Russians called Constantinople TSARGRAD!! |
Rome or Constantinople–the queen of cities–fell to the
Terrible Turks on May 29, 1453. The invention of gunpowder cannon
led to the breaching of the massive walls and the fall of the city.
cannon was the most explosive invention until the first atomic explosion
on July 17, 1944.
Turks with horsetail banner storming the walls of Constantinople
in 1453. Emperor Constantine XI is on the left, sword in hand,
refusing to surrender his beloved city. |
After the Conquest
of Constantinople, parents in western Europe, whose children were
misbehaving, would tell them: "BEHAVE
This was no
idle threat as the newly invented printing press disseminated far
and wide the horrors of the fall of the city.

Turkish Janissary
with arquebus.
Turkish Janissaries were the most feared and fanatical
soldiers in the world.
Papal mercenaries were the first army to use gunpowder
cannon and arquebuses.
favorite method of killing was impalement and crucifixion.

Terrible Turkish torture.
The descendents
of those fanatics are now called ISIS or ISIL.
One of the favorite
methods of Turkish execution was impalement. Here is an account
of such impalement by a Genoese merchant named Jacopo de Campi:
the morning of April 29 wore on, however, the nature of the
loss was to assume a more ghastly shape. It transpired that
not all the missing men had drowned. Some forty had swum free
of their sinking craft, and in the darkness and the confusion
of battle they made for the enemy shore and were captured. Mehmet
now ordered them to be impaled in full view of the city as a
punishment and a warning. In horror the survivors watched
the preparations from the walls. What they would have seen has
been graphically recorded by Jacopo de Campi, a Genoese merchant
who spent twenty-five years trading in the Ottoman Empire at
this time:
Grand Turk [makes] the man he wishes to punish lie down
on the ground; a sharp long pole is placed in the rectum;
with a big mallet held in both hands the executioner strikes
it with all his might, so that the pole, known as a palo,
enters the human body, and according to its path, the
unfortunate lingers on or dies at once; then he raises
the pole and plants it in the ground; thus the unfortunate
is left in extremis; he does not live long. |
So "the
stakes were planted, and they were left to die in full view
of the guards on the walls." (Crowley, 1453: The Holy
War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West,
pp. 153-154). |
As the Turks
prepared to conquer all of western Europe, the Popes made a semblance
of opposing them, but this was all for show, because the Popes were
eternally grateful to the Turks for conquering their ancient rival,
The Popes also
faced a dilemma, because even though they wanted the Turks to wipe
out all of Protestant Christian Europe, the conquering Turks might
set their sights on the New World . . . and ignore the Bull of Pope
Alexander VI. The terrible Turks had a very accurate ancient map
of the New World, called the Piri
Reis map, which they found in the great library at Constantinople.
A terrible
Turk was the Father of Rock 'n' Roll!!
Ahmet Ertegun
was the son of a Munir Ertegun-Terrible Turkish ambassador to the
United States from 1934 to 1944. Munir is mostly infamous for his
successful attempt to browbeat and bride MGM Studios into cancelling
a movie that exposed the Armenian Genocide. The book was called
Forty Days of Musa Dagh, and it was written in 1943 by
Austrian Franz Werfel.

Record producer Ahmet Ertegun
Turk Ahmet (Mohammad) Ertegun was the "Father of
Rock 'n' Roll" music.
As co-founder of Atlantic Records, he amalgamated the
black rhythm "n' blues sound with white singers.
sound eventually became known as Rock 'n' Roll.

Ertegun and Mick Jagger after he finally managed to sign
up the depraved Rolling Stones on Atlantic Records.
The big prize
eluded him however, he failed to sign up the Beatles in 1964. To
the fury of the Terrible Turk, his lawyer (Paul Marshall) failed
to sign up the enormous cash cow called the Beatles. That
group was signed up with Vee-Jay and Capitol:
the beginning of what everyone realized was an authentic worldwide
revolution in music, Atlantic suddenly found itself watching from
the sidelines as the money Ahmet believed should have been his poured
instead into other companies. While Ahmet continued doing business
with Paul Marshall over the years, his personal relationship with
the attorney ended on the day he let him go. (Greenfield,
The Last Sultan, pp. 150-151).
As compensation,
Ertegun signed up the degenerate Rolling Stones for a 5-year contract
in 1971. One of the lyrics to a Rolling Stones song said "Let's
spend the night together, mommy."
That could be
one of the reasons why the Beatles
were titaniced in 1966. Terrible Turks are known to
do far worse. The entire rock 'n' roll scene was just a gigantic
PSYOP meant to discredit people who were opposed to nuclear war
and nuclear power plants.
Terrible Turks tried to conquer Germany in 1529!!
After the discovery
of the New World by John Cabot, the next great event was the blessed

Sultan Suleiman I
Reigned from 1520 to 1566.
1529, Pope Clement VII ordered his Terrible Turks to
invade Germany and kill Saint Martin Luther.
spring and summer of 1529 saw the worst torrential downpours
in the history of Europe.
incessant rain delayed the Terrible Turks, and the roads
became impassable, so the massive siege cannon had to
be abandoned.

Ottoman depiction of the
1529 siege of Vienna.
Thanks to the
prayers of Saint Martin Luther, Suleiman's attempted invasion of
Germany was a washout. That attempted invasion alone was enough
proof that the Pope and his Terrible Turks were indeed Antichrist:
is the pope and the Turk together;
a beast full of life must have a body and soul; the spirit
or soul of antichrist is the pope, his flesh or body the Turk.
The latter wastes and assails and persecutes God's church
corporally; the former spiritually and corporally too, with
hanging, burning, murdering, &c. But, as in the apostle's
time, the church had the victory over the Jews and Romans,
so now will she keep the field firm and solid against the
hypocrisy and idolatry of the pope, and the tyranny and devastations
of the Turk and her other enemies. (Table
Talk of Saint Martin Luther, p. 193).
the failure of the Thirty Years' War to destroy Christianity in Germany,
another attempted invasion by the Terrible Turks was made in 1683.
Paul IV said that "the Turks will not fail us"
Pope Paul IV
told Cardinal Morone that he was confident that the Turks would
help him overcome all his enemies.

Paul IV.
Pope from 1555 to 1559. |
Paul IV told Cardinal Morone that the Terrible Turks
would not fail him.
this infallible Pontiff was WRONG because the Terrible
Turks had failed to conquer Germany in 1529.

Cardinal Morone
Here is a brief
quote by an eminent Italian historian named Niccolò
Since the
expiry of the truce, on 8 January, Paul's forces, reinforced with
contingents sent by Henry II of France, had managed to retake
the fortress of Ostia, and a French army under the duke of Guise
was about to invade the Spanish-held kingdom of Naples. But this
was not enough for the eighty-year-old firebrand pontiff, doggedly
determined to remove the Colonnna from their inheritance and the
Habsburgs from Italy's soil. Thus, on that cold winter day while
conversing with Cardinal Giovanni Morone, the pope declared emphatically
that he was prepared to seek every possible ally in his just war
against Philip II of Spain, even from Protestant Germany if necessary.
Morone, who knew the Lutherans well from first-hand experience,
cautioned Paul that the Germans hated the
papacy. The aged former inquisitor glared at the cardinal,
whom he suspected of Lutheran leanings, and hissed, "The
Turks will not fail us."
Paul IV's comment may come as a shock (and Cardinal Morone was
indeed shocked), especially since we imagine St Peter's successors
to be unwavering champions of Christianity and not prepared to
sell their souls to their worst enemy for political reasons. However,
when it came to striking deals with the infidels, Paul was very
much of a latecomer. (Niccolò Capponi, Victory
of the West, pp. 60-61).
successor of Pope Paul IV, "Innocent" XI, tried again
to use the Terrible Turks to conquer Germany.

Vizier Kara Mustafa
Innocent XI sent his Terrible Turks to conquer Germany
once again.
September 11, 1683, the Terrible Turks had Vienna surrounded
once again and they were ready to take the city by storm.
city was saved by King
Jan III Sobieski of Poland.

Turkish army besieging
Vienna in 1683.
This time our
great JEHOVAH used a Polish king named Jan III Sobieski to save Germany
and the blessed Reformation.
Khazars are Terrible Turks!!
is little difference between the people who live in TURKEY and the
people who live in the state that is erroneously called "Israel"
because they are both TURKS. They originated in Khazaria . . . and
not Canaan.

Old Khazaria.
Khazars that presently occupy the Mideast are TURKS
because they originated in the very same area of eastern
Europe as the Turks.
countries are armed to the teeth by the Pentagon and
NATO and both have nuclear weapons pointed at Russia.

New Khazaria.
the conquest of Constantinople by the Terrible Turks in 1453, the
Orthodox moved to Moscow and Moscow became known as the Third Rome.
From that time onward, Russia became the target of the Terrible
and France allied with the Terrible Turks during the Crimean War!!
first bloody Crimean War had as its ultimate objective the total
elimination of Russia as a powerful and influential European nation.
That war was the first truly modern war that saw the use of the
telegraph, railroads, steam powered ships, newspaper correspondents,
photography, etc.,etc.
Britain and France–normally bitter enemies–united in
a military alliance against Russia. They were joined by the Terrible
Turks and the war was called the Crimean War. It lasted from 1854
to 1856.
Alexander II inherited the war from his father, Tsar Nicholas I,
who died suddenly of poisoning in 1855.
Abdul Mejid
Sultan from 1839 to 1861. |
Terrible Turks were allies of the British and French
during the Crimean War.
Terrible Turks were mostly confined to digging trenches
and burying their numerous dead.
of the lower ranks in the British army were recruited
in Ireland and used as cannon fodder.
Lord Palmerston
Prime Minister from 1855 to 1865. |
the English speaking world, the war is mostly famous for the suicidal
charge of the Light Brigade and Florence Nightingale.
The Cuban
Missile Crisis began with nuclear missiles in Turkey!!
Cuban Missile Crisis almost led to the extinction of all life on
became a member of NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization)
in 1952. In 1961, nuclear tipped missiles were installed in Turkey,
just minutes in flight from Crimea. Nikita Khrushchev claimed he
could see them from his villa.

Premier Nikita Khrushchev
British Secret Service agent Nikita Khrushchev
very upset that the Pentagon had installed nuclear
missiles in Turkey.
claimed he could see the missiles from his dacha in
a result, he decided to get his revenge by installing
nuclear missiles in Cuba.

One of the five sites of 3 Jupiter missiles stationed near
Cigli AFB in western Turkey in 1962.
1954, Khrushchev secretly transferred Crimea to UKraine, as a gift,
but he still had a villa or dacha there and claimed he could see
the Jupiter missiles from across the water in Turkey:
Khrushchev initially preferred the Democrat Kennedy to the Republican
Eisenhower, he had come to regard the two presidents as made from
"the same shit." Spending the summer at his villa in Sochi,
on the shores of the Black Sea, he seethed with resentment over
the presence of American nuclear warheads just across the water
in Turkey, five minutes' flying time away. He would hand visitors
a pair of binoculars and ask them what they could see. When the
mystified guests described an endless vista of water, Khrushchev
would grab the binoculars and announce angrily: "I see U.S.
missiles, aimed at my dacha." But he was cheered by the thought
of the surprise he was about to spring. (Dobbs, One Minute to
Midnight, p. 39).
Cuban Missiles Crisis brought the world to the eve of destruction
and it was only the arrest of the Russian Guy Fawkes that prevent
a Pentagon first strike on the Soviet Union.
Roger. 1453:
The Holy War for Constantinople and the Clash of Islam and the West.
Hyperion, New York, 2005.
Victory of the West. The Great Christian Muslim Clash at the Battle
of Lepanto. Da Capo Press, Cambridge, MA, 2006.
Dobbs, Michael.
One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink
of Nuclear War. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2008.
Greenfield, Robert.
The Last Sultan: The Life and Times of Ahmet Ertegun. Simon
& Schuster, New York, 2011.
Saint Martin. Luther's Works. (Jaroslav Pelikan editor). Concordia
Publishing Co. St. Louis, MO, 1972 Edition.
© 2015 by Patrick Scrivener
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