. |
Leviathan specializes in burial at sea....The future King Richard III was determined to eliminate all rivals to the throne of England. One such rival was 12-year-old Edward Woodville. Along with his 9-year-old brother Richard he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

The Two Princes Edward and Richard
in the Tower by Sir John Everett Millais.
In 1483, 2 young princes aged 12 and 9 were imprisoned in the Tower of London and then disappeared without a trace!
In reality, the future King Richard III had both boys smothered with a pillow, and then their bodies were dumped in the River Thames.
The tide soon carried their remains out to sea!
In 1554, the real Princess Elizabeth was smothered in the Tower and then unceremoniously dumped in the Thames!

Princess Elizabeth (1533–1554)
aged 13.
Most of the people who were beheaded in the Tower were dumped into the Thames. That was the fate of Sir Thomas More and countless others. The fearless Christian navigator Sir Francis Drake landed in what is now called San Francisco and called it New Albion....He was later unceremoniously buried at sea in the Spanish Main.
The last Beatles press conference
on August 24, 1966. |
Beatles held an upbeat press
conference in LA on August 24.
never mentioned that they intended to stop touring.
Beatles received another tumultuous welcome at Candlestick
Park in San Francisco.

The Beatles running to the stage
for their final concert. |
On August 29, 1966, all 4 Beatles were sent to a watery grave. Their LAST PERFORMANCE was at Candlestick Park, in San Francisco.
The Beatles performing at their
last concert.
John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the featured vocalists.
The Beatles share of the gate was about $50,000 for a concert that only lasted about 1/2 hour.
That was why the Beatles never dreamed that their downfall was imminent!! |

Lennon and McCartney performing
at their last concert.
A stiff wind blew in from the Pacific Ocean, and the roar of the crowd made the vocalists almost inaudible.

The sinister looking Brinks armored truck
that picked them up after the concert.
the concert concluded they were bundled into the Brinks
armored truck . . . and loaded onto a helicopter!
The Beatles were not on their chartered private jet when it returned to Los Angeles.

Those 3 people were among the
last to see the 4 Beatles alive! |
After the concert the Beatles were told that "Christian fundamentalists" from the Bible Belt had threatened to shoot down their chartered jet, so they had to return to LA by helicopter!

The Titanic orchestra playing a requiem for the Beatles
in the movie Yellow Submarine!!
After their last concert on August 29, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco,
the real Beatles disappeared.
private jet plane did not crash, so that leaves only one
other horrifying option: they were loaded onto a helicopter and then buried at sea! |

The Golden Gate Bridge crossing
the Golden Gate.
Here is the infamous quote by John Lennon predicting that Christianity would disappear:
will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm
right and will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now.
I don't know which will go first—rock 'n roll or Christianity.
Jesus was all right, but his disciples were thick (stupid) and ordinary. It's
them twisting it that ruins it for me. (Spitz, The Beatles, p. 615).
4 dead ringers took their place in 1967. "John Lennon" started wearing glasses like Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton when she enrolled at Wellesley College.
The 4 "resurrected" fakirs made their appearance together
in 1967
In February 1967,
the 4 dead ringers made their first appearance together in
the Abbey Road Studios in London, to record an album entitled Sergeant
Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
The album was released
in June 1967, and was a cash cow for the financially strapped British
economy, eventually becoming one of the best-selling albums of all time.
The 4 "resurrected" Beatles in 1967. |
Lennon" began to appear in public for the first time
wearing glasses.
album cover showed 4 Beatles to the left looking down on
a grave.
their right the replacement Beatles are holding musical
instruments which the real Beatles never played. |
The cover of the Sergeant
Pepper album.
The album cover
was laced with hidden symbolism, and featured a whole group of people
who were already dead . . . or died violently. Obviously the people
at MI6 have a morbid sense of humor.
4 fakirs visited Maharishi Yogi for buried Beatles soul transplants!!
No matter how skillful
the plastic surgeons are at MI6, they cannot change human personalities.
Only Christ the real Rock can do that. The false religion of Hinduism
teaches an endless cycle of rebirth or reincarnation. The 4 fakirs were
hoping to contact their dead alter egos in order to be perfect counterfeits
. . . inside and outside!.
4 fakirs in India with
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
4 fakirs visited India in February 1968 and held a séance
with Maharishi Yogi.
teaches that a dead person can be reincarnated or recycled!
4 fakirs wanted to be possessed by the 4 dead Beatles in
order to be perfect clones! |
The fake "George" learning to play
the sitar with Ravi
Shankar. |
Maharishi Yogi told
them that they had to fast for a long time in order to contact the dead
Beatles in the spirit world. That the fakirs were not willing to do, so
they returned home disappointed. At his last press conference in LA,
George Harrison said that his favorite music was "honky tonk"
and "country and western."
After the séance,
the new John Lennon discovered that he still liked girls because he
married a British Secret Service agent named Yoko Ono in 1969.
Saint Paul had the
false religion of Hinduism in mind when the said:
And as it is appointed
unto men once to die, but after that
the judgment, so Christ was offered
once to bear the sins of many
9:27-28, Douay-Rheims Version).
In 1969, a rumor
surfaced in the United States that Paul McCartney was dead and was replaced
with a double. That too was just disinformation planted by MI6. Obviously,
word had leaked out and something had to be done to assuage the rumors.
Back then, people who tried to expose the cover-up were the victims
of "car accidents" or they were suicided.
By 1970, the fakirs
were tired of the charade and so they broke up. The music that began
with "She Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah", and "I Want to
Hold Your Hand" eventually degenerated into "I Get High With
a Little Help From My Friends," and "Lucy
in the Sky
with Diamonds."

The real John Lennon
(1940–1966), in 1965. |
The real
Paul McCartney
(1942–1966), in 1965. |
The real George
(1940–1966), in 1965. |

The real Ringo Starr
(1940–1966), in 1965.
Those images are
taken from the only authorized biography of the Beatles, written by Hunter
Davies, and first published in 1968. The images are called: The Changing
Face Of The Beatles, as Seen Through Their Official Hand-out Photographs.
The John Lennon fakir
(????–1980), in 1967. |
The Paul McCartney fakir
(b. ????), in 1967. |
The George Harrison fakir
(????–2001), in 1967. |
The Ringo Starr fakir
(b. ????), in 1967. |
4 spies who replaced the Beatles were thoroughly familiar with the SOE
Training Manual, which covers all aspects of disguise (even length of
hair) for a successful British Secret Service agent:
That past could
be the agent's own, which had the advantage of being easily remembered,
mainly true, and fully supported by documentation.
Or the agent's past could be appropriated from a real person, usually
dead, but always "distant." This cover story also had the
advantage of being real and hence consistent, but there was always
a chance that people acquainted with the dead man would be startled
by his sudden reappearance. Finally, a totally fictitious past
could be invented, free of entanglements but also of confirming records,
the documents that provide the "proof" of our continued
existence. Whatever past was chosen, it had to be plausible and as
factual as possible while merging with the agent's undercover present.
His "ostensible present must be consistent with his alleged past."
How To Be A Spy: The World War II SOE Training Manual, pp.
The "official"
spy training manual issued by the British government covers all
aspects of spying except for "car accidents," "plane
crashes," and poisoning!!
first Beatles tour began on February 7, 1964!!
The first Beatles
invasion of the United States began on February 7, 1964 when the Beatles
landed at Kennedy Airport. That was to be the first of 4 tours with
the final one in San Francisco.

The real Beatles arriving at the Pan Am
Worldport in Kennedy Airport.
real Beatles arrived in the
Pan Am Worldport on Feb. 7, 1964 to a blaze of publicity.
real Beatles arrived back in Britain on Feb. 22, 1964, to
a tumultuous welcome.
that time the Beatles were the most photographed people
in the world.

The Beatles arriving back at Heathrow
Airport on Feb. 22, 1964.
The second Beatles
tour of the U.S. began on August 19, 1964, in the Cow Palace in San
Francisco. The tour ended in the Paramount Theater in New York City,
on September 20, and the Beatles flew back to London on September 21,
The third U.S. tour
began on August 15, 1965, in Shea Stadium, New York City, and ended
on August 31 in the Cow Palace in San Francisco. The Beatles flew back
to London the following day. For their U.S. tour, the Beatles had a
private chartered jet–a Lockheed Electra. All the reporters and
backup bands flew on the same plane.

The Beatles departing Heathrow
Airport on August 13, 1965.
third Beatles tour of the U.S. began on August 15, 1965,
and ended on August 31 in the Cow Palace in San Francisco.
Beatles then flew back to London's Heathrow Airport to another
tumultuous welcome.
the U.S. tour, the Beatles flew in a private chartered jet–a
Lockheed Electra.

The Beatles arriving back at Heathrow
Airport on Sept. 2, 1965.
After a few weeks
break, the Beatles recommenced making records and movies. In October,
for their successful invasion of the U.S., Queen Elizabeth II gave each
of them an MBE–Mister Brian
Epstein. Their real boss, Winston Churchill, did not attend the
ceremony because he went to meet his Maker in January 1965.

A handicapped Beatles fan
waiting to be healed!!
real Rock healed the sick and lame; raised the dead, and
restored sight to the blind.
a mocking parody of the ministry of the Messiah, the handicapped
were presented to the Beatles in hopes that they
would heal them!!
expected their gods to work miracles!!

The front rows at concerts were reserved
for the handicapped.
Here is a short
excerpt about this shocking parody from the biography of George Martin:
Nor was it simply
a problem with the media. The public were tough on them, too. Whenever
the Beatles saw something happening, or someone coming towards them,
that seemed a bit dubious, they would give each other a password they
had developed among themselves: 'Cripples!' That meant they had to
take cover. If that seems harsh, the fact is that they were constantly
having cripples and others forced upon them. They might be doing a
television performance, and during a break would be in their dressing-room
having a quiet snack. Suddenly the door would open, and in would come
the assistant director, wheeling a spastic who wanted to meet the
Beatles. They would have to talk to this unfortunate, and try to be
pleasant. This was happening all the time. It
was almost like going to Lourdes. There were people who actually
wanted to touch the hems of the clothes they were wearing. Royalty
are trained from birth to cope with that sort of thing; the Beatles
were not. They can hardly be blamed for wanting to put up a barrier
against the world. (Martin, All You Need Is Ears, p.165).
1966 was to be the
final and fatal year for the Beatles. In July of that year, the Beatles
left for a tour of the Far East. They arrived in Japan on July 29, to
another tumultuous welcome.

Brian Epstein and the Beatles departing
for Japan, June 22, 1966.
June 1966, the Beatles departed for concerts in Japan and
the Philippines.
concert in the Philippines turned out to be a disaster because
the Beatles would not meet with the Philippines First Lady
Imelda Marcos.
Beatles arrived back safely in Britain on July 8, to another
tumultuous welcome.

4 glum Beatles arriving back at
Heathrow Airport, July 8, 1966.
After a short break
from their tours of Japan and the Philippines, the Beatles prepared
for what was to be their final tour.
fourth and final Beatles tour began on August 11, 1966!!
The fourth and final
deadly mystery tour began for the Beatles when they left Heathrow
Airport on August 11, 1966. 4 months previous to that date, John Lennon
made some disparaging remarks about Christianity to a newspaper reporter
named Maureen Cleave. The article was printed in the London Evening
Standard newspaper. The article never even raised eyebrows
over there. However, on July 29, the article was printed in a U.S. teen
magazine named Datebook.

The Beatles departing Heathrow Airport
for their final tour, August 11, 1966.
last tour was preceded by a firestorm of controversy over
John Lennon's Christianity comments.
Beatles flew to Chicago and reporters barraged Lennon with
questions about his remarks.
was forced to give a public apology!!
John Lennon was grilled by reporters
over his Christianity comments.
Throughout the
tour, the Beatles received death threats from "fundamentalist Christians"
over Lennon's remarks. The British KKK got in on the act and started
burning their records. A psychic predicted that they were all going
to die in a plane crash. In reality, it was all just a cover story for
their subsequent burial at sea!

The American Airlines Lockheed
Electra chartered for the tour.
Beatles stayed at a house in Beverly Hills and flew in the
Electra to San Francisco on August 29, 1966.
The Beatles relaxing at the home where
they stayed while in Los Angeles. .
The Beatles held
a sold-out concert in Dodger Stadium on August 28. Strangely enough,
they usually rested for a day before doing the next concert.
Mal Evans (1935–1976)
was the
Beatles "bodyguard." |
Malcolm "Mal" Evans was the Beatles "bodyguard"
and road manager.
Taylor was a former Beatles press agent who moved to California
in 1965.
was the overall coordinator of the assassination in California.

Derek Taylor (1932–1997) was
the Beatles press officer. |
Just before the
Beatles left for San Francisco, incriminating photos of Brian Epstein
and John Lennon were stolen from his hotel room:
The following
morning, after spending the night in the rented house, Dizz Gillespie
went off early to the bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where he
had left his suitcase. When Brian and Nat Weiss arrived at the bungalow
later in the morning, Dizz was gone. So were Brian's and Nat's attaché
cases. Nat's case contained important business documents, and its loss
was a major inconvenience, but Brian's attaché case was a witches' stew
of enormous ramifications. First, there was his large and questionable
supply of pills, obviously the property of a junkie. Then there were
half a dozen or so billets-doux containing explicit references to his
conquests, along with Polaroid photographs of his young friends. Lastly,
there was $20,000 in brown paper bag money skimmed from concert funds
to be distributed as a bonus. The revelation of
any of these items would make John's "Jesus" furor seem like
an Easter pageant. (Brown, The Love You Make, p. 215).
photos were enough to ruin the Beatles and thus buy Brian Epstein's
silence. Epstein was so distraught over the theft of the photos that
he did not go to San Francisco. Photos or no photos, Epstein was finally
silenced forever when he was suicided in 1967. The
flight from LA to San Francisco is only about 2 hours, so on the afternoon
of August 29, the Beatles and support personnel boarded the private
jet. Here is an excerpt from the diary of the leader of one of the back-up
bands called The Remains:
Monday, August
29th, 1966. Awoke at noon, showered, and met the bus to the plane.
We're going to San Francisco for the last concert, but we'll fly back
tonight, our last flight with the Beatles. I'm sitting in the private
jet, complete with TV, stereo headphones, two stereo outputs, and
horrible Muzak. (Tashian, Ticket to Ride,
p. 121).
in all their concerts, the Beatles just played for about 1/2 hour and
never returned for an encore. While on tour, they were not "working
like dogs" but were delighted to be singing all the way
to the bank.
The Beatles arrived
from San Francisco airport by bus, preceded by the armored truck and
a police car.
Here is a brief
report from Judith Sims, editor of TeenSet Magazine:
San Francisco
had a past history of wild crowds, and this time the security guards
and The Beatles' security people weren't taking any chances. We were
told to leave the stage area extra early and wait in the bus just
in case we had to make a quick getaway, or in case The Beatles might
have to transfer to the bus for their escape. There were 25,000 screaming
fans at Candlestick, but no riots. But, we didn't know there wouldn't
be a riot, so we dutifully trundled off to the bus halfway through
the show and waited. And waited. And waited. We were sure The Beatles
were already back in L.A. before the bus revved up and moved out.
It wasn't an easy exit–the fans were still there, and they did
not give up easily. Apparently, the armored car had been sufficient
to rescue The Beatles. (Tashian, Ticket to Ride, pp. 122-123).
From the stadium
to Candlestick Park is just about a 10 minute drive. Beatles
"bodyguard" Mal Evens survived, and so did all the reporters
and support personnel. Tashian said that he returned home on a Boeing
707 Super Deluxe:
on the 707-Boeing Super Deluxe–television,
candlelight, stereo, steak dinner, and red wine. Superb feeling, we
should be back in L.A. within and hour or so.
(Tashian, Ticket to Ride, p. 123).
None of the other
reporters or support personnel mentioned flying back to LA with the
images of the Beatles or manager Brian Epstein returning
to Britain from LA exist!!
Brian did return because he was suicided in August
1967. |
Whenever Brian arrived
back in London incognito it was certainly many days later after
When no Beatles
showed up in London in September 1966, MI6 spread disinformation
that the Beatles had died in a plane crash from a bomb planted by "Christian
fundamentalists" from the Bible Belt....Public knowledge of the
"assassination" might also sever the special relationship
between the U.S. and Britain.
The Beatles were
also a vital part of the British economy so the masquerade continued
with the use of doubles or doppelgängers!!
The Beatles already used decoys or doubles during the frenzied days
of Beatlemania.
A rumor surfaced
in 1969 that Beatle Paul McCartney was killed in a car crash in 1966
and replaced with a double. That too was just MI6 disinformation
to hide the fact that all 4 Beatles were assassinated and replaced with
Christ alone is the Rock of Ages!!
the Messiah first met Peter, he called him Cephas which is interpreted
And he (Andrew)
brought him to Jehoshua. And when Jehoshua beheld him, he said,
thou art Simon the son of Jonah: thou shalt be called Cephas, which
is by interpretation, A stone
(St. John 1:42).
For they all
drank of that spiritual Rock that followed
them, and that Rock was Christ
( Corinthians 10:4).
In the Old Covenant,
JEHOVAH is called a ROCK at least 15 times:
is the
Rock, his
work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: an Elohim of truth
and without iniquity, just and right is he (Deuteronomy
For who is Elohim
save JEHOVAH? or who is a rock save Elohim?
(Psalm 18:31).
their rock is not as our Rock,
even our enemies themselves being judges (Deuteronomy
conclusion of the matter is this: St. Peter is A STONE and Christ
is the ROCK:
also, as living stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to Elohim by Jehoshua
the Christ (I Saint Peter 2:5).
The real
FAB FOUR are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John....If you really like good
music, believe in the Rock of Ages today, and you will have
all eternity to listen to the angels singing the praise of JEHOVAH Elohim!!
And so Winston Churchill's
Operation Rock and Roll ended tragically for the real Beatles in San
Francisco Bay on August 29, 1966. The music attributed to them, and
the 4 fakes who followed them still lives on and is listened to by
millions of people around the world.
Julia. Imagine This: Growing Up With My Brother John. Hodder
& Stroughton, London, 2007.
Pete & Doncaster, Patrick. Beatle! The Pete Best Story.
Plexus Publishing Ltd., London, 1985.
Peter. The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of the Beatles.
McGraw-Hill Book Compnay. New York, 1983.
Ray. The Man Who Made the Beatles: An Intimate Biography of Brian
Epstein. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York, 1989. Davies,
The Beatles: The Authorised Biography. Jonathan Cape, London,
Geoffrey. Dark Horse: The Secret Life of George Harrison. Bloomsbury
Publishing Ltd., London, 1989.
Albert. The Lives of John Lennon. William Morrow & Co.,
New York, 1988.
Tim. John, Paul, George & Ringo: The Definitive Illustrated
Chronicle of the Beatles, 1960–1970. Metro Books, New York,
Cynthia. John. Crown Publishers, New York, 2005.
George. All You Need Is Ears. St. Martin's Press, New York,
John, (Editor). How To Be A Spy: The World War II SOE Training Manual.
The Dundurn Group, Toronto, Canada, 2004.
Bob. The Beatles: The Biography. Little, Brown & Company,
New York & Boston, 2005.
Christopher. Paul McCartney. Carroll & Graf Publishers,
New York, 2006.
David. Camp X. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1986.
Barry. Ticket to Ride: The Extraordinary Diary of the Beatles Last
Tour. Dowling Press, Nashville, Tennessee, 1997.
Derek. As Time Goes By. Davis-Poynter Ltd., London, 1973.
©2022 by Patrick Scrivener
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