After the glorious victory of General Jackson at New Orleans, plans for a "Holy Roman" Empire States of America were gone with the wind! That resulted in a seismic geopolitical change in Western Europe.
At the Congress of Vienna, arch-reactionary Prince Metternich laid the foundation for the Second Reich over the tomb of the First Reich.
Tsar Alexander I tried to bring permanent peace to Europe by the creation of a Holy Alliance but the conqueror of Napollyon was sent to Orthodox heaven in 1825.
![]() King Leopold I (1790–1865). Misruled from 1831 to 1865. |
![]() Princess Charlotte (1796–1817). |
The Prince of Wales had several children with Maria. One of them, Sir John Conroy, was the real father of Queen Victoria. After a year and a half of marriage, Princess Charlotte died in childbirth after delivering a stillborn son.
![]() The enthronement of Leopold I
on July 21, 1830. |
![]() Queen Louise-Marie (1812–1850). |
The blessed Reformation started in England when King Henry VIII read Leviticus 16:18 and realized that he had committed incest when he married his dead brother's wife.
The founders of the British Belgian kingdom completed ignored the prohibitions against such consanguineous marriages, and they trampled the Word of the Alpha and Omega under their feet.
![]() Prince Consort Albert (1819–1861). |
![]() Victoria and Albert on their incestuous wedding day. |
The Prince Consort was just a stud to father children for the consanguineous dynasty....When his job was done, and he tried to play the role of a real husband, the ogress had him poisoned!
Princess Charlotte—better known by her Spanish name Carlota—was the only daughter of Leopold I and Louise-Marie.
Before becoming Emperor of Mexico, Maximilian was an archduke of Austria, and a scion of the House of Habsburg. His brother was the dictatorial Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria.
![]() Empress Carlota of Mexico (1840–1927). |
![]() Emperor Maximilian of Mexico (1832–1867). |
Emperor Maximilian was not air conditioned as he was sterile from syphilis. Carlota believed that she was infertile, so when she became pregnant by a Belgian captain she discovered the truth. She persuaded her husband to allow her to return to Europe to recruit more French soldiers for their Mexican misadventure. She returned to Europe alone, and her husband never saw her again....In 1939, the tragic saga of Maximilian and Carlota was made into a Hollywood movie entitled Juarez, starring Paul Muni and Bette Davis.
Leopold Jr. was crowned in December 1865. The former Empress Carlota did not attend the coronation because she was locked away in the convent.
The marriage of Leopold and Marie Henriette created an historical link between the British Belgian kingdom and the ultra-Catholic Habsburg monarchy.
![]() King Leopold II (1835–1909). Misruled from 1865 to 1909. |
![]() Queen Marie Henriette (1836–1902). |
King Leopold II ruled over the nightmarish British Belgian Congo state, and tight British censorship of the press prevented the world from knowing what was really happening there.
Instead of scalps . . . the British Belgian Congo Force Publique collected hands!!
Incredibly, the United States was the first country to grant diplomatic recognition to the British Belgian Congo "free state."
![]() George Washington Williams (1849–1891). |
![]() William Sheppard (1865–1927). |
Vast quantities of ivory and rubber came from the Congo through the port of Antwerp. The ships returned with soldiers, meat cleavers, Maxim machine guns, and rifles for the Force Publique.
Missionary Williams and others provided hundreds of photos of the brutal soldiers of the Force Publique cutting off the hands of the Congolese!
![]() 2 Congolese youths with missing hands! |
![]() severed with a meat cleaver! |
"In the most unkindest cut of all" Leopold's brutal slave colony was called the Congo "Free" State!
The fiendish King Leopold II finally went to "Purgatory" in 1909, and he was succeeded by King Albert I. Albert was a cousin of "Kaiser Bill," and like Pope Benedict XV, he was "praying" for a Prussian victory!
The British Belgian Congo supplied Nazi Germany with uranium!!
Until the end of WWII, the British Belgian Congo was the only known source of uranium. When the mine was reopened for the Manhattan Project atomic bomb it was missing thousands of tons of ore.
![]() uranium mine. |
![]() uranium mine. |
Congolese slaves did most of the backbreaking and dangerous work of loading the uranium on trains and ships.
The Congo uranium was the purest in the world . . . but also the deadliest due to radiation. A huge amount of leftovers or tailings remained after the Nazis had taken thousands of tons of ore. No special consideration was given to the thousands of African slaves who loaded the uranium on the trains and ships.
![]() Rexist Léon Degrelle (1906–1994). |
![]() Hitler greeting his half-brother at the "Wolf's Lair" in East Prussia. |
When the wicked die they cease troubling the world, but the demons that inhabit them just look for new hosts. That is why the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine are just like their predecessors!
What makes such terrorists doubly dangerous is the fact that they believe that committing such crimes will shorten their time in "Purgatory!"
NATO is the successor of the British Belgian Congo terrorist state!!
The North Atlantic Terrorist Organization was founded in London in 1949, and General Lionel Ismay began serving as Secretary-General in 1952.
![]() General Lionel Ismay (1887–1965). NATO head from 1952 to 1957. |
![]() |
History does repeat itself in marvelous ways. The British Belgian state was founded during the reign of Queen Victoria. The reign of twins Elizabeth and Lilibet began in 1953, and they represented a "kinder, gentler" British Empire . . . until the Suez Canal Crisis in October 1956.
![]() NATO symbol. |
![]() The Arch of the Severed Hands in Brussels. |
While the British monarchs presented a peaceful facade, British Belgium almost triggered Armageddon 4 times: during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of President Kennedy, the 1967 666-Day War, and the Second Pearl Harbor in March 1968.
It's time for a true BREXIT, when Britannia withdraws from Europe completely, and returns the breakaway kingdom of Belgium to heroic Holland.