führer Adolf Hitler was the son of Houston Steward Chamberlain and Klara Hitler. |
King James II was overthrown in 1688 because of the warming pan plot. The descendants of the "Old Pretender" never gave up hope of restoring the fake Stuart dynasty.
![]() The real Rudolf Hess speaking at the Nuremberg rally in 1937. |
![]() Hitler and Hess in the Reichstag,
July 19, 1940. |
Hitler's favorite pastime was painting, a talent he acquired from his grandmother Victoria. He read few books, and certainly knew nothing about military strategy. Hess was in Munich when Hitler killed his daughter Angela "Geli" Reubal, so that murder was a sword of Damocles that he held over his Führer.
The Nazi Party kept Hitler alive until his retirement to Argentina by using at least 5 doubles or doppelgängers!!
In August 1917, the real Rudolf Hess was severely wounded by receiving a bullet through his left lung, which left a big scar on his back. After his recovery, which took 3 months, he requested that he be allowed to train as a pilot. He saw no action in the air as the war ended on November 11, 1918.
![]() The real Rudolf talking to his wife before one of his frequent flights from Augsburg. |
![]() The real Rudolf preparing for his flight to Scotland. |
Hess took off alone in the 2-seater Me-110. He flew northwest over Germany, and went he arrived at the Dutch coast he turned right and headed for the Nazi controlled airfield in Aalborg, Denmark. That is when the doppelgänger replaced him in the pilot's seat.
The night of April 10 saw the biggest air raid over London, with over 1,500 killed and 1,700 injured. All lights throughout England and Scotland were turned off, and there was a strict curfew in place. It was the ideal night for the arrival of Hess and his double!
![]() The lighthouse guided the plane to Holy Island where Hess bailed out! |
The double—flying solo—was told to watch for the landing lights at Dungavel House. Additionally, a radio transmitter was installed on the runway which would emit a signal to guide the plane to the ground.
![]() of the 14th Duke of Hamilton. |
![]() Duke Douglas Hamilton (1903–1973). |
In a futile search for Dungavel House, the double missed his mark, and wasted precious fuel by flying to the west coast of Scotland and then turning back. On the second run he was no more successful, and that is when he decided to follow the example of the real Hess and parachute from the plane!
The Hess double landed by parachute about 12 miles (19 km) from Dungavel House!!
Low on fuel and unable to find Dungavel House, the double parachuted from the plane, and it crashed into a nearby field. He had trouble exiting the plane, and he broke his left ankle when he hit the ground.
![]() Hess and the double to Scotland. |
![]() Major Graham Donald was the first to tell HORN that his name was now HESS!! |
A small group of RAF officers were present when Donald interrogated Captain Horn:
Donald then produced a sheaf of small aircraft identification cards, selected one showing an Me 110 and asked Hess to sign his name. He obliged, writing, 'Alfred Horn 10.5.1941.' Donald was nevertheless confidant he was looking at Hess, claiming afterwards that he had tried to convince the others around him, but only provoked shouts of incredulous laughter. (Padfield, Night Flight To Dungavel, p. 181).
Captain Horn told Donald that he was from Munich, and Donald commented how good Munich beer tasted. The double said that he did not drink, so Donald said that there were only 2 teetotalers in Germany: Hitler and Hess....He did not look like Hitler . . . therefore he must be Hess!!
Captain Horn hurt his ankle from the parachute jump, so he was detained in Scotland until May 16.
![]() The Tower of London during the phony Blitz. |
![]() "Captain Horn" was next incarcerated in Camp Z, in Mytchett Place, Surrey. |
From beginning to end, Churchill was writing the bizarre script for the Hess double:
On Churchill's initiative the prisoner was soon delivered into the hands of the psychiatrists. As one of them later wrote, their task was threefold: to keep the man safe from escape, safe from himself, and safe from attack. The authority who guided them throughout was Churchill himself (Thomas, The Murder of Rudolf Hess, p. 109).
Author and surgeon W. Hugh Thomas took the position that Hess was a double . . . and that the real Hess was shot down before he reached Scotland. Hess was indeed blown from the sky . . . but it happened in August 1942.
![]() Maindiff Court Psychiatric Hospital. |
![]() The Hess double with the skeptical Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. |
The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal commenced in November 1945. It was a good opportunity for the psychiatrists at the hospital to demonstrate their brainwashing skills, so the double was put on trial as "Hess." The Nazis who knew the real Rudolf Hess were incredulous at his bizarre behavior during the trial.
![]() Hallucinating "Hess" at the War Crimes Tribunal. |
![]() Captain Horn as an old man in Spandau Prison. |
The successful trial of the doppelgänger was ample proof of the validity of brainwashing and the creation of the "Manchurian Candidate." That technique was later used many times by MI666—the most infamous case being that of the Minsk double believing he was "Lee Harvey Oswald."
The double was due to be released in 1987, when the British Queen Cleopatra was prime minister. The discovery of his real identity would have ended her "special relationship" with the U.S., so he was "suicided" in August of that same year.
He was buried at a secret location, but was later disinterred and buried in the Hess family PLOT!
The real Rudolf Hess planned Operation Barbarossa with Churchill and the royal family!!
Operation Barbarossa was named after the fake "Roman" Emperor Frederick Barbarossa "Redbeard." While on his way to conquer Constantinople and Jerusalem, he was double-crossed by King Richard the Lyingheart, and he drowned in a few feet of water!!
Operation Barbarossa was supposed to begin on April 30, 1941, but the brave Serbs delayed the invasion until June 22—the anniversary of the same date that Napoleon commenced his failed invasion of Mother Russia.
Instead of invading Mother Russia in April, Hitler had to deploy valuable resources to conquer Yugoslavia, and that delay was a major reason why he lost the war.
![]() King George VI. King from 1936 to 1953. |
![]() Prince George, Duke of Kent (1902–1942). |
Prince George, Duke of Kent, was a fellow aviator like the duke of Hamilton and Hess. They despised Churchill's two-faced strategy of pretending to be an enemy of the Third Reich.
The preparation for Operation Barbarossa was on an awesome scale. Thousands of planes, tanks, and trucks were secretly shipped to the Polish border.
![]() Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt (1875–1953). |
![]() Field Marshall Erich von Manstein (1887–1973). |
Money doesn't grow on trees–even in Nazi Germany. Financing a war is just as vital as fighting one. The Nazis were totally brainwashed fanatics, but they would not fight without pay. That was why the real Hess had to coordinate the vast amount of money that was transferred from the Bank of England to the Reichbank.
The cost of bankrolling Hitler, and then pretending to oppose him, was so staggering that perfidious Albion was practically bankrupt by the end of the war!!
By December 1941, Churchill, Hess, and Hitler knew that Mother Russia could not be defeated!!
The Japanese were part of the Tripartite Pact signed with Germany and Italy in September 1940. That meant that they were supposed to attack Mother Russia in the Far East when Operation Barbarossa began. The Japanese lost their nerve and never upheld their part of the agreement. That meant that the Russian Siberian divisions could be redeployed to defend Moscow.
Unlike Napoleon, the Nazi "supermen" never even captured Moscow. Combined with the delay due to the attack on Yugoslavia, 1941 did not go very well for Churchill, Hess, and Hitler.
![]() Emperor Hirohito (1901–1989). Misruled Japan from 1926 to 1989. |
![]() On Dec. 11, 1941, Hitler declared war on the U.S. |
That suicidal acts by Hirohito and Hitler created the ALLIES, or Big Four: United States, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, and China. It also meant that the New Jerusalem would become Churchill's ally against the Nazis!
Churchill visited Moscow in August 1942, accompanied by Hillary Clinton's father!!
The dictator's first trip to Moscow to consult with his new "ally" Stalin was kept secret from the British common people, but most members of the government knew of his visit.
![]() Churchill and Averell Harriman reviewing Russian troops at Moscow Airport, August 1942. |
![]() conferring in Moscow, August 1942. |
More incredibly, the Communist Party was financed by J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Brown Brothers Harriman Bank. The new British "ally" did not go down very well with most of the British people! Unfortunately, they were not allowed to vote Churchill out of office.
A palace coup to remove Churchill was planned when he returned from Moscow!!
To the British royal family, Churchill's rapprochement with Moscow was TREASON....Leading the charge to replace him was Prince George of Kent, and the real Rudolf Hess!
![]() On August 24, Churchill hurried back to 10 Downing St. to save his job! |
![]() Sir Samuel Hoare (1880–1959) plotted to replace Churchill. |
Spain had already sent a Blue Division to fight side by side with the Nazis. Franco told Hoare that he would eagerly join the fight if Britain joined the Axis. With Churchill absent, Hoare was in London planning the coup:
Reading between the lines, Beaverbrook is telling Hoare that the time is right, both from the point of view of political opposition to Churchill, of the public mood and with the military position, to take a stand. And so the scene was set. Halifax and Hoare were both in London during August. Halifax had an audience with the King on the 11th, returning to Washington on the 23rd, the same day that Hoare arrived in London via Lisbon. He too had an audience with the King, on the 28th.
Interestingly, in the first half of August rumours were circulating among the British community—and among Spanish journalists in Madrid— that Sir Samuel Hoare was involved in secret peace negotiations with the German and Italian Ambassadors. (Picknett, Prince, Prior, Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-up, p. 431).
What they meant by "peace" was that the British would take off their mask and declare all out for Hitler and his Third Reach. If the coup had succeeded, Britain, Spain, and the Terrible Turks would have launched an invasion of Mother Russia from Crimea.
On August 25, Prince George of Kent and Rudolf Hess were killed in a plane crash!!
Prince George of Kent was the younger brother of the king, and the real power behind the throne. When King Edward VIII abdicated to marry the man he loved, Prince George was considered the best replacement. However, the line of succession is written in stone and could not be changed.
![]() Prince George and his wife Marina. |
![]() Last image of Prince George taken in August 1942. |