President Jackson's parents were born in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Ireland. His parents emigrated to British America in 1765. If his parents had waited 2 more years, President Jackson would have been born in Ireland....He was one of the greatest sons of Saint Patrick that ever lived....Without a doubt he was the DAVID of the New Jerusalem!
If only Jacobite George Washington had lived long enough to see the conclusion of the Battle of New Orleans he would have acknowledged the TRUTH of Balaam's prophecy about the indestructibility of the New Jerusalem:
Surely there is no sorcery against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, what hath Elohim wrought! (Numbers 23:23).
During the Revolution, Leviathan was just "play acting" at war, but Leviathan was deadly serious about seizing the Louisiana Territory, and installing a Stuart as emperor of the "Holy Roman" Empire States of America (HRESA!).
A Leviathan victory would have led to the creation of the "Holy Roman" Empire States!
By 1815, Europe had just retired a tyrannical 1000-year Reich. It was called the "Holy Roman" Empire, but the emperors were not allowed to reign at Roma. In anticipation of a move to America, that empire was abolished by Napollyon Bonaparte in 1806.
Prior to the Civil War, Americans only celebrated 2 national holidays: January 8 and July 4. Of course, almost everybody kept the weekly Christian Sabbath day holy.
The Battle of New Orleans would have occurred sooner . . . but King George III was divinely protected . . . and he refused to die!
![]() | North American map in 1814. |
![]() map in 1815. |
The charters of the original 13 British colonies were all issued by the Stuart monarchs. The Stuarts believed dogmatically in the "Divine Right of Kings" to rule over their enslaved subjects.
The mighty Mississippi River—the Father of Waters—flows through New Orleans, and control of that river and its tributaries means control of the North American continent—both East and West.
France controlled that vast area from 1699 until 1763. By the end of the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) it seemed certain that Leviathan would seize the territory as spoils of war, but France ceded it to Spain.
In October 1800, Spain was forced to cede the territory to Napollyon under the top secret Third Treaty of San Ildefonso.
Another political earthquake that happened during the Napollyeonic Wars was the abolition of the "Holy Roman" Empire.
![]() An artistic depiction of the crowning of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III. |
![]() "Holy Roman" Emperor Francis II (1768–1835). Misruled from 1879 to 1806. |
The "Holy Roman" Empire dominated and tyrannized Western Europe for over 1000 years, and under Charles V and Philip II its vast domain extended to the New World.
That 7-headed, 10-horned monster received a mighty blow from the pen of Saint Martin Luther, and its power was also significantly reduced following the 30 Years War (1618–1648).
![]() The abolition of the "Holy Roman" Empire in September 1806. |
Amazingly, the followers of Napollyon were called JACOBINS because Bonaparte was actually descended from the rakish King Charles II. The diabolical partnership of Leviathan and Apollyon was the precursor of the diabolical partnership of Churchill and Hitler.
Prior to the attempted conquest of New Orleans, Leviathan turned the temporary capital of Washington City into a smoking ruin!
![]() Leviathan , burning the White House, August 24, 1814. |
![]() The burned out White House after the Leviathan invasion. |
After the "Bladensburg Races" and the destruction of Washington City, haughty Vice Admiral Alexander Cochrane moved on to conquer Baltimore. It was a combined operation, with General Ross leading about 5,000 men overland, while 2,000 marines stormed the city from the harbor.
The national anthem star spangled banner had 15 stars and stripes!!
Fort McHenry had to be neutralized before the amphibious landing took place.
![]() The rockets red glare. The shelling of Fort McHenry in 1814. |
![]() The restored Betsy Ross flag that flew over Fort McHenry. |
In the Flag Act of 1795, the official flag of the New Jerusalem had 15 stars and stripes, and not the "unlucky" 13, which Haman's horoscope told him was the perfect day for the Final Solution (Esther 3:7).
![]() The first official 15 stars and stripes flag of the New Jerusalem! |
![]() Since 1818, "Old Glory" is missing 2 stripes!! |
On the 13th day of the 12th month all the Jews in the Persian Empire were as good as dead . . . but 3 days later deliverance came in a miraculous way:
But the Jews that were at Shushan assembled together on the thirteenth day thereof, and on the fourteenth thereof; and on the fifteenth day of the same they rested, and made it a day of feasting and gladness (Esther 9:18).
An annual feast called Purim was celebrated on the 15th day of the 12th month to commemorate this great deliverance from the planned Jewish Holocaust.
The great Exodus from Egypt happened on the 15th day of the month. The full moon always falls on the 15th day of the lunar month.
A New York Congressman named Peter Wendover, and a Jacobite spy named Samuel Chester Reid changed the flag back to 13 stripes in 1818.
General; Jackson was the "David" who delivered the New Jerusalem from Leviathan!!
All —the Gibraltar of the West—and the Americans would be "captives within their own country."
![]() General Andrew Jackson was the Hero of the Battle of New Orleans. |
The New Jerusalem David was so THIN that a hired assassin named Dickinson missed his heart by inches in a duel!
The watchword for the Leviathan armada was "booty and beauty" or "loot and lust" as New Orleans was a fabulously wealthy city. That is what motivated the invading host with "courage" and ruthless determination.
Thanks to their spies, on December 23, general Keane and Colonel Thornton arrived with about 1,500 men undetected to within 8 miles (13 km) of New Orleans. Then they decided to bivouac and await the arrival of General Packenham, who was supposed to lead the conquering host into the city. That was a fatal delay, as word reached General Jackson encamped a few miles above New Orleans. Our Hero was incensed and immediately
Jackson reportedly stood and proclaimed, "By the Eternal, they shall not sleep on our soil!" To those assembled he shouted, "Gentlemen, the British are below, we must fight them tonight." (Drez, The War of 1812, p. 252).
And fight them they did....Generals Jackson, Coffee, and Carroll, with about 1,000 frontiersmen, armed with rifles, swords, tomahawks, and knives, attacked the unsuspecting Leviathan soldiers as they settled down for a long winter's nap. On that night, many of "Wellington's Invincibles" slept the sleep of death, and won't awaken until Last Trumpet.
That battle saw the first use of a steamboat in combat . . . which made sailing ships obsolete....The steamboat Enterprise, captained by Henry Miller Shreve, evacuated the fearful "beauties" from New Orleans, and he later resupplied Fort St. Philip with ammunition:
But there the glorious JEHOVAH will be unto us a place of broad rivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars, neither shall majestic ships pass thereby (Isaiah 33:21).
A Leviathan spy commanded the West Bank of the Mississippi River!
Unknown to General Jackson, a Leviathan spy commanded his militia on the West Bank, and Colonel Thornton quickly overran his position. He almost succeeded in capturing the cannon, and raking General Jackson's militiamen on the East Bank!
![]() No image of colonel Thornton exists. |
Morgan the spy was unable to communicate with Thornton, otherwise he would have advised him to concentrate his forces on the West Bank, and thereby obtain an easy victory.
Only General Jackson's heroic defense of the East Bank saved the day. Colonel Thornton had to withdraw his men just when Morgan opened the door to New Orleans....That is why the Holy Bible says that spies are despicable!!
Our great JEHOVAH fought for General Jackson as he fought for Joshua during the conquest of Canaan. The battle was brief but intense; it only lasted for about 2 hours, but during that time, all tof Leviathan's planning and scheming for the "Holy Roman" Empire States of America came to nothing.
According to a document found on General Pakenham after the battle, the British were to hold Louisiana until the Spanish were ready to take it back:
The British plan of subjugation was complete. Soon after the battle it was learned that General Pakenham had a proclamation written, signed and ready to be promulgated the moment his army should enter the city. This proclamation denied the right of Napoleon to sell Louisiana, denounced the pretensions of the United States to its sovereignty, declared that Spain, the rightful possessor, was incapable of maintaining her territorial rights and, finally, asserted a provisional occupation by the British forces as a virtual protectorate on behalf of the Spanish crown. The night after the battle this proclamation was burned. It may have been used to illuminate the scene where the corpse of its author was being prepared for shipment to England in a cask of rum. (Buell, History of Andrew Jackson, Vol, II, pp. 80-81).
Spain was a broken reed by that time, so Louisiana would never have been returned to the tyrannical king of Spain.
After his death General Pakenham was packed in a rum cask and shipped back to Ireland.
A Leviathan victory was the precursor to a New World's St. Bart's Day Massacre!
A bloody war of extermination would have erupted on the frontier if Leviathan occupied New Orleans—a veritable St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in the New World Wilderness!
Bloodthirsty Leviathan ally Tecumseh was a brigadier general in the East India Company Army, serving under the cowardly General Henry Proctor. His fiery "preacher" brother, Tenskwatawa, gave a religious overtone to the campaign of extermination.
Contrary to Kisssin' Cousins Charles Darwin, the Holy Bible says that man is to provide his food by farming . . . and not by hunting like a wild beast. The pioneers tried to bring Christianity and civilization to the Native Americans, who lived by hunting and fighting.Leviathan wanted them to remain in their primitive state in order to scalp the pioneers and collect beaver pelts!!
![]() The horrible Fort Mims Massacre in 1813. |
Leviathan control of Louisiana would have set the entire frontier ablaze with an orgy of killing and scalping....Fort Dearborn and Fort Mims were
The British fleet sailed slowly back to England, and news of the disastrous defeat reached London in late February.
Napollyon "escaped" just as the news of the New Orleans disaster reached London!
If the extent of the disaster became fully known to the British people, heads would roll as during the French Revolution, and quite possibly the end of the monarchy. The monarchy was saved by none other than Napollyon Bonaparte.
A coincidence occurred to aid in diverting the mind of the public from the contemplation of the deplorable event. On the 23rd of February, 1815, news of the defeat reached London. On the same day arrived the intelligence of the escape of Napoleon from Elba, and on his landing on the shores of France. Public attention was diverted by this new sensation. The government press fostered the illusion, and the horrors of New Orleans were not so fully known or felt. (Smith, Battle of New Orleans, p. 150).
There are no "coincidences" in political affairs....Napollyon was suddenly "resurrected" 3 days later to divert attention from the disaster at New Orleans.
![]() Napoleon was released from Elba on February 26, 1815. |
![]() Lord Liverpool. Prime minister from 1812 to 1826. |
Here is a report about the "escape" of Napollyon by a French major in general Jackson's army at New Orleans:
The pretended right of blockade never appeared in so ridiculous a light as immediately after the departure of the emperor Napoleon from the island of Elba. It was then strongly surmised, and not without some probability, that the British government had connived at his escape, and to refute this charge, lord Liverpool was compelled to declare in the house of lords, on the 7th of April, 1815, (see the newspapers of the times) that the whole British navy would be insufficient to blockade the island of Elba; it is true, he added the qualifying sentence: so as to prevent the escape of an individual who chose to leave it. But when we consider the manner in which Napoleon sailed from that island, with several armed vessels, and a considerable body of troops, who will not laugh at the blockading pretensions of Great Britain, if it is true, as lord Liverpool clearly meant to intimate, that the whole British navy was insufficient to prevent such an escape from a small island. (Latour, Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814–1815, p. 13).
At the time that Napollyon was released, the Congress of Vienna had convened, presided over by the sly and cunning Prince Metternich. Metternich was impatiently waiting news from New Orleans so he could establish the "Holy Roman" Empire States of America!
As the conqueror of Napollyon, and the most powerful man in Europe, Tsar Alexander I was also "invited" to attend the Congress. Alexander the Great was urging the delaying British delegation at Ghent to sign a peace treaty with the United States.
![]() Prince Metternich (1773-1859). |
Tsar Alexander was the most powerful man in Europe, and his "Allies" were afraid that he would once again visit Paris with his army:
By ten o'clock that same morning all the leading Allied statesmen were in Metternich's study. There was some doubt as to whether Napoleon would make for France or for Italy in the first instance. But as a precaution couriers were sent out from Vienna to the commanders of every Allied corps on the continent to make certain they placed their men on the alert. If Napoleon hoped to exploit the discord between his former enemies he was disappointed. 'No peace with Bonaparte!' Alexander declared as of old. 'The first task must be to overthrow him.' A solemn proclamation branded 'Napoleon Bonaparte' an outlaw for having 'again appeared in France with projects of confusion and disorder.' At the end of March a renewed grand alliance bound the Austrians, British, Prussians and Russians to supply 150,000 men each to defend the contested frontiers of Europe against the menace which had broken out of Elba. By midsummer it was hoped that a million men would be on the march towards Paris once more, and this time the military commanders would give the disturber of world peace no quarter. (Palmer, Alexander I Tsar of War and Peace, pp. 320-321).
As the precursor of Adolf Hitler, Napollyon once again became the Britannia Inc., ogre to divert attention from the disaster in the New World.
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on June 18, 1815!!
The Battle of Waterloo, fought on June 18, 1815, was a victory for the Duke of Wellington and his Prussian ally, Gebhard von Blücher. Casualties were tremendous on both sides, with the French losing over 41,000 men, and Britannia Inc., and the Prussians losing about 24,000.
![]() Napoleon rallying his Imperial Guard at Waterloo. |
![]() The Duke of Wellington rallying his troops at Waterloo. |
Incredible as it may seem, Bonaparte actually asked for asylum in England after his defeat:
Most urgent of all, what to do with Napoleon? Even before his surrender Liverpool thought the simplest procedure would be to hand him over to the King of France to be tried as a rebel, provided (a cautious proviso) that he would not be allowed to escape again. When it appeared that the restored Bourbon government would prefer not to have this alarming duty, he was ready to accept responsibility on behalf of the British government, with another proviso, that it was given sole discretion. There were, after all, no lack of far-flung British possessions–St Helena and the Cape of Good Hope, for instance–where Napoleon could be held securely. When he actually arrived in British waters, however, the difficulties multiplied. His ingenuous request to be allowed to live in Britain as a private citizen could clearly not be granted. The engrained tendency of the sentimental English public to make a hero of a man they had just beaten was in itself a reason for hurrying him away. 'You know enough of the feelings of people in this country,' Liverpool wrote to Castlereagh on 21 July, 'not to doubt that he would become an object of curiosity immediately, and possibly of compassion in the course of a few months.' (Gash, Lord Liverpool, p. 121).
That was the reason why his successor Adolf Hitler knew that he could not retire to England but had to be content with retirement in Argentina.
The plan for the Britannia Inc., conquest of Louisiana, begun before the Seven Years' War, cost millions of lives, and an incalculable amount of money.
Thanks to the incredible energy and generalship of Andrew Jackson, Satan's plans were completely defeated, and the victory was the greatest since Pharaoh's proud hosts were drowned in the Red Sea.
![]() Generals Pakenham and Gibbs in Saint Paul's Cathedral, London. |
![]() Tecumseh "Monument" in Ontario, Canada. |
After Leviathan burned the White House in August 1815, Secretary of War John Armstrong resigned in disgrace, and President Madison appointed James Monroe as his successor. James Monroe then appointed General Andrew Jackson head of the New Jerusalem militia. That appointment saved the nation from Leviathan's armada.
Vital Links
President Andrew Jackson | The New Jerusalem Warming Pan Plot!! |
Buell, Augustus C. History of Andrew Jackson: Pioneer, Patriot, Soldier, Politician, President. in 2 volumes, Charles Schribner's Sons, New York, 1904.
Drez, Ronald J. The War of 1812: Conflict and Deception. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, LA, 2014.
Winston. Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean Laffite at the Battle of New Orleans. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2006.
Gash, Norman. Lord Liverpool: The Life and Political Career of Robert Banks Jenkinson, Second Earl of Liverpool. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MASS, 1984.
Harvus, Antonina. Helena of Britain in Medieval Legend. D.S. Brewer, Cambridge, England, 2002.
Jortner, Adam. The Gods of Prophetstown: The Battle of Tippecanoe and the Holy War for the American Frontier. Oxford University Press, New York, 2011.
Latour, Major A. Lacarriere. Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana in 1814–1815. John Conrad & Co., Philadelphia, 1816.
Palmer, Alan. Alexander I Tsar of War and Peace. Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1974.
Smith, Zachary, F. The battle of New Orleans, including the previous engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians, and the Spanish which led to the final conflict on the 8th of January, 1815. J. P. Morton Company, Louisville, Kentucky, 1904.
Sugden, John. Tecumseh's Last Stand. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK, 1985.
Unger, Harlow Giles, The Last Founding Father: James Monroe and the Nation's Call to Greatness. Da Capo Press, New York, 2009.
Copyright © 2022 by Patrick Scrivener