you send out lightnings, that they may go,
And say to you, "Here we are!"? (Job
38:35). |
line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end
of the world (Psalm
19:4). |
What hath God wrought!
is from the Book of Numbers–the 4th book of the Old Covenant:
Surely there is no enchantment
(sorcery) against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel:
according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What
hath God wrought! (Numbers 23:23).
Here is the dictionary definition
of the word WROUGHT:
A past tense and a past
participle of work.
1. Put together; created: a carefully wrought plan.
2. Shaped by hammering with tools. Used chiefly of metals or metalwork.
3. Made delicately or elaborately.
This short
phrase from the Book of Numbers were the first words transmitted by the newly
invented marvel of the electric telegraph.
comes from the Greek tele (far) and grapho (write) and was
first used by French inventor Claude Chappe to mean FAR WRITER.
In 1844,
time and distance were annihilated by the electric telegraph–the marvelous
invention of Professor Samuel Morse. This miraculous invention later led to
the telephone, radio,
TV . . . and eventually the Internet!

Artist's portrayal
of Morse sending
the first telegraph message. |
May 24, 1844, Professor Samuel Morse sent the first message via
electricity from Washington City to Baltimore.
comprised the short Biblical phrase:
What Hath God Wrought! |

Samuel F. B. Morse
(1791–1872). |
This was
the most revolutionary invention since the printing press and the dawn of
the telecommunications era.
Professor Morse sent the
first telegraph message from the Supreme Court Room of the Capitol at Washington
City. Annie Ellsworth, left, suggested the first message: What Hath God Wrought!
Professor Morse knew that
Annie Ellsworth was divinely inspired to choose that phrase because
he knew that all the glory belonged to Almighty God for the world changing
discovery of writing remotely by using lightning or electricity.
Before electric telegraphy,
most messages that traveled long distances were entrusted to messengers who
memorized them or carried them in writing. These messages could be delivered
no faster than the fastest horse.
Morse first envisioned the electric telegraph in 1832
In 1832,
Samuel Morse–the American Leonardo da Vinci– was returning to
the U.S. from a trip to Europe. Morse was a very talented PAINTER and went
abroad to study sculpture and painting in Great Britain, France, and Italy.
On the return voyage aboard
the packet ship Sully, the conversation turned to the new discovered
wonders of electro-magnetism:
In the early part of
the voyage conversation at the dinner table turned upon recent discoveries
in electro-magnetism, and the experiments of Ampère with the electro-magnet.
Dr. Jackson spoke of the length of wire in the coil of a magnet, and the
question was asked by some one of the company, "If the velocity of
electricity was retarded by the length of the wire?" Dr. Jackson replied
that electricity passes instantaneously over any known length of wire. He
referred to experiments made by Dr. Franklin with several miles of wire
in circuit, to ascertain the velocity of electricity; the result being that
he could observe no difference of time between the touch at one extremity
and the spark at the other. At this point Mr. Morse interposed the remark,
"If the presence of electricity can be made visible
in any part of the circuit, I see no reason why intelligence may not be
transmitted instantaneously by electricity." The conversation
went on. But the one new idea had taken complete possession of the mind
of Mr. Morse. It was as sudden and pervading as if he had received at that
moment an electric shock. All that he had learned in former years, the experiments
he had seen in his boyhood, his studies with Professors Day and Silliman,
the later and significant discourses of Professor Dana, and conversations
with Professor Renwick, were revived, and began to form themselves into
means and ways to the accomplishment of a grand result. He withdrew from
the table and went upon deck. He was in mid-ocean, undique caedum, undique
pontus. As the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth unto the west,
so swift and far was the instrument to fork that was taking shape in his
creative mind. (Prime, The
Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, pp. 251-252).
Immediately after the
ship's arrival in New York, Morse was eager to make his vision of
the electric telegraph a practical reality:
Upon the Sully's
arrival in New York in the autumn of 1832, Morse disembarked eager to begin
work upon the telegraph; but the necessity of supporting himself and his
children left little time for experiment and still less money for engaging
in the construction of instruments. Furthermore, since there were no manufacturers
of electrical appliances, the work had to be slowly and laboriously done
by hand.
In 1835 Morse had the good fortune to secure an appointment as professor
of the Literature of the Arts of Design in the new University of the City
of New York, and took up his lodgings in the University building on Washington
Square. Utilizing these quarters, not only as a studio and living apartment,
but also as a workshop, he succeeded before the close of 1836 in completing
his first, crude telegraph apparatus, and in devising a numerical code to
represent the letters of the alphabet. (Thompson, Wiring
a Continent, pp. 8-9).
For the next 5 years,
working almost alone, and with very limited funds, Samuel Morse developed
a rudimentary telegraph and then solved the greatest problem of all: transmission
of electricity over long distances.
A battery that supplied
a steady source of electric current had just been invented by Italian inventor
Alessandro Volta. Volta's battery produced DIRECT CURRENT which is notoriously
weak over long distances.

1837 Morse telegraph. |
1837, Professor Morse had solved the 3 main problems for transmitting
information via electricity:
A transmitter.
2. A receiver.
3. A relay to amplify the voltage over long distances. |

Morse relay. |
DC current loses a lot
of its potential over long distances. Morse's relay reinforced this voltage
with fresh batteries at each station.

Morse register
used in the
Baltmore-Washington trials. |
practically alone, Samuel Morse made great improvements to his
telegraph between 1837 and 1844. |

Message sending
key. |
The ingenuity of Morse's
invention was its SIMPLICITY....As writing should contain no unnecessary words
so a mechanical device should contain no unnecessary parts....The telegraph
answered to that description and was sublime in its simplicity of
offered to sell his telegraph patent to the U.S. government for $100,000
After the successful test
in 1844, Morse offered to sell his patent to the U.S. government for the measly
sum of $100,000. That is equivalent to about $500,000 in today's paper "money."
Morse saw the telegraph
as a natural adjunct to the Post Office. President Polk was very enthusiastic
about the telegraph but was powerless to act without the approval of Congress.

President Polk (1795–1849).
President from 1845 to 1849. |
saw his telegraph as a perfect adjunct to the Post Office.
Postmaster General at that time was a British Secret Service agent named Cave Johnson.
Johnson ridiculed Morse's invention and called magnetism mesmerism.

Cave Johnson (1793–1866).
Postmaster General from '45 to '49. |
refused to authorize the purchase of the patent for the paltry sum of $100,000.
Congress had to vote on
any measure to appropriate funds for the telegraph, and with the opposition
of Johnson, the government sponsored telegraph was doomed:
The Telegraph, no longer
an experiment, was an accomplished fact. Speaking for itself, it required
no champions on the floor of Congress, or in the public press. The extension
of the line from Baltimore to Philadelphia and New York, and to all the
cities of the land, was only a work of time. But the aid of Congress was
sought in vain. An appropriation of $8,000 was made to support the line
between the capital and Baltimore, while in its infancy, but further than
that the Government declined to go. The sum named
as the price for which the Morse Company would sell the Telegraph to the
Government, was $100,000. The subject was discussed in the report of Hon.
Cave Johnson, the Postmaster General, under President Polk. He was a member
of Congress when the bill was before the House appropriating $30,000 for
the experimental line, and was one of those who ridiculed the whole subject
as unworthy the notice of sensible men. As Postmaster-General he
said in his report, after the experiment had succeeded to the admiration
of mankind: "That the operation of the Telegraph between Washington
and Baltimore had not satisfied him that, under any rate of postage that
could be adopted, its revenues could be made equal to its expenditures."
(Prime, The
Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, pp. 510-511).
With government support
withdrawn, the telegraph was left entirely in the hands of private enterprise.
After years of fierce competition, a company named Western Union emerged as
the leading telegraph company in the U.S.
aroused the hatred of Rome for his anti-Papal writings!!
With the success of the
telegraph, Morse should have been a very wealthy man and able to return to
his first love—painting....That was not to be however because Morse
had aroused the hatred of the Roman hierarchy for his anti-Papal writings.
That was the real reason
for the rejection of his miraculous invention!!
In 1830, during his European
trip, while watching a procession of the host in Rome, he failed to take off
his hat as a sign of respect to "Jesus" carried in the monstrance.
According to the dogma of transubstantiation, the host is miraculously transformed
into the body and blood of Christ and must be rendered divine honors. Morse
failed to do this . . . and therefore lost his hat:
Later, on this same
day, while watching a part of the ceremonies on the Corso, he has this rather
disagreeable experience: -
"I was standing close to the side of the house
when, in an instant, without the slightest notice, my hat was struck off
to the distance of several yards by a soldier, or rather a poltroon in a
soldier's costume, and this courteous maneuver was performed with his gun
and bayonet, accompanied with curses and taunts and the expression of a
demon in his countenance.
"In cases like this there is no redress. The soldier receives his orders
to see that all hats are off in this religion of force, and the manner is
left to his discretion. If he is a brute, as was the case in this instance,
he may strike it off; or, as in some other instances, if the soldier be
a gentleman, he may ask to have it taken off. There was no excuse for this
outrage on all decency, to which every foreigner is liable and which is
not of infrequent occurrence. The blame lies after all, not so much with
the pitiful wretch who perpetrates this outrage, as it does with those who
gave him such base and indiscriminate orders." (Edward
Lind Morse, Samuel
F. B. Morse: His Life & Journals, vol. I, p. 353).
After this experience
at Rome, his eyes were really opened to the true nature of the Latin Church.
When he arrived home, the Latin hierarchy was very active in subverting the
nation through immigration and seeking taxpayer money for their parochial
schools. As a Christian and a patriot, Morse decided to join the fight to
save the public schools . . . and the nation!
In 1835, Morse published
2 small books which won him the undying hatred of the Roman hierarchy:
In between warning his
fellow citizens about the threat from Rome, Professor Morse found time to
invent the telegraph—the greatest boon to civilization since the printing
The first
transatlantic cable was laid in 1858
Government support or
not, nothing could halt the march of progress. By 1855, telegraph lines covered
most of the eastern United States and the most ambitious plan of all was a
transatlantic cable linking the United States with Great Britain.
Morse worked with another
great Christian patriot named Cyrus W. Field to make the transatlantic cable
a success.

Cyrus W. Field
(1819–1892). |
W. Field was another great Christian patriot like Professor Morse.
was the driving force behind laying the transatlantic cable.
first cable soon stopped working due to sabotage and
this allowed the Jesuits to almost start a war with Great Britain
over the Trent Affair. |

The USS Niagara and HMS Agamemnon. |
Cyrus W. Field worked
with his British counterparts to lay the first transatlantic cable. The USS
Niagara and HMS Agamemnon laid the cable in the ocean.
Messages of mutual admiration for the great feat were exchanged between Queen
Victoria and President Buchanan.

James Buchanan (1791–1868).
President from 1857 to 1861. |
telegraph was seen as God's instrument to promote peace and goodwill
between nations.
expressing a desire for peace and fraternal relations between
the two countries were sent between Queen Victoria and President

Queen Victoria (1819–1901).
Queen from 1837 to 1901. |
On August
16, the first message sent across the cable was, "Glory to God in the
highest; on earth, peace and good will toward men." Then Queen Victoria
sent a telegram of congratulation to President James Buchanan through the
line, and expressed a hope that it would prove an additional link between
the nations whose friendship is founded on their common interest and reciprocal
To the President
of the United States, Washington:-
The Queen desires to congratulate the President upon the successful
completion of this great international work, in which the Queen has
taken the deepest interest.
The Queen is convinced that the President will join with her fervently
hoping that the electric cable which now connects Great Britain with
the United States will prove an additional link between the nations,
whose friendship is founded upon their common interest and reciprocal
The Queen has much pleasure in thus communicating with the President,
and renewing to him her wishes for the prosperity of the United States.
Buchanan responded that it was a triumph more glorious, because far more useful
to mankind, than was ever won by conqueror on the field of battle:
City, August 16, 1858. |
To Her Majesty Victoria,
The Queen of Great Britain:-
The President cordially reciprocates the congratulations of her Majesty
the Queen, on the success of the great international enterprise accomplished
by the science, skill and indomitable energy of the two countries.
It is a triumph more glorious, because far more useful to mankind, than
ever was won by conqueror on the field of battle.
May the Atlantic telegraph, under the blessing of Heaven, prove to be
a bond of perpetual peace and friendship between the kindred nations,
and an instrument destined by Divine Providence to diffuse religion,
civilization, liberty and law throughout the world.
In this view, will not all nations of Christendom spontaneously unite
in the declaration that it shall be forever neutral, and that its communications
shall be held sacred in passing to their place of destination, even
in the midst of hostilities. |
National hysteria broke
out in the United States and England at the completion of the laying of the
The celebrations that
followed bordered on hysteria. There were hundred gun salutes in Boston
and New York: flags flew from public buildings, church bells rang. There
were fireworks, parades, and special church services. Torch-bearing revelers
in New York got so carried away that City Hall was accidentally set on fire
and narrowly escaped destruction. (Standage,
The Victorian Internet, p. 81).
Unfortunately the transatlantic
line broke after 3 weeks, and this interruption in communications almost led
to a war between Great Britain and the U.S. over the Trent Affair.
The first
transatlantic cable was sabotaged!!
Satan was
desperate to prevent the laying of the transatlantic cable. Of course, most
people don't even believe in the existence of the devil . . . and he likes
it like that!
The euphoria
over the laying of the first cable was short lived because the cable went
dead after a month.
During the
first attempt to lay the cable in 1857, someone among the crew members sabotaged
the cable and it ended up on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
On the second
attempt in May 1857, a furious storm (unprecedented in the North Atlantic
at that time of year) arose and almost sent the cable . . . and the 2 ships
. . . to the bottom of the ocean:
A week
of this seemed all that any ship could take. But on Monday, the twenty-first,
when it seemed the sea had done its worst and must by now have spent its
strength, the most violent storm in memory raged across the North Atlantic.
Wind howled in the rigging, tearing at the battered canvas; the ship pitched
and shuddered, rising on giant waves to drop sickeningly into the troughs.
A spar snapped in the bow; another dropped from overhead, bringing down
everything attached to it. The starboard wing of the gallant American
eagle figurehead was swept off to sea. Worst of all, the Agamemnon had
disappeared in that churning mass of wind and rain and fury. In the crew's
opinion the ship had foundered. (Carter, Cyrus Field:
Man of Two World, p.150).
Satan can
and does raise up hellish storms to foil God's purposes.....The Evil One raised
up a furious storm to drown Joshua and His disciples on the Sea of Galilee
(Matthew 8:24). When St. Paul was on his way to establish the Congregation
at Rome, a furious storm arose which lasted for 14 days. (Acts 27:14).

Route of the
cable from Newfoundland to Ireland. |
cable came ashore at Co. Kerry, Ireland.
Thomson (Lord Kelvin) put Edward Whitehouse in charge of sending
and receiving to Newfoundland and London. |

Cable monument
on Valentia Island,
Co. Kerry, Ireland. |
On previous
cable laying voyages, Whitehouse had excused himself by claiming "sickness."
He waited in Ireland until the cable came ashore and then commenced his work
of sabotage.

William Thomson
(1804–1907). |
Edward Whitehouse could be called the man who started the U.S.
Civil War.
sabotaged the cable in Ireland.
guarantees of British help, the rebels would never have fired
on Fort Sumter.

Edward Whitehouse
(1816–1819). |
With the
telegraph, the Trent Affair would have been resolved peaceably.
William Thomson
(Lord Kelvin) supervised the connection of the cable after the landing in
Ireland. He then went home to visit his wife in Scotland and left Edward Whitehouse
in charge:
After Thomson
landed at Valentia, he went home to see his wife. He left cable refinements
up to Whitehouse, who wanted no help. Toward the latter part of August, Thomson
began receiving messages from Bright about transmission problems. He
hurried back to Knightstown and discovered that Whitehouse had replaced his
sensitive instruments with enormous induction coils five feet long and electrified
with 500 cells that emitted up to 2,000 volts. Whitehouse had also
inserted his own relay and Morse's electromagnetic recording instrument because
he never understood Thomson's instruments well enough to use them. By the
time Thomson restored his own instruments to the cable, Whitehouse's powerhouse
had burned so many faults into the conductor that Thomson's devices would
no longer work on lower voltages. To send a signal, Thomson had no recourse
but to boost the voltage, and this continued to degrade the conductor by burning
the insulation. (Hearn, Circuits in the Sea, pp. 132-133).
By running
high voltage through the cable, Whitehouse ruined the greatest feat of engineering
ever attempted by mankind. Another link was not established until after the
Civil War.
Lincoln used the telegraph to save the Union!!
God's great
gift of this new technology came just in time to save the Union....President
Lincoln used the telegraph to reach out to his generals in the field and the
vast Union armies communicated frequently by telegraph.

President Lincoln used the telegraph to win the Civil War. |
now, very little is known about President Lincoln's use of this
revolutionary new technology.
for the White House, the President spent most of his time in the
telegraph office.
Thomas Eckert was head of the Military Telegraph Corps. |

Major Thomas T. Eckert
(1825-1910). |
A special
branch of the army was organized called the Military Telegraph Corps with
major Thomas T. Eckert commanding in Washington City.

Military Telegraph
Corps. |
of miles of telegraph lines were laid by the Military Telegraph
Corps thus enabling the Union army to conduct far flung campaigns
over the vast rebel held territory. |

Military Telegraph
Corps laying
telegraph lines. |
Here is a
quote from a book by David Homer Bates, manager of the war department telegraph
Lincoln has been studied from almost every point of view, but it is a notable
fact that none of his biographers has ever seriously considered that branch
of the Government service with which Lincoln was in daily personal touch
for four years—the military telegraph; for during
the Civil War the President spent more of his waking hours in the War Department
telegraph office than in any other place, except the White House.
While in the telegraph office he was comparatively free from official cares,
and therefore more apt to disclose his natural traits and dispositions than
elsewhere under other conditions. (Bates, Lincoln in
the Telegraph Office, p. 3).
Unlike many
of his subordinates, Lincoln was quick to grasp the new technology of the
telegraph. His top priority was a telegraph linking the 2 greatest nations
on earth.
was anxious to establish communications with the Czar of Russia!!
Lincoln was most anxious to establish a close diplomatic relationship with
the great Czar of Russia–Alexander II....In 1861, the Czar sent his
fleet to New York and San Francisco and thereby forestalled British military
help to the Confederacy.
his Annual Message to Congress, December, 1863, Lincoln, after referring
to the arrangements with the Czar of Russia for the construction of a line
of telegraph from our Pacific coast through the empire of Russia to connect
with European systems, urged upon Congress favorable consideration of the
subject of an international telegraph (cable) across the Atlantic and a
cable connection between Washington and our forts and ports along the Atlantic
coast and the Gulf of Mexico. In the latter scheme he took a deep personal
interest, and he had a number of conferences with Cyrus W. Field, the chief
exponent of ocean cables.
(Bates, Lincoln in the Telegraph Office, p. 257).
By 1861,
the telegraph line had reached the Pacific Ocean and Western Union was given
the mammoth task of extending it to Russian Alaska.

Czar Alexander II (1818–1881).
Czar of Russia from 1855 to 1881. |
Alexander II helped save the Union by threatening intervention
if Great Britain or France joined the CONfederates.
was the ONLY friend the U.S. had during the Civil War.
Lincoln was most anxious to extend the telegraph line to the great
Czar of Russia.

Russian navy ship Osliaba in
Alexandria, Virginia, in 1863. |
On July 1,
1864, President Abraham Lincoln granted Western Union the right of way from
San Francisco to the British Columbia border.

Wiring the world through Russia. |
proposed route was from San Francisco to New Westminster, BC,
and then across Russian Alaska to the Bering Strait and then across
Siberia to Moscow. |
Route of the proposed
cable between
Washington and Moscow.
Lincoln's assassination ended the Russian-American telegraph line and the
noble enterprise of linking the 2 greatest nations on earth!
The excuse
for ending the project was that the transatlantic cable made the Russian cable
There was
no direct communication link between Washington and Moscow until 1963.
Direct communication
between the 2 greatest nations on earth would have prevented WWI, the Bolshevik
Revolution, WWII, the Cold War etc., etc.
Russian-American telegraph line was also sabotaged!!
It is almost
beyond belief but the Russian-American telegraph line was also sabotaged.
By 1861,
the telegraph line had reached the Pacific Ocean and Western Union was given
the mammoth task of extending it to Russian Alaska.

William H. Seward
(1801–1872). |
H. Seward was the brilliant secretary of state under President
the assassination of Lincoln, Seward kept Lincoln's Russia-U.S.
telegraph line alive.
was why the Czar sold Alaska to the U.S.

Hiram Sibley
(1807–1888). |
Hiram Sibley
was the president of Western Union.
At that
time, Alaska was considered a frozen wilderness and the last outpost of
the great Russian Empire. With the proposed Russian telegraph line, Alaska
gained new importance:
When Western
Union decided to build the line in 1864, Sibley had Seward and Russia's
minister to Washington, Baron Edward de Stoeckl, write to Prince Alexander
Gortchakoff, then minister of foreign affairs, and later chancellor of the
Russian Empire, to pave the way. Sibley then traveled to Russia to replace
Collins's thirty three-year grant with a perpetual lease. He thought a lease
would avoid trouble with the Russian-American Company which held exclusive
rights in that area. Sibley took a letter of credit for $750,000 with him
to St. Petersburg, where he and Collins were presented to the Emperor on
November 1, 1864.
The Emperor "promised his cordial cooperation in this great enterprise,"
and Sibley was entertained as a distinguished guest of the Empire.
During the discussions, Sibley told Prince Gortchakoff he would pay $750,000
for the rights to the strip of land desired for the line's right of way. "Why
pay $750,000 for the rights of the Russian-American Company," Prince
Gortchakoff asked, "when for that sum you can get the fee simple to the
tract you want?" That led to a discussion of the
purchase of the entire territory, but Sibley did not want Western Union to
own and rule that huge wild area, so he urgently proposed the purchase to
Washington. (Oslin, The Story of Telecommunications,
p. 148).
in 1865, $3,000,000 was spent by the Western Union company to extend the
line to the Bering Strait. The daring proposal was for ALL of Asia to be
connected to the U.S. via Russia.
The great
Czar of Russia was most anxious to see his empire connected to the U.S.
so he negotiated with secretary Seward for the sale of Alaska to the U.S.
A race
between the Russian and Atlantic cables!!
A race
developed between the Russia-U.S. telegraph and the Atlantic telegraph.
Both cables would have simply supplemented or complemented each other
. . . but the Jesuits wanted no communications between the U.S. and Russia.

The Great
Eastern, largest ship
in the world. |
idea of a Russian-American telegraph line was a nightmare
for the Druid Jesuits in the U.S. and British governments.
planned on circumventing it by resurrecting the transatlantic
cable. |

Captain James Anderson
(1824–1893). |
Field was now so welcome in Great Britain that they called him Cyrus
the Great and wanted to make him a "Sir."
The government
gave top priority to a new cable and made the Great Eastern (their
biggest ship) available.
was now no object and the Royal Navy gave him 2 battleships as a military
This time,
every care was taken against sabotage and the cable crew were not allowed
to wear uniforms with pockets:
Every precaution
had been taken against past mistakes. The cable crew were encased from
head to toe in canvas. "They certainly look like convicts,"
Gooch wrote. The costume "covers their whole
person and fastens in the back, and is without pockets, so that no one
can take anything into the tanks without its being seen."
On the bridge stood the Job-like Captain Anderson, "modest and
grave, of few words, but seeing everything, watching everything, and
ruling everything
with a quiet power." The cable appeared to respond to this human
discipline, paying out evenly at six knots. The polished hull of the
Great Eastern slid so smoothly through the water that her stern propeller
was disengaged to reduce speed.(Carter, Cyrus Field: Man of Two
Worlds, pp. 247-247).
The success
of the transatlantic cable sounded the death knell to the Russia-U.S. telegraph;
even though the overland link was capable of 400 wpm, while the transatlantic
cable was only capable of 40 wpm.
With the
hegemony of the European cable, Great Britain became the hub of world communication
. . . instead of the United States.
By sabotaging
the cable, the Jesuits were determined to play the 2 greatest nations in
the world against each other and reign over the ruins of both!
There was
no direct communication link between Washington and Moscow until 1963.
communication between the 2 greatest nations on earth would have prevented
WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWII, the Cold War etc., etc.
Supreme Court ruled that Morse was the sole inventor of the telegraph!!
After the
government refused to buy the telegraph patent, Morse had to turn to private
enterprise. Fierce competition emerged among different companies over control
of his invention.
was frequently charged with plagiarism and he finally had to defend his
invention all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Samuel Morse with his medals. |
the government refused to buy his patent, Morse had to defend
his invention all the way to the Supreme Court.
1853, he was thoroughly vindicated as the sole inventor.

Samuel Morse statue in
Central Park. |
poured in from around the world. Even the Sultan of Turkey honored him
with a special diploma or decoration.
is an excerpt from the Morse patent trial before the Supreme Court:
The opinion
of Justice Grier, concurred in by Justices Nelson and Wayne, contained these
additional points: "I entirely concur with the majority of the court
that the appellee and complainant below, Samuel F. B. Morse, is the true
and first inventor of the recording telegraph, and the first who has successfully
applied the agent or element of Nature, called electro-magnetism, to printing
and recording intelligible characters at a distance; and that his patent
of 1840, finally reissued in 1848, and his patent for his improvements,
as reissued in the same year, are good and valid; and that the appellants
have infringed the rights secured to the patentee by both his patents. But,
as I do not concur in the views of the majority of the court, in regard
to two great points of the case, I shall proceed to express my own."
(Prime, The
Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, p. 578).
poured in upon Morse from around the world as all nations adopted the Morse
code for communications. Prussia was one of the first nations to adopt it,
and they put it to good effect with the defeat of the Austrians in 1866:
passing a few months on the Isle of Wight, the Professor and family went
to Dresden for the winter of 1867. Three months were spent in that delightful
city. His presentation, at the court of the King of Saxony was a compliment
paid to his distinguished services.
From Dresden, Professor Morse repaired to Berlin, where he was specially
honored by those who were the best qualified to appreciate the magnitude
and importance of his work. From Mr. Bancroft, the United States Minister,
and members of the Prussian Government, he received constant attentions.
He remained but a few days in Berlin, and was obliged to decline a presentation
at court which was tendered him. (Prime,
The Life of Samuel F. B. Morse, p. 703).
The Prussians
again used the telegraph . . . and the train . . . to achieve a lightning
victory over the French in 1870 . . . which finally led to the liberation
of Rome on September 20, 1870.
the age of 56, Morse finally bought a home beside the Hudson
River, in Poughkeepsie, NY.
lived there until he went to his eternal home on April 2,

Morse tomb in Brooklyn, NY. |
The body
of the "Lightning Man" awaits the great Resurrection morning
in Greenlawn Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY.
Morse is the real father of modern telecommunications because his invention
led to the telephone, radio, TV . . . and eventually the Internet!
Tesla completed the electrical revolution begun by Professor Morse!!
Morse saw by experiments that DC current lost at lot of its potential when
covering long distances. This is now proven mathematically by Ohm's Law.
voltage loss led to his invention of the relay or repeater which reinforced
the voltage with a battery at every station.

Nikola Tesla
(1856–1943). |
discovery of the rotating magnetic field
was almost as revolutionary as the Morse telegraph.
allowed him to "electrify" the entire world.

phase rotating magnetic field. |
Morse, Tesla had powerful enemies (Rockefeller, Morgan, Edison) who opposed
his new inventions.
envisioned the electric telegraph during an ocean voyage from Europe
to the United States. Tesla saw the rotating magnetic field during
a walk in the park in Budapest, Hungary.
had his patent stolen and had to defend his invention against frequent
infringements. Most of Tesla's great inventions were stolen and he ended
up a virtual pauper when he died.

Professor Morse
invented the telegraph at NYU. |
his previous lab was burned to the ground, Tesla set up shop
at 48 Houston St., in lower Manhattan.
was just a few blocks from NYU where the telegraph was invented.

Tesla's Houston St. lab was just a few block from NYU. |
inventions are just too many to list....He completed the electrical revolution
begun by the great Christian patriot, Samuel F. B. Morse.
Vital Links
Bates, David
Homer. Lincoln in the Telegraph Office. Recollections of the United States
Military Telegraph Corps during the Civil War. University of Nebraska
Press, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1995.
Carter, Samuel,
Cyrus Field: Man of Two Worlds. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1968.
Gordon, John
Steele. A Thread Across the Ocean. The Heroic Story of the Transatlantic
Cable. Walker & Co., New York, 2002.
Hearn, Chester
G. Circuits
of the Sea. The Men, The Ships, and the Atlantic Cable. Praeger,
Westport, Connecticut, 2004.
Howe, Daniel
Walker. What Hath God Wrought! The Transformation of America, 1815–1848.
Oxford University Press, New York, 2007.
Morse, Samuel,
Imminent Dangers to the Free Institutions of the United States through Foreign
Immigration. E. B. Clayton, New York, 1835.
Morse, Samuel,
Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States. American
and Foreign Christian Union, New York, 1855.
Morse Edward
Lind. Samuel
F. B. Morse: His Life & Journals. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston
& New York, 1914.
Neering Rosemany.
Continental Dash. The Russian-American Telegraph. Horsdal & Schubart,
Ganges. British Columbia, 1989.
Oslin, George
P. The Story of Telecommunications. Mercer University Press, Macon,
Georgia, 1992.
Prime, Samuel
Irenaeus. The
Life of Samuel F. B. Morse.
Appleton & Company, New York, 1875.
Tom. The
Victorian Internet. The Remarkable Story of the Telegraph and the Nineteenth
Century's On-Line Pioneers, Walker & Co., New York,
Robert Luther. Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraphy Industry
in the United States 1832–1866. Princeton University Press, Princeton,
New Jersey, 1947.
Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails. The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln used the
Telegraph to Win the Civil War. HarperCollins Publishers,
New York, 2006.
© 2016 by Patrick Scrivener
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