At that time, British people HATED foreigners, especially Spanish Inquisition foreigners. "Bloody Mary" was married to Spanish King Philip II, Londoners were vigilant (Gk. grēgoreō) and kept a wary eye on the "loving couple," so she was unable to give birth to her warming pan baby!
That warming pan plot failed . . . but the Prince of Wales Warming Pan Plot almost succeeded!
"Bloody Mary" Tudor was the real virgin queen . . . and not Shake-speare!
The marriage of Prince Arthur to Catherine was arranged by King Henry VII and Spanish sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella. It was an Anglo-Spanish alliance against England's perennial rival France....The marriage was not about love . . . but about producing heirs to the throne.

Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales
(1486 –1502). |
On November 14, 1501, Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales, was married to Catherine of Aragon.
The bride was 15 and the groom was 14.
Royal marriages were strictly business contracts. Unless they were signed by both parties they were invalid.
In that case, CONSUMATION of the marriage sealed the deal!

Catherine of Aragon
(1485–1536). |
After the consummation of the marriage, the bride and groom left together for Ludlow Castle in Wales.

Ludlow Castle in Wales where the
newlyweds spent about 6 months. |
The young couple spent almost 6 months together in Ludlow Castle.
On April 2, 1502, the Prince of Wales died of a mysterious illness!
After determining that she was not pregnant, Catherine should have returned to Spain, as the next in line to the throne was Arthur's brother Henry. |

Tomb of Prince Arthur in
Worchester Cathedral. |
That marriage was considered incestuous by the Holy Bible, so a special dispensation was issued by Pope Julius II.

Young King Henry VIII (1491–1547).
King from 1509 to 1547. |
Henry Tudor, Prince of Wales, married his dead brother's widow on June 11, 1509.
"Warrior Pope" Julius II granted the couple a "license to sin," or dispensation to commit incest.
Very conveniently, Henry's father passed away on January 28, 1509.

Catherine of Aragon (1485–1536).
Queen from 1509 to 1533. |
Henry's mother Elizabeth had already passed away in 1503. Henry and Elizabeth had 2 surviving daughters named Margaret and Mary.

Young "Bloody Mary" Tudor
(1516–1558). |
Henry VIII and Queen Catherine had only one living child: a girl named Mary.
No one expected her to succeed to the throne, so the kingdom would be rent once again by bloody dynastic wars.
In 1522, King Henry contracted a marriage between Catherine and "Holy Roman" Emperor Charles V. |

Young Emperor Charles V
(1500–1558). |
The only connection that "Holy Roman" Emperor had with Roma was the fact that his troops sacked and burned the city in 1527.

Cardinal Jean du Bellay
(1492–1560). |
At that time alliances between England, France, and Spain were shifting daily.
In 1527, King Henry approached Jean du Bellay—the French ambassador—about a marriage between Catherine and Henry, Duke of Orleans.
The ambassador told Henry that he doubted that she was a legitimate heir because he was married to his dead brother's wife! |

King Henry II (1519–1559) was
Duke of Orleans in 1527. |
It was the comment by the French ambassador that Henry's marriage was consanguineous that sparked the great debate about the "King's Great Matter," and the divorce from Catherine . . . and Roma:
'My Lord Cardinal,' quoth the King, 'you have rather advised me to the contrary than been any mover of the same. The special cause that moved me in this matter is a certain scruple that pricked my conscience upon certain words spoken by the Bishop of Bayonne, the French Ambassador who came hither to consult of a marriage between the Princess, our daughter, the Lady Mary, and the Duke of Orleans, second son to the King of France, and upon resolution and determination he desired respite to advertise the King his Master thereof, whether our daughter Mary should be legitimate in respect of my marriage with this woman, being some time my brother's wife, which words I pondering, begot such a scruple in my conscience that I was much troubled at it, whereby I thought myself in danger of God's heavy displeasure and indignation, and the rather because He sent us no male issue, for all the male issue that I had by my wife died immediately after they came into the world, which caused me to fear God's displeasure in that particular. Thus, my conscience being tossed in the waves of troublesome doubts, and partly in despair of having any other issue than I had by this lady, now my wife, it behooved me to consider the estate of this realm, and the danger it stands in for lack of a Prince to succeed me. (Cavendish, The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, pp. 112-113).
From that time onward, the king was determined to divorce Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn.

King Henry VIII circa 1536. |
Clement refused Henry an annulment because he was a
puppet of "Holy Roman" Emperor Charles V.
obtaining a divorce from the new Archbishop of Canterbury,Thomas
Cranmer, Henry
and Anne wed in 1533.
her intellectual brilliance, Anne had to produce a male
heir to continue the Tudor dynasty. |

Queen Anne Boleyn (1501–1536).
Queen from 1533 to 1536. |
Anne Boleyn was the English Esther who entered the lion's den in order to jumpstart the blessed Reformation. Queen Catherine died suddenly in January 1536, and Queen Anne was accused of poisoning her!
That was the real reason why she lost her head in May 1536....She was a queen in England before she became a queen in heaven!!

King Edward VI (1537–1553).
Reigned from 1547 to 1553. |
King Edward was the son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour.
He was known as the English King Josiah because of his zeal to end the Babylonian Captivity.
The young king died of poison, and he was replaced by "Bloody Mary" Tudor. |
 "Bloody Mary" when she began
her reign of terror in July 1553. |
Having a female sovereign was totally unprecedented because the English word queen means the wife of a king. Furthermore, the British lion is a MALE . . . and not a FEMALE!
3 pontiffs presided over the reign of terror of "Bloody" Mary: Pope Julius III, Pope Marcellus II, and Pope Paul II.

Pope Julius III (1487–1555).
Pope from 1550 to 1555. |
Pope Julius III ordered Cardinal Pole to England for the express purpose of hastening the return of Britain to Babylon!
He was succeeded by Pope Marcellus II, who partook of the poisoned chalice after only 22 days.
He was succeeded by the fanatical Pope Paul IV. |

Pope Paul IV (1476–1559).
Pope from 1555 to 1559. |
Cardinal Pole needed no invitation from "Bloody Mary" to return from exile....He had been planning for that day since he conspired to depose King Henry in 1536.

Cardinal Reginald Pole
(1500–1558). |
Cardinal Reginald Pole returned from exile and was appointed papal legate, and Archbishop of Canterbury.
He wasted no time in putting his Counter-Reformation plans into effect.
Bishop Edward Bonner, "Bloody Bonner," turned his episcopal palace in London into a torture chamber, and he enjoyed making his victims confess their "heresy." |

Bishop Edward Bonner
(1500–1569). |
Cardinal Pole was the queen's chief minister and adviser. In return for allowing the owners to keep confiscated monastic lands, he made them promise to revive the defunct Heresy Acts.
"Bloody Bonner" was "Bloody Mary's" chief Inquisitor, and he was responsible for the fiery deaths of over 300 Christians!
"Bloody Mary" remained a virgin while married to King Philip II
The real "marriage" that was never consummated was the "marriage" between "Bloody Mary" and King Philip II. King Philip II succeeded his father Charles V as "Holy Roman" Emperor.

King Philip II (1527–1598).
Misruled from 1556 to 1598. |
"Bloody Mary" and Cardinal Pole believed that a marriage alliance with Spain would hasten the "conversion" of England.
King Philip II arrived in England on July 19, 1554, and the couple were married on July 25.
The queen was 38-years-old at that time!
Their plan was to fake a pregnancy, and introduce a baby in a warming pan! |

Philip and Mary: the fake
"loving couple." |
Philip and Mary held a sham honeymoon:
After ten days of honeymooning in Winchester, the royal couple began their journey back to London, stopping en route at Windsor on the third for Philip's installation as knight and cosovereigns of the Order of the Garter. (Whitelock, Mary Tudor, Princess, Bastard, Queen, p. 258).
Predictably, just 2 months later the "virgin Mary" announced that she was pregnant:
Upon his arrival at Whitehall on November 24, Cardinal Pole addressed Mary with the opening words of the Ave Maria: "Hail, thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women" the word by which the Angel Gabriel had heralded the conception of Jesus. Pole's greeting was, it seems, equally prophetic, Shortly after he left, Mary sent a messenger after him. She had felt her child stir when Pole greeted her; she knew she was pregnant. (Whitelock, Mary Tudor, Princess, Bastard, Queen, p. 273).
Cardinal Pole was determined to bring that prediction to pass. Unfortunately for him, too many people were watching, and Mary never had a private moment to give birth to her warming pan baby!
"Bloody Mary" was just too old to risk a first pregnancy, as her death would deal a serious blow to the Counter-Reformation.
"Bloody Mary" was determined to make Thomas Cranmer recant . . . or face a fiery death!!
In 1553, King Henry VIII appointed Thomas Cranmer as Archbishop of Canterbury. He was a latter-day Ezra as he led England out of their Babylonian Captivity. He authored the Book of Common Prayer, the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England, and he presided at the wedding of Henry and Queen Anne Boleyn.

Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
(1489–1556). |
"Bloody Mary" blamed Thomas Cranmer for everything— even for Henry falling in love with Anne Boleyn!
She believed that the threat of a fiery death would make him recant, and hasten England's return to Roma.
That was when Mary earned her sobriquet "Bloody Mary." |

3 women and a baby burned at the
stake on the Isle of Guernsey. |
The reign of "Bloody Mary" was the "burning time" in England, comparable to the time when King Nebuchadnezzar commanded all his subjects to worship his idol . . . or face a fiery death (Daniel 3:6).
Even the mighty Elijah the Prophet feared the wrath of Queen Jezebel, so in a moment of weakness, Thomas Cranmer recanted some of his former beliefs!

The burning of Bishops Hugh Latimer
and Nicholas Ridley. |
In October 1555, Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley were burned alive at the stake.
Thamas Cranmer feared the wrath of "Bloody Mary," so he recanted some of his former beliefs.
"Bloody Mary" expected him to make a full public recantation, but at that last minute he turned the tables on the she-wolf, and denounced the Pope as Antichrist. |

The hand that signed the recantation
was the first to burn! |
Cranmer was expected to make a full recantation before a packed church of priests and friars:
And now I come to the great thing, that so much troubleth my conscience more than any thing that ever I did or said in my whole life, and that is the setting abroad of a writing contrary to the truth: which now here I renounce and refuse as things written with my hand, contrary to the truth which I thought in my heart, and written for the fear of death, and to save my life if it might be....And for as much as my hand offended, writing contrary to my heart, my hand shall first be punished therefor: for may I come to the fire, it shall be first burnt.....As for the Pope, I refuse him as Christ's enemy and Antichrist, with all his false doctrines. (Whitelock, Mary Tudor, Princess, Bastard, Queen, p. 296).
The church descended into pandemonium.....Cranmer was pulled from the stage by the monks, or arms of Antichrist, and dragged through the streets to the place of execution. True to his word, he held out his right hand in the flames, and made sure that it burnt first!
When "Bloody Mary" heard the news she was furious, she had been deprived of her prey when she expected a great victory over the English Samson.
Queen Henrietta Maria was the spiritual successor of Bloody Mary Tudor!!
Queen Henrietta Maria was as determined as "Bloody Mary" to return England to Catholicism. However, she did not resort to public burnings like her precursor. Her methods were to raise Catholic armies in Ireland and Scotland, and force Parliament to obey the dictates of her Catholic husband Charles.

Henrietta Maria (1609–1669)
mother of King Charles II. |
Henrietta Maria was the great-great-grandmother of George Washington.
In 1641, she instigated a horrible St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in the land of Saint Patrick.
She was also the instigator of the English Civil War, which ended with the beheading of her husband King Charles I.

A pictorial representation of the
Irish St. Bart's Day Massacre. |
Henrietta Maria was a veritable Jezebel on steroids, and her husband Charles was the English King Ahab. Their reigns ended with the English Civil War and the Commonwealth of Oliver Cromwell.

The tomb of "Bloody Mary"
and Elizabeth I. |
Amazingly, "Bloody Mary" and Elizabeth I, (also called Virginia or the "Virgin Queen") are buried in the same tomb in Westminster Abbey.
It was Bloody Mary who was the "Virgin Queen," and not Shake-speare.
Henrietta Maria awaits the Last Day in the Basilica of Saint Denis outside Paris. |

Basilica of Saint Denis
outside Paris. |
"Bloody Mary" was followed on the throne by the fake "virgin" named Virginia, or Elizabeth I. The British colony of Virginia was named after her. During her long reign, King Philip II wanted to visit her queendom uninvited . . . with the help of the "Invincible" Spanish Armada!
Her long reign ended in disaster became she was succeeded by Stuart King James I.
King Henry VIII is buried in Saint George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, and Catherine of Aragon is buried at Petersborough Cathedral in Canterbury. The Saints who were burned by Bloody Mary will receive their resurrection bodies on the Last Day!
Cavendish, George. The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey. J.M. Dent & Company, Aldine House, London, 1761.
Foxe, John. Foxe's Book of Martyrs. First published in 1563. (An online 1848 London edition).
MacCulloch, Diarmaid. Thomas Cranmer: A Life. Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 1996.
Weir, Alison. The Children of Henry VIII. Ballantine Books, New York, 1996.
Whitelock, Anna. Mary Tudor: Princess, Bastard, Queen. Random House, New York, 2009.
Whitaker, Katie. A Royal Passion: The Turbulent Marriage of King Charles and Henrietta Maria of France. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 2010.
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