It is amazing how history repeats itself. That is because the Jesuits (Society of Jesus) never change, and they keep using the same diabolical techniques from century to century. The Third Reich Latin Church hierarchy was exclusively Jesuit . . . and the New Jerusalem hierarchy is exclusively Jesuit!
![]() Adolf and daughter Geli in 1930. |
If Hitler was just another "commoner" without a good lawyer, he would have been given a life sentence for murder . . . or a rope necktie....As it was, the White Pope and the Black Pope saw a golden opportunity to use the compromised Hitler to restore the Papal States!
![]() Wlodimir Ledochowski, S.J. Jesuit general from 1915 to to 1942. |
Only the most zealous and fanatical Jesuits are promoted to general, so it is apparent that Ledochowski was the "brains" behind the murder of the Crown Prince.
After the helicopter crash that killed Donald J. Trump, the Trump Organization had 2 options: admit the death of "The Donald," or cover up the crime and proceed with business as usual. Obviously, they chose the second option.
Satan's throne was moved from Pergamos to Berlin in 1878
2000 years ago, Satan's throne was located in Pergamos:
And to the angel of the congregation in Pergamos write; these things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's throne is: and thou holdest fast my name, and you did not deny your faith in me, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth (Apocalypse 2:12-13).
The city of Pergamos in present day Turkey had a massive temple of Zeus.
![]() The ruins of Pergamos. |
![]() A pictorial representation of the massive altar of Zeus. |
Antipas was appointed by Saint John as the first bishop of Pergamos. All hell literally broke loose when he began to make converts in the very capital city of the Wicked One.
Antipas was arrested and compelled to offer a sacrifice to the Emperor. When he refused, he was placed in a huge bronze bull, and roasted alive! To the astonishment of the devil worshippers, he sang and praised Christ the Lord during his slow and agonizing death!
![]() Carl Humann (1839–1896). |
![]() The Pergamon Museum was opened in 1910 to exhibit the artifacts of Pergamos. |
The prize possession of the Pergamon Museum in Berlin is the altar of Zeus.
The First Reich was the fake "Holy Roman" Empire of Charlemagne. Charlemagne was a fake "Holy Roman" Emperor because he was not allowed to reign in the city of the Caesars.
The Second Reich began in 1871, and lasted until the defeat of the Imperial Germany by the New Jerusalem in 1918.
![]() Kaiser William II (1859–1941). Misruled from 1888 to 1918. |
![]() Queen Victoria with her favorite
grandson "Kaiser Bill." |
Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke was fearful of the prospect of Russian troops entering Berlin while he entered Paris. As a result, he lost his nerve, and moved as many as 275,000 soldiers back to East Prussia. Here is an account of that history-changing event from "Kaiser Bill's" cousin Winston Churchill:
And at that culminating moment the Russian pressure began to produce substantial effects. Honour must ever be done to the Tsar and Russian nation for the noble ardour and loyalty with which they hurled themselves into the war. A purely Russian treatment of their military problem would have led the Russian armies into immediate withdrawal from their frontiers until the whole of their vast mobilization was completed. Instead of this, they added to a forward mobilization an impetuous advance not only against Austria but against Germany. The flower of the Russian Army was soon to be cut down in enormous battles in East Prussia. But the results of their invasion were gathered at the decisive point. The nerve of the German Headquarters failed. On August 25 two army corps and cavalry of the German right were withdrawn from France. On August 31 Lord Kitchener was able to telegraph to Sir John French "Thirty-two trains of German troops were yesterday reported moving from the western field to meet the Russians." (Churchill, The World Crisis 1911–1918, p. 147).
Mother Russia has always come back from disasters stronger than ever....However, the President Putin double is keeping both feet on the brakes of the Russian express in order to slow her down!
Houston Steward Chamberlain and Klara Hanover were the real parents of the Führer.
![]() Führer Adolf Hitler (1889–1962). Führer from 1933 to 1945. |
After Hitler murdered his daughter Geli Raubal, he was a complete puppet in the hands of the Nazi hierarchy!
If the Führer had won WWII he would have been crowned "Holy Roman" Emperor by Pope Pius XII, and then sent promptly back to Berlin!
Deutsche Bank financed Adolf Hitler's Third Reich!!
Deutsche Bank was founded in Berlin in the prophetic year of 1870.
![]() Werner von Siemens (1816–1892). |
![]() Georg von Siemens (1855–1919). |
The Siemens Company was founded in 1847. Based on the telegraph, the company improved on the telegraph invented by Samuel Morse.
There is a very close connection between Deutsche Bank and the Siemens company. Germans are not capable of inventing anything original, so without electrification the country would never have become an industrial powerhouse.
The development of the atomic and and hydrogen bombs by Nazi Germany required vast amonts of Tesla's alternating current.
![]() Nazi banker Hermann Abs (1901–1994). |
![]() Herman Abs was a member of the I.G. Farben board of directors. |
Only 4 of the men on the board of I. G. Farben were convicted of war crimes. With Hitler and Eva enjoying their retirement in Argentina, it was business as usual at Deutsche Bank.
![]() Hermann Abs with fellow Nazi banker Franz Ulrich. |
![]() Nazi banker Franz Ulrich (1910–1987). |
It is beyond belief that the Holohoax Edomites never even made a pretense of prosecuting those 2 war criminals, but turned a "blind eye to genocide," and allowed Hitler's bankers to live to a ripe old age!
Sister Rosemary Vrablic financed the Trump Organization!!
It is to be expected that Deutsche Bank would finance the presidential campaign of the German Trump Organization.
![]() Deutsche Bank HQ in Frankfort, Germany. |
![]() in Babylon the Great. |
After the Fall of the Soviet Union, Deutsche Bank opened up a branch in Moscow. Billions of rubles were stolen from Russia, and the money laundered through a Deutsche branch in Cyprus. Then the money was converted into dollars and entered the coffers of the Trump Organzation.
![]() Sister Rosemary Vrablic (b. 1960). |
![]() "Trump" and Sister Rosemany Vrablic. |
Here is a quote about the Trump Organization's special relationship with banker Sister Mary Vrablic:
For the past several years, Deutsche's relationship with Trump had been managed by a banker named Rosemary Vrablic. Serving Trump and his extended family—including the Kuschners clan—had become central to her job, and she wasn't about to let the opportunity to make another loan to her prized client slip away. Vrablic, a slim, stylish woman with short gray hair, was accustomed to getting her way. She was a rainmaker, generating tens of millions of dollars in income for the bank each year. Until recently, she had reported directly to one of the bank's highest ranking U.S. executives, leapfrogging an entire entire level of management. (Enrich, Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction, p. 6).
The real President Putin tried to stop the looting of Russia by Deutsche Bank, and that is why he was assassinated in March 2014.
![]() The inauguration of the Trump double, January 20, 2017. |
![]() inaugural, January 20, 2017. |
When the Democrats claimed that Trump was financed by Russia they were partially right because the money came from Deutsche Bank via Moocow.
Vital Links
Bower, Tom. Blind Eye To Murder: Britain, America, and the Purging of Nazi Germany. Granada Publishing Limited, London, U.K., 1983.
Churchill, Winston S. The World Crisis 1911–1919. (Abridged version, originally 5-volumes).Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1929.
Enrich, David. Dark Towers, Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction. HarperCollins, New York, 2020.
James, Harold. The Nazi Dictatorship and the Deutsche Bank. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 2004.
Kertzer, David I. The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe. Oxford University Press, New York, 2014.
Copyright © 2020 by Patrick Scrivener